
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Treasure Tree Adam, Another Devil Fruit

Garp departed, and Arias, along with Arias, found themselves too disinterested to continue their conversation with him, opting instead to return to the Dawn.

"You navigate back slowly, and I'll retrieve our belongings!" Arias instructed Hancock before he opened the phantom barrier and leaped into the sea.

Upon reaching the shore, they promptly burrowed into the ground. Meanwhile, Garden and his companions were en route to the palace, unaware that Arias had already infiltrated its confines.

"Haha, daring to pilfer my funds, are we?" Arias chuckled to himself as he strolled toward the palace, spotting a blond boy practicing swordsmanship in a nearby garden.

Silently approaching the boy, Arias incapacitated him with a swift blow, then gripped the lad's neck firmly.

"Where is the palace treasury?" Arias demanded, his tone leaving no room for defiance.

Terrified, the boy, on the verge of shouting, felt the grip on his throat tighten. "If you scream, I will crush your throat," Arias warned.

The boy ceased struggling, and as the pressure lessened, he spoke in a hushed tone, "Who are you? If you dare to rob the palace treasure house, your father will definitely kill you!"

Arias tightened his grip once more. "This is the last warning! Answer truthfully, or I'll end you right here."

The boy, realizing the gravity of the situation, nodded frantically.

As suspected, the boy turned out to be Garden's son, possessing knowledge of the treasure house's location.

Having obtained the information he sought, Arias knocked the boy unconscious with the hilt of his knife and swiftly made his way towards the treasure house.

Despite being guarded by a team of sentinels, Arias circumvented the main entrance, entering the treasury through the walls via a room space cover.

Inside, a spectacular array of paintings, calligraphy, artifacts, and gold jewelry adorned the treasure house, reflecting the Kingdom of Goa's status as the most opulent country in the East Blue.

"Mine! Mine! It's all mine!" Arias exclaimed with glee as he quickly filled a pouch wrapped around his waist with the treasures from the jeweled treasure house.

However, amidst the opulence, a piece of wood in the corner caught his eye. Upon closer inspection, Arias realized its significance.

"Hmm? This is it?" Arias marveled, discovering that the piece of wood matched the description of the Adam tree branch from ancient books. "It's really it! It takes no effort to find it after breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere!"

Although not suitable for boat construction, the treasure wood held immense value for other purposes. Arias carefully pocketed it, only to find an almost rotten wooden box underneath.

Upon opening the box, it disintegrated, revealing a round fruit – a Devil Fruit.

"Devil Fruit?" Arias exclaimed in shock, surprised to find such a rare and powerful item in the Goa Kingdom's palace. The decay of the wooden box hinted at the fruit's long-forgotten storage, perhaps overlooked by the Goya royal family.

Arias knew he had stumbled upon a remarkable discovery, as this trip yielded not only the Treasure Tree Adam branch but also a valuable Devil Fruit and a trove of treasures. These findings would serve as the blueprint for his ascent in the pirate world.

Using the room cover once more, Arias exited the treasure house without disturbing anyone. As he stepped out of the palace, he witnessed Garden's return in the royal chariot. Fortunately, Arias remained concealed within the phantom barrier, ensuring no one noticed his presence.

"It's time for my money to be returned," Arias declared resolutely.

The wooden box, originally containing 300 million beli, underwent a transformation under Arias's command. With a swift and silent motion, the box that Garden had placed in the carriage emerged and disappeared into Arias's pocket, thanks to his phantom-impaired abilities.

The entire royal city remained shrouded in the aftermath of the city guards' demise. Both nobles and commoners kept their doors tightly closed, reluctant to venture outside.

Reaching the beach, Arias leaped into the sea, following the route prearranged with Hancock. Two hours later, they returned to the Daybreak.

Using a phone bug to assure Yamato and Hiyori of their safety, Arias and Hancock set course for Harwich Island.

"Who is she?" Arias questioned as he disembarked on Harwich Island with Hancock, noticing Xiao Rihe and someone trailing behind him.

The newcomer was a scrawny, unkempt little girl. Salome happily approached Hancock and linked arms with her, while Arias observed the girl.

Her purple hair had formed clumps due to a lack of washing, her clothes were in tatters, and her bare feet bore cuts from walking on rough terrain.

This was a wandering child, a common sight in the pirate-ravaged world where the World Government attacked non-member countries, and pirates plundered and massacred cities.

Most of these children didn't survive long, succumbing to hunger, cold, or violent struggles for food. Those who did endure were either exceptionally fortunate or possessed extraordinary talents.

Through Ri's narration, Arias gleaned the story of the child. Her parents were killed by pirates, and she managed to escape by hiding in a vat. However, with no surviving family, she found herself without a source of income.

Pirates looted all valuables from her home, and even the house itself was seized by malevolent neighbors. The plight of this young girl mirrored the harsh realities faced by countless others in the unforgiving world they inhabited.

Kicked out and left to navigate the harsh realities of life, Carina resorted to rummaging through trash, begging, stealing—anything to secure food and survive.

On one fateful day, as Yamato and Hiyori awaited Arias at the beach, Carina happened to pass by. Observing their fine clothes and assuming they were affluent young ladies, she targeted the capsules hanging from their waists, hoping to steal and sell them for money.

However, both Yamato and Hiyori possessed knowledge and capabilities beyond Carina's reach. Attempting to steal from the two knowledgeable individuals proved futile, and she was caught red-handed.

Despite their initial anger, Yamato and Hiyori couldn't stay mad at the frail and trembling little girl. After a brief inquiry, they learned about Carina's tragic past and offered her some food.

In awe, Carina watched as the two sisters extracted a large piece of meat from small beads on their belts and devoured it. Intrigued, she knelt before them, pleading to be taken in.

"Her name is Carina," Rihe informed Arias, recounting everything about the young girl.

Carina—the same girl who had once competed with Nami. Known for her exceptional thieving skills and intelligence gathering abilities, she possessed a flexible mind that rivaled even Nami's.

"Brother, Carina can contribute a lot, and you won't be disappointed!" Rihe assured, while Carina's eyes sparkled with determination.

Observing the dynamics, Arias touched his chin thoughtfully. It seemed that this good-looking man held the authority to make decisions.

Despite her youth, Carina had honed an accurate ability to read people during her struggle for survival. Convinced that these people weren't malicious and wouldn't abuse her, she saw this opportunity as her chance to escape the cycle of cold and hunger. Carina was determined to seize this chance, uncertain of how many more days she could endure the hardships she faced.

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