

Chapter 253 - Shaving the Roots of the Divine Chosen Mystery Realm

Lin Moyu looked at his attributes and remained speechless for a long time. Lin

[Name: Lammergeier]

[Profession: Necromancer (only)]

[Rank: 30 (92.00%)]

[Title: Dragon Warrior King (all attributes +500, skill consumption reduced by 50%)]






[Characteristics: Power of Divinity (Level 30)]


[Special Item: Shenzhou Ding (unavailable)]

[Power of Divinity (Level 30): when upgrading, all attributes are increased by an additional 30%, mental strength recovery speed is increased by 3000%, and fatigue recovery speed is increased by 3000%].


[Toxic Asterisk (Level 3): creates toxin damage within 3 meters, dealing damage equal to 30 points of power per second for 3 seconds].

[Strong Soldier: For 30 seconds, for yourself and your summons, all basic attributes are boosted by 200%, and the damage dealt by all attacks is boosted by an additional 500%. Cooldown time 1 hour.]

The original properties haven't changed much.

One more item [Trait: Power of Divinity (level 30)]

The power of divinity had unexpectedly reached level 30.

Lin Moyu remembered that after stepping onto the highest floor, a large amount of divine energy had all drilled in.

But at that time, he was absorbed by the [Divine State Tripod] and didn't pay attention to these divine energies, much less the power of divinity.

He didn't realize that it was already at level 30.

Each of the four traits provided by the level 30 Divine Power was considered powerful.

Especially the first one, which increases all attributes by 30% when upgraded.

Others increase their points by one level.

The gap will get wider and wider as the levels accumulate.

And Lin Moyu believed that level 30 was by no means the end.

It was only because he himself was only level 30 that the power of divinity was stuck at level 30 as well.

Thinking about the fact that teacher Bai Yi Yuan was only level 5 back then, Lin Moyu felt as if he was dreaming.

But that wasn't what startled him.

With his character's stamina, he was not yet shocked by this.

The reason that really scared him was the Divine Tripod.

The Shenzhou tripod became his possession.

Although he couldn't move it yet, the Divine State Tripod was really in his hands.

"Isn't it true that there won't even be a God's Chosen Mystery Realm in the future~."

The foundation of the Divine Chosen Mysteries seemed to be the Divine State Cauldron, and now the Divine State Cauldron had fallen into one's hands.

Lin Moyu felt that he had plowed the roots of the Divine Chosen Mystic Realm.

There was a ninety-nine percent chance that there wouldn't be a Divine Chosen Mystery Realm in the future.

But so what.

If there was a choice, Lin Moyu would still choose to take away the [Divine State Tripod] without hesitation.

The [Divine State Tripod] and the [Soldier] characters are both related to China in a previous life.

Lin Moyu was eager to solve the mystery and know what was going on.

The skill, Toxic Star Ring, still had to be practiced, and with the power of divinity, his mental power recovery speed had reached 130 times.

It didn't seem too difficult to cultivate.

[Soldier] The character's skill doesn't need to be upgraded, this skill is already strong to the point of being unbelievable.

Once unleashed, it can even second a boss.


With a soft chirp, Mo Yun woke up.

Her gaze instantly flashed with caution, only to relax when she saw Lin Moyu sitting on the side.

"What just happened?" Mo Yun covered her head, feeling the swelling pain.

The mental oppressive force was too great just now, and the aftereffects hadn't completely disappeared.

Lin Moyu said, "I walked to the top, and then the secret realm blew up."

A few black lines appeared on Mo Yun's brain, "You said you walked to the top?"

Lin Moyu nodded, affirming Mo Yun's question.

"Then your power of divinity..."

"Level 30."

Lin Moyu replied lightly, almost scaring Mo Yun into fainting again.

Mo Yun completely lost her usual composure and exclaimed, "How is this possible! This is impossible!"

Lin Moyu quietly looked at her, did this need to be so exaggerated?

If she knew that she had shaved the roots of the Divine Chosen Mystic Realm, wouldn't that turn the world upside down?

Couldn't tell, and Lin Moyu had no intention of telling anyone about it.

