
Nature's Remnant, A New Dawn (Marvel/Harry Potter xover)

A boy of divine-nature gets displaced in a HP/Marvel Universe. It starts off in the HP world with Marvel elements slowly being introduced in the story. I don't know what else I'm supposed to write here. Writing a synopsis is too hard!

Allgod · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Triwizard Tournament

Hermione started spending less and less time in the library after her two friends made up, which happened when Harry got sent to the infirmary. She used to be in the library every single day, while now it was every other day at most.

Daphne looked somewhat happy about that. She and Atreus became closer due to how much time they got to spend together. Luna usually hummed in the background and chipped in from time to time, but Daphne didn't seem to mind her at all. Until the two of them had a talk, Atreus didn't know what they discussed, but Daphne looked somewhat scared when looking at Luna afterward.

Hermione did, however, bring Harry with her from time to time when she came. The boy was awkward, but he got along with their small group. Jor always made sure to pop out and make fun of Harry for his funny accent. The boy even made quite the effort to fix his accent as he always seemed embarrassed whenever the Occamy pointed it out.

Atreus, on the other hand, used this chance to observe Harry's rune discreetly. He didn't make any progress, though. No matter how he looked at it, there was something very wrong with it. Atreus had a feeling that he might get more answers if he managed to find what he had been looking for in the castle. However, he had no idea where exactly to look for a book on souls. Luna was adamant it was in Hogwarts, even going as far as telling him there were two places where he could find it, but she didn't say where they were.

Another thing Atreus noticed was that Dumbledore kept sneaking glances at Luna with what he assumed to be was fear. He was honestly sad that he had missed out on seeing the little girl scare the Headmaster. That would've been a sight to see. Atreus also noticed that there was always something following Luna during her night trips. It usually burst into flames before he saw it, so he figured it was probably a phoenix. Dumbledore's phoenix, to be exact, as his parents told him about the Headmaster's familiar.

The days continued on, without anything particular happening until the end of the month, the 30th of September.

As per usual, Atreus was already sitting in a chair with a book in his hands. It was early in the morning, so there was no one else in the Common Room. However, shortly that changed.

Daphne stumbled out of the girls' dorms with half-lidded eyes. She stumbled over to a chair near Atreus and plopped herself on it. He shot her an amused look before his gaze returned to the book in his hands. Daphne stared at him in annoyance before she huffed once, twice, but that didn't seem to work. She crossed her arms beneath her chest and looked at him angrily.

"Good Morning," Atreus finally said with an amused smile.

"Just Morning. It's definitely not good!" Daphe huffed, keeping her arms beneath her chest as she noticed where his gaze was.

"My eyes are up here," Daphne pointed with one hand while resisting the urge to smirk.

Atreus fake coughed in embarrassment, "Ah, yes. Sorry about that."

It's not like Daphne had the most generous chest in the school; some seventh-year students were very, very gifted in that area. She was on the smaller side, but when she pushed her breasts with her arms, well, it's safe to say that Atreus was at least interested in what he saw there.

"I still don't believe that you sleep," Daphne deflated back into her chair, barely resisting the urge to fall asleep right there and then. She had tried waiting for Atreus to return from wherever he went every night a few times, but she always ended up just going to her room after feeling sleepy. Yet every single morning, he was in the Common Room before anyone else. Daphne had even started making an effort of waking up early just because of this... idiot.

"And as I always tell you, I had a very fruitful sleep," Atreus replied with a smirk. He could go for a few days without sleeping, and he won't have much of a problem with that, but it was always better to be prepared for anything. His father taught him that.

Daphne just rolled her eyes at him. She didn't understand him at all. Atreus was definitely an enigma, one she planned on finding more about.

"Wanna take a walk?" Atreus asked. He still had hopes of finding the locations Luna told him about.

"Sure, as long as it will keep me from falling asleep," Daphne said, standing up and straightening her clothes.

"Wow!" Atreus gasped, "I didn't know you found me THIS boring."

"Wasn't it obvious?" Daphne rolled her eyes. Yeah, she woke up before anyone else because she found him boring.

After leaving the Common Room, Daphne stopped him, "When you are escorting a woman, you have to do this," she lifted his left arm and sneaked her hands around his bicep.

Immediately, Daphne noticed that he was ripped. She lightly squeezed his bicep, and it was rock hard, even though he didn't seem to be flexing. She was more than impressed.

Atreus looked around before turning to her with a cheeking grin, "I don't see a woman around here."

"Prat," Daphne slapped his shoulder, "Just lead the way."

Shortly after they began their walk, Daphne asked, "Why do you think everyone is supposed to gather at the evening feast?"

"Maybe the tournament I told you about? Draco has been talking about it recently as well," Atreus answered while looking through every nook and cranny.

"You're probably right," Daphne nodded and questioningly looked at him, "Are you looking for something?"

"Yeah," Atreus confirmed, "But I'm not sure exactly what it is. All I know is that it's something hidden in the castle."

"Like the Chamber of Secrets?" Daphne asked.

