
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Invitation From The Kingdom Of Goa

Garp observed as the dawn faded into the horizon.

"Is it truly him who assassinated Luffy yesterday?" he pondered.

"If it is, what could be his motive?"

"Does he hold a grudge against me, or is it against the dragon?"

Garp's playful demeanor vanished as the reality of Luffy's attack set in. It was the most significant event for him.

"There's also that peculiar robot, capable of invisibility, resembling humans and moving seamlessly. Even Vegapunk may not possess such an ability!"

"It's a shame the robot exploded, shattering into pieces."

Garp decided to remain in this location temporarily. With Luffy's current residence exposed, he needed to relocate him.

On the Daybreak, Arias and Hancock sat on the deck, sipping tea together.

This tea, brewed by Salome, had a unique quality. According to her, since becoming a maid, she naturally acquired the skill to make tea at "two, four, seven." Quite impressive.

"But what's the use of this skill?" Arias wondered.

On the bright side, Salome, in her human form, proved to be adept at sailing, ensuring a smoother voyage.

The white puppet was in disrepair, motivating Arias to create an even better one. However, with no updates on Baoshu Adam, he refrained from refining the black puppet.

Feeling Juelong at his waist, Arias decided it was time to hone his sword skills.

Glancing across the deck, he noticed Hiyori, the petite swordswoman, practicing diligently, while Yamato learned the newly taught Bajiquan.

As Hancock enjoyed her tea, she suddenly addressed Arias, "Why not bring Salome along?"


Despite her ability to transform into a human, she's still a snake! Do you want me to be Xu Xian? But the thought of Salome in maid form is quite enticing!

"It's not impossible..."

Windmill Village, originally part of the Kingdom of Goa, took them only half a day to reach the Kingdom of Goa's port.

"You guys go shopping first. I'll guard the ship and need to refine some things, by the way."

Arias entered the refining room, with Yamato and Hiyori following closely. Without hesitation, they leaped off the Dawn and marveled at the bustling city.

Hancock wished to stay, but Arias insisted, "Salome has just transformed into a human and surely wants to explore a human city. Take her with you. If you need anything, use the phone bug to contact me. I'll stay here, no problem."

Hancock nodded, departing with Salome and Yamato.

Despite occasional disputes sparked by their beauty, a few demonstrations of power quickly earned them awe and respect from onlookers.

In the refining room, Arias contemplated. Instead of directly refining the black puppet, he sought a way to expand the space within the capsule, ideally accommodating the entire Dawn.

Expanding space presented a challenge.

However, solutions eluded him.

While a small capsule could hold ten cubic meters, Arias pondered the possibility of directly increasing its volume.

Could the space be expanded?

Though it might complicate transportation, it was safer than leaving the Dawn at the port.

Acting on the idea, he began hammering with various tools. Enhanced by Juelong's refinement, he gained a deeper understanding of weapon crafting.

In the Kingdom of Goa, atop a tall building, a blond man observed Hancock and her companions strolling through the streets, his eyes filled with astonishment.

"Go check the backgrounds of those women!"

The waiter beside him promptly took the order and departed.

"What a beautiful woman, I must have her!"

However, when the guard brought crucial information, his expression shifted.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea, Emperors of the Amazon Lily?"

Their status was no lower than his, and it represented formidable strength. In the pirate world, he understood the power these individuals possessed, capable of world-altering actions.

Yet, their beauty captivated him, making him reluctant to abandon the pursuit.

A gray-haired old housekeeper by his side whispered, "Wang, do you wish to pursue these women?"

He glanced at the old butler, finding the suggestion obvious. After encountering such stunning women, what man wouldn't desire them?

The old housekeeper grinned mysteriously, "Wang, their status is lofty, but you may still have a chance!"

"Oh? Tell me more!" The man signaled for the old housekeeper to elaborate.

"King, such and such, such and such..."

The man burst into laughter, "Exactly! If this can be accomplished, I'll appoint you Minister of Finance!"

"Thank you, Wang!" the old housekeeper exclaimed with joy.

In the city, a group of guards suddenly appeared in front of Hancock and the others, who were exploring the beautiful country in the East Blue.

The captain bowed respectfully, "Dear Emperor Amazon Lily, our king has learned of your presence and invites you to the palace as honored guests."

Hancock ignored him entirely, stating, "No!"

The guard captain appeared somber at the rejection.

"Your Majesty the Queen, is it too impolite to decline King Goa's invitation in this manner?"

Hancock paid no attention and walked forward confidently.

Yamato chimed in, "We have no interest in going. Your messy invitation is quite impolite!"

The little girl added, "Our arrival isn't a diplomatic affair. Why should we accept your invitation?"

The guard, unaware of Hancock's identity, grew angry. As the king's personal guard, he considered himself formidable in East Blue. To him, they were just women, even if one was a queen.

Frustrated, he deployed troops to block their path, insisting, "If His Majesty the King invites you, kindly come to the palace for a discussion!"

Repeated obstructions fueled the women's anger.

"You're being unreasonable! We have no desire to go, so why force us to be guests?" Hiyori, educated as a princess, attempted a diplomatic approach.

Hancock, however, dismissed diplomacy. She frowned and snorted, "You're really asking for trouble!"

In an instant, 2.6 shots of Mero Mero Mellow were unleashed, turning all the guards into stone.

"Monster!" Passersby, witnessing the spectacle, believed it to be witchcraft and scattered in fear.

"Monsters! They're witches!"

Chaos erupted on the street, prompting several people to lose interest in their leisurely stroll.

"So disappointing, Sister Hancock. Let's leave; this country is so bothersome!" Hiyori expressed her displeasure, her enjoyment ruined.

In the palace of King Goa, a guard hurriedly reported, "Your Majesty the King! The woman you sought to invite is a witch! Francis and others have all been petrified!"

Rather than being alarmed, King Goa was delighted.

"Notify the Kingdom Guards! A witch is attacking the Kingdom Guards. Seal the city gates immediately and subdue her!"

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