
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

The City Guards Were Completely Destroyed, Sengoku Was Distressed

Upon receiving the order, the guards swiftly headed to the military camp.

King Goa told the old housekeeper, "Your guess was correct; they took direct action. Inform the nearby Marines to assist in capturing these individuals!"

The military might of the Goa Kingdom might not be enough against such formidable opponents, but the Marines were a different story. King Goa also heard that the Marine hero, Vice Admiral Garp, was in the Kingdom of Goa.

Though the Seven Warlords of the Sea had official recognition, they were still pirates. The idea of pirates attacking their own country and Marine coming to conquer it seemed reasonable. King Goa contemplated bringing the prisoners for a personal trial.

At the city gate, Hancock and her companions discovered it closed, with the kingdom's guards approaching.

Hiyori expressed her frustration, "That king has gone too far! Must he resort to force if the invitation fails?"

Excited, Yamato declared, "They're just Kingdom Guards. I can take them down with one stick!"

In a luxurious villa nearby, a little boy named Watermelon Head gazed out the window.

Observing the impressive force of guards, he declared, "From now on, these shall be mine!"

A gentle voice outside the room interrupted, "Staley! Come down quickly! The king has declared martial law, and all city guards are mobilized. Something significant must have happened!"

At the city gate, Hihe asked Hancock, "Sister Hancock, do you want to fight?"

Hancock replied, "Arias said I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will punish them, no matter how far away they are!"

Naval Headquarters received a distress call from the Kingdom of Goa, and Sengoku, as a member of the World Government, took the request seriously due to the Kingdom's right to participate in the World Summit.

"Pirates attacking the capital?" Sengoku was surprised. Hadn't Garp nearly eradicated pirates in East Blue? How could there still be a pirate threat to a country?

Considering Garp's current location in East Blue, Sengoku thought it would be more efficient for him to intervene directly. He called Garp in Windmill Village, instructing, "The Kingdom of Goa is under attack by pirates. Hurry and provide support!"

Garp, conflicted about leaving and the safety of Luffy, pondered the situation. The pirates in East Blue were typically weak, and the City Guards should handle them. Still, he couldn't ignore the call for help.

His adjutant, Bogart, noticed his dilemma and offered, "Lord Garp, let me go. The recent reports of no major pirates in East Blue might be the work of some hidden strong individual."

After considering, Garp agreed, "Okay, your strength should be sufficient to deal with this pirate group."

Bogart set sail on a Marine warship to the Kingdom of Goa. Upon arrival, they discovered the situation was more severe than anticipated.

The city guards were obliterated, transformed into stone statues and ice sculptures, filling the streets.

King Gaden of Goa appeared pale, with wet pants, having underestimated the combat power of the so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Monsters, real monsters!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of city guards were wiped out. Fortunately, the women had shown no intent to kill him; otherwise, he too would be dead.

Only now did he grasp the true meaning of the term "monster."

"Your Majesty the King, may I ask what happened?" Bogart inquired, looking past the statues.

King Gaden, having found a backbone in Bogart, quickly seized him and accused Hancock and others, "Boa Hancock, the Emperor of Amazon Lily, came to the Kingdom of Goa. I extended an invitation to her as a fellow emperor, but she not only declined but also launched a direct attack!"

"Marine must capture them all!"

His heart bled, realizing the kingdom had lost all its troops. With no means to resist potential attacks, Gaden hoped Marine could apprehend the women without further losses.

Bogart tried to console him and returned to the warship, wondering about the current location of the Dawn. He reported the situation to Naval Headquarters, awaiting their decision.

At sea, Arias sighed. Why were there always individuals seeking their demise? This unforeseen circumstance disrupted his plan. His initial objective was to sacrifice the sword to Juelong. Soon, Celestial Dragons would arrive in the Kingdom of Goa, where Sabo would also confront them, ultimately being rescued by the Revolutionary Dragons. These Celestial Dragons were the targets of his sacrificial sword.

The clever king of the Kingdom of Goa manipulated Hancock and the others into destroying all his city guards, compelling them to depart prematurely. Additionally, this incident might attract the attention of Celestial Dragons, and Arias began to question if the events were influenced by the world's will, perhaps to safeguard the safety of the world's protagonist by driving him out of East Blue.

Hancock acknowledged the severity of the situation, apologizing, "Arias, I'm sorry. I was too impulsive."

Arias reassured her, "It's not your fault; they went too far."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Arias proposed a proactive measure, "Contact Kuja first and have them be on guard to prevent Marine from attacking."

At Naval Headquarters, Sengoku rubbed his head, absorbing Bogart's report. "So, Garden forced Hancock by making them angry and causing them to kill the city guards?" he questioned.

Bogart responded, "Garden claimed to be a victim, but given the nobles' nature, making forced invitations is common. Otherwise, why would Hancock and others have visited so many countries only to Goa? If their intention was to attack, how could the King of Goa be safe?"

After a moment of silence, Sengoku declared, "I understand. You go back to Garp; I will handle this matter."

As he hung up the phone, Sengoku sighed. The implementation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system had eased the pressure on Marine from pirate attacks. Believing that Garden's desire for Hancock and others triggered the conflict, Sengoku hesitated to directly label them as criminals. However, as a World Government member, the Kingdom of Goa had the right to participate in the World Summit, and the complete obliteration of the city guard army demanded accountability.


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