Atreus turned to her with interest in his eyes, "And what is this Chamber of Secrets?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest. Apparently, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in the castle, of which the other three founders knew nothing. Only his true heir is supposed to be able to access it, and some rumors were going about it two years ago. Supposedly Potter was involved in it, so he might be able to tell you more."

Atreus smiled at her. Finally, he had a hint and even someone to ask about it.

"There seem to be lots of rumors about Harry," Atreus noted.

"It comes with the fame," Daphne shrugged her shoulders, "Potter's been one of the most famous wizards ever since he was a baby."

"How come?" Atreus asked. He had watched him in class, and Harry was an okay wizard, but he wasn't anything special. Hermione, for example, was much better than him.

"You don't know, do you?" Daphne asked, to which he shook his head in response, "It's all due to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, who attacked Potter's family. The Dark Lord killed his parents before using the Killing Curse on him. Somehow Potter not only survived the curse, which was believed to be impossible, but he also managed to take out He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named while he was just a baby."

Atreus blinked his eyes a few times. This seemed wrong, no matter how he looked at it.

"Why?" He asked.

"Huh?" Daphne tilted her head.

"Why would this Dark Lord specifically target Harry's family, and why would he even use this impossible to survive curse on a baby, when he could just use any simple spell to do the job?" Atreus asked.

That was just overkill. Although, it wasn't as bad as someone slaughtering an entire race due to a stupid prophecy... Atreus' eyes bulged at that.

There was no way Harry was involved in a prophecy, was there?

"What?" Daphne asked, seeing his expression.

"Nothing, nothing," Atreus quickly said.

"Really?" Daphne questioned, not believing him the slightest.

"Yep," Atreus nodded and pointed to the side, "Let's go this way. We can loop around and reach the morning feast before it starts."

Daphne shook her head, knowing that Atreus was hiding something. Then again, she was already aware that there was a lot more to him than meets the eye. Deciding not to think about it too much, she just made herself more comfortable by hugging his arm a bit tighter and slightly leaning into him. Both had the same thought as they walked through the castle hallways. This felt nice.

The day continued on, and classes passed one by one. The time for the evening feast was nearing, and most students were already in the Great Hall. The rest were somewhere close by. Those that knew more than the rest, mainly the Slytherins, were outside, expecting the arrival of the other schools.

Atreus was standing alongside Daphne, Blaise, and Tracey. The two, Blaise and Tracey, who he found out were a couple, were standing next to each other. Both of them had a hand over the waist of the other as they patiently observed.

"You should look in the air," Atreus leaned in and whispered to Daphne.

"There's nothing there," Daphne whispered back. Atreus just smirked in response, and she pinched him in annoyance, Not that it had much of an effect on him. "Prat."

Daphne looked at the sky again, and this time she spotted something in the distance. At first, it was a small dot, which quickly increased in size as it neared them. She then saw it was a gigantic powder-blue carriage that was being pulled by massive winged horses. It was honestly quite the sight.

Hagrid was on the ground and waved around, directing the carriage where to land. Not a moment after it landed, the water of the Great Lake bubbled, and a massive pirate ship emerged from within.

"They sure know how to make an entrance," Daphne commented, and Atreus agreed with her.

All the students soon entered the Great Hall. Dumbledore stood up and gathered everyone's attention.

"This castle will not only be your home this year but also to some special guests as well. I have the 'pleasure' to announce that this year Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament. For those of you who don't know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of dangerous magical contests. From each school, only a single student will be selected to compete. Let me be clear that if you are chosen, you will stand alone!"

"Now, let us all welcome the elegant students of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress Madame Maxime!"

The doors to the Great Hall opened as the Beauxbatons students entered. All of them were dressed in elegant light blue outfits that were much better than the clothes worn at Hogwarts.

The girls were in the front and leading the way. Gracefully they walked between the four tables and curtseyed in greeting. They were all good-looking, but almost all the males in the Great Hall were staring at one particular one. While the rest walked, Fleur glided with an elegance they just weren't able to match.

Atreus had to admit, she was beautiful. However, he thought Fleur looked way more attractive when he had seen her running through the forest and defending herself from the Death Eater. He wasn't sure why; he just felt like that.

The boys were ignored in favour of the girls, but Madame Maxime's large stature was a different case. She towered over everyone else and was even larger than Hagrid. Only in height, of course, he beat her in width by a large margin.

Dumbledore walked over with a big smile on his face to greet her. He took her large hand and kissed her knuckles, "Madam Maxime."

However, Dumbledore didn't receive the same warm response from her, "Dumbledork, where is 'e?" She practically demanded.

Dumbledore sighed. He should've figured this was going to happen, considering how significant were the Flamels to Beauxbaton and its current standing. He directed her gaze to Atreus, and Maxime marched over with a loving smile on her face.

"Mr. Flamel," Maxime started in French before he interrupted her, "Just Atreus."

He was considering creating a spell that would make a sign over his head that said, "You can just call me Atreus."