He didn't even want to tell Bai Yi Yuan and Lin Moyan before solving the mystery.

Otherwise, he didn't know how to resolve his identity, why he knew the [Divine State Tripod], and why he knew the [Soldier] character.

These words were arcane runes in their eyes.

Seeing how calm Lin Moyu was, Mo Yun could only choose to accept it in the end.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "You're a monster."

Lin Moyu laughed, you can say whatever you like, as you like.

The rushing red light finally disappeared, the ten days had come and gone, and the Origin Rune began its final fusion with Mo Yun.

Mo Yun's body was enveloped in red light and a rune appeared on the back of his left hand.

Lin Moyu recognized it at a glance, it was the word [Ex].

[Ex] Character text.

But Mo Yun didn't recognize it and only knew that it was the Origin Rune, which was mysterious and incomparable.

"What skill?" Lin Moyu asked.

Mo Yun didn't hide it, "The skill is called [Nothing to Block], the speed increases by 10 times for 1 minute, immune to all damage, ignores any obstacles including knots, secret realms and other spatial barriers, cooldown time 10 minutes."

Lin Moyu pondered for a moment after listening, "It's a very powerful skill."

Mo Yun had also read the characteristics of the skill, "Yes, it's very powerful, the skills of the Origin Rune are all very powerful."

This skill can be used to escape or attack.

It turned out that Mo Yun Holy Spirit Unicorn's speed was already very fast, and with this skill, it was even more like a tiger.

Light life aside, if it was used to crash into an enemy, with the attributes of this skill, the damage inflicted would be estimated to be substantial.

The cooldown is also short at 10 minutes.

That way there can be more ways to maneuver.

The smartest thing about the human race is that they can utilize skill combinations to form a wide variety of techniques and tactics.

This increases the war power significantly.

Unlike the dragons who are simple minded and will only come over to fight for their lives.

Mo Yun summoned the Holy Spirit Unicorn and rolled over to sit on it, "... ~It's time for me to go after troubling you for a few days."

"Where are you going to go?" Lin Moyu wasn't surprised.

Mo Yun has dreams of becoming a

 being like the White God.

She needs to practice, she needs to face all kinds of emergencies alone so that she can grow.

It was impossible to follow Lin Moyu all the time and be protected by Lin Moyu, which wouldn't be effective as a workout.

Mo Yun looked in the direction of the central region, "I will leave the central region, it's too dangerous for me."

If she hadn't been chased, she wouldn't have entered the central region and wouldn't have run into Lin Moyu.

But after running into Lin Moyu, it was extremely rewarding for her.

At least it entered the Divine Chosen Mysterious Realm early, tying Bai Yi Yuan's record.

Lin Moyu hmmmed, "Then you pay attention to safety, and remember to notify me if you run into a copy of the [Demon Dragon Hall]."

The positioning teleportation stone given by Mo Yun was still there, so he could go over at any time.

"Good, I'll take note of it!" After Mo Yun finished speaking, she lightly shouted, and the Holy Spirit Unicorn slashed out a (Zhao? Good) white light that shot straight into the sky.

Lin Moyu stood up and stretched, "I should be practicing too."

He had been suppressing his leveling because he wanted to enter the Divine Chosen Mystic Realm at level 30 and obtain the power of divinity.

Finally finished at level 30 at 92% experience as expected.

So now it's time to let go and practice.

With a thought, four legions of undead appeared.

"Go!" Lin Moyu's gaze looked towards the core area of the upper level, and the undead legion instantly filled up their status and headed towards the core area.

The closer you get to the core, the more monsters there are and the higher the level.

Currently in this area, the monster levels were basically centered between levels 55 and 60.

The undead legions split into four and pushed their way across.

It doesn't matter what type of monster you are, it doesn't matter what level you are.

Direct blast.

Lin Moyu followed behind, harvesting a steady stream of experience Liang.

At the same time, it kept releasing the highly toxic astral rings.

Practice your skills without wasting a moment.

It's not as efficient as a copy, but it's better than easy.

All Lin Moyu had to do was give an order, and he didn't have to worry about the rest.

Practicing, too easy.