
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

De-Petrification And 300 Million Baileys

The Daybreak surged forward on its return journey towards Nine Snakes Island at maximum speed.

If Marine indeed launches an attack on Nine Snakes due to this issue, it could spell the doom of Amazon Lily. This might transform him into a merciless killer.

With his formidable abilities such as Earth Walking Immortal, Ghost Walking, Illusion Body Barrier, and the Op-Op Fruit, assassinating anyone below Vice Admiral level would be a simple task. Even Vice Admirals might struggle to withstand his lethal skills.

Such assassinations would plunge the Marines into chaos, accelerating the collapse of the world order. However, that wasn't Marine's desired outcome.

Lacking sufficient strength and not having established their own power, engaging in such actions would likely lead to their demise.

Arias fervently hoped that Marine wouldn't force him into this dire situation.

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted his thoughts. Arias answered promptly, "I'm Sengoku!"

Sengoku, the Admiral, got straight to the point. "Did you eliminate the city guards of the Kingdom of Goa?"

Arias maintained a composed tone, showing no signs of surprise. Sengoku's call at this moment could only be related to the Kingdom of Goa. However, considering the circumstances, if Marine intended to attack the Kuja, there would be no need for such communication.

Perhaps, the situation hadn't escalated to that point yet.

Arias acknowledged the undeniable nature of the petrification and freezing incidents with a straightforward admission:

"Yes, the Kingdom of Goa forced my wife to attend the banquet. She politely declined, but they used troops to forcibly take her away, resulting in a conflict. However, we did not kill the King of Goa."

Sengoku listened to Arias's explanation, understanding that Arias did not seek trouble, making the situation easier to handle.

"I know the fault is not entirely yours, but now that the Kingdom of Goa demands severe punishment on you, we must provide an explanation!"

Arias, his hand instinctively resting on the knife at his waist, asked, "Oh? What do you want?"

Sengoku proposed a plan he had contemplated for a while: "You should return immediately to de-petrify the petrified soldiers. If the freezing can be lifted, it's best to do so as well. Then, compensate the Kingdom of Goa with 500 million beli. I will send someone to negotiate for peace, and let this matter be settled."

Arias considered the proposal; removing petrification was feasible, but 500 million beli was a significant amount. Additionally, he had only 300 million at the moment. 

"Sengoku Admiral, there's no problem in lifting the petrification, but the freezing cannot be undone. The frozen soldiers are already dead. As for the compensation, I can provide only 300 million beli; that's my limit."

After a moment of thought, Sengoku, aware that Arias's funds primarily came from pirate bounties and that Amazon Lily was not wealthy, agreed.

"Alright! I, Garp, will accompany you to handle this matter in the Kingdom of Goa. Return as soon as possible!"

After the call, Arias breathed a sigh of relief. The situation hadn't escalated, but he couldn't afford to let his guard down, considering the potential intentions of the Marines.

On their way back to the Kingdom of Goa, they passed an island named Haric. Arias instructed Yamato Hiyori and Salome to disembark there:

"Hancock and I will go to the Kingdom of Goa to resolve this matter. You two stay here and wait."

Yamato received another transponder snail from Arias with specific instructions:

"If it's safe, I'll call you. If you don't get my call, it means this is Marine's plan. Hide and find a way to escape."

Yamato, eager to assist, expressed, "I can help in the fight!"

The determined Hiyori, a petite figure, also insisted that she wouldn't back down. Salome, not wanting to be separated from Hancock, echoed similar sentiments.

Arias shook his head, explaining, "Although Garp is a Vice Admiral, he possesses Admiral-level combat power. Even with your inclusion, we wouldn't stand a chance. But if it's just me and Hancock, we might have a chance to escape."

Had it not been for Hancock personally taking action to remove the petrification, Arias would have considered going alone. Yamato pledged, "If you get arrested, I will definitely rescue you."

Arias said nothing more and led Hancock towards the Kingdom of Goa.

At the port, Garp's warship had already arrived. King Gaden of Goa personally greeted Garp and remarked, "Vice Admiral Garp, you must use some vicious sea claws!"

Garp, without even looking at him, casually responded, "Sengoku has contacted Arias. They agreed to lift the petrification on your soldiers and compensate you with 300 million beli. The matter is concluded."

Gaden was stunned, exclaiming, "They've committed such a heinous act, how can it end here?"

Garp pointed at the petrified soldiers and asked, "Do you want these soldiers to be resurrected, or do you want them to remain dead?"

Gaden fell into silence, torn between his desire for the stunning beauties and the lives of his soldiers. With a crowd of onlookers, he reluctantly suggested, "Wouldn't it be better to capture them and force them to remove the petrification from these soldiers?"

Garp wore a puzzled expression, "Not to mention that pirates of this caliber are challenging to catch. Even if captured, they'd likely prefer death over surrender or use the situation to negotiate their release. Instead of pursuing that route, it's better to have them remove the petrification, and you'll still receive 300 million beli as compensation."

As he spoke, the Daybreak came into view, causing all the sailors to tense up.

Arias, holding a wooden box and Hancock's hand, disembarked. Ready to use his Earthly Immortal ability if Garp showed hostility, Arias greeted, "Vice Admiral Garp, good to see you again."

Garp responded with a smile, "Quickly remove their petrification, and we can conclude this matter."

Arias nodded and tossed the wooden box to Garp, saying, "Three hundred million Baileys, check it out."

The old butler next to Garden promptly opened the box, confirming, "Your Majesty, it is indeed a full three hundred million beli."

Garden, however, kept his eyes fixed on Hancock, prioritizing her over the monetary compensation.

"Your Majesty!" the old housekeeper called again, bringing Garden back to reality. Realizing the situation, Garden sighed, recognizing that Marine's decision was now irreversible.

Arias signaled to Hancock, who promptly removed all the petrification from the soldiers.

Garden handed the wooden box to the old housekeeper for safekeeping. Still reluctant, he extended an invitation, "Now that the matter is settled, please come to my palace for a banquet!"

Arias was surprised at the audacity, noting the old king's short memory. However, Garp dismissed the offer impatiently, "No! Let's all go back."

With that, he turned and headed back to the warship. The unresolved matter of Luffy's assassination lingered in his thoughts, leaving him uneasy after being away for too long.

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