Maxime was surprised, but the loving smile never left her face as she continued. "Atreus... it's a great pleasure to meet you! Your parents spoke highly of you in our letters and are very proud of you. You look like a fine young man!"

"Madame Maxime," Dumbledore coughed to the side, and she looked at him with venom. However, after a moment, Maxime sighed, understanding that this wasn't the time and place.

"Atreus, if you ever need anything, and I mean ANYTHING, you are free to come to talk to me. I will be glad to assist you in any way possible. I would also love if you just come to speak with me. There is so much I wish to learn about you," Maxime said before walking away. She reached Dumbledore and stood by his side.

"So it seems it's true," Daphne noted next to him.

"What?" Atreus asked.

"About 60 years ago during the Global Wizarding War, Beauxbaton's was attacked, and its library had been razed. The school only survived due to your parents donating their personal collection of books to it," Daphne informed him.

Atreus nodded. It made sense for them to do that since both Nicolas and Perenelle had fond memories of Beauxbaton. It also explained why Maxime had reacted this way to him. In a way, Atreus was happy he didn't choose to attend Beauxbaton. Although he liked the attention, he would've been swarmed by the students there.

"And it seems you have gained a bunch of admirers," Daphne said, and he followed her gaze.

The Beauxbaton students were directed to sit with the Ravenclaws. Almost all of them were staring at him, Fleur included. She had her pretty blue eyes slightly narrowed, remembering that she had met Atreus once about a year ago. Back then, he had been accompanied by a man and a woman. Her father had even mistaken the woman for... Fleur's eyes widened in realization. It all made sense now and wasn't that interesting.

"... and their Highmaster, Bozhidar Grigorov!"

The Durmstrang students entered. They were dressed in a uniform consisting of a cape made from matted, woolly fur, fur hats, and blood-red robes. The boy held staffs in their hands, which they whirled around and slammed the floor with.

Fleur studied them with intrigue. Every since the event after the World Cup, she had been more than interested in staffs. However, very few wizards or witches used them since they weren't considered as a flexible conduit for magic. She's had absolutely no success in figuring out who was the man that had saved her and Gaby.

The attention of almost all of the students was focused on Viktor Krum, and even Atreus remembered him as the Bulgarian's Seeker. He was tall with broad shoulders and short hair. And judging by how he was the last to enter with the Highmaster following a bit behind him, he was the most important of them all.

After a few words between Bozhidar and Dumbledore, the Headmaster ordered the beginning of the feast. The Durmstrang students were seated next to them, and the Slytherins swarmed Viktor, asking him question after question. The Bulgarian responded with short words as if he was very much used to this already.

Atreus was starting the get bored and was ready to leave, but the Headmaster stood up as Flitch, the caretaker, pulled over a large object covered with a cloth.

"Your attention, please!" Dumbledore called out.

"The choosing of the champions for the Triwizard Tournament will be done impartially by a magical device, the Goblet of Fire!" Dumbledore pulled the cloth away, revealing a goblet made out of brown wood with a blue fire burning within it.

"The Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Barty Crouch, will be the one to explain more about the rules for participating."

A man with short grey hair with a neat parting and a narrow toothbrush mustache stood up.

"After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of 17 will be allowed to put their name in the Triwizard Tournament."

Barty's statement was met with raw anger from the students. Apparently, they were eager to risk their lives for a bit of fame. When they quieted down, Dumbledore was the one to continue.

"Any student wishing to participate in the tournament has to write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it in the Goblet of Fire. The chosen will be picked on the 31st of October. Do not do so lightly! If chosen, there is no turning back."

Atreus watched as Dumbledore took out his wand and cast a spell around the Goblet of Fire. It seemed like an age line, but... was that it?

"As of this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun," Dumbledore announced and returned back to his table.

Atreus just stared, barely resisting the urge to laugh. Only 17-year-olds are permitted to enter, and an age line prevented the younger ones? Oh, he had to abuse this while he had the chance. He quickly opened his bag, taking out a parchment and a quill.

"What are you doing?" Daphne asked him.

Atreus just started laughing as he quickly wrote his name on the parchment. He then threw it in the air and used his magic to float it above the goblet before letting it drop. Participating in the tournament seemed a lot better than watching it. Hopefully, he would get picked.

Everyone in the Great Hall stared at Atreus in shock as he was the first one to even put his name in the tournament. The younger ones, who were eager to participate as well, quickly started looking around for a piece of paper to write their names on. Dumbledore also realized his mistake and swiftly took out his wand to cast even more spells around the goblet.

In the meantime, Atreus grabbed Daphne's hand and cast a Disillusionment Charm on both of them.

"Let's go," Atreus said and pulled her away from the Great Hall.

When Dumbledore turned to look at Atreus with disappointment, he found that the young man was already gone. He couldn't even go and search for him as Maxime was staring at him in pure rage, "Dumbledoor!"

After leaving the Great Hall, Daphne turned to him and slapped his shoulder, "Are you crazy? Even Dumbledore said the tournament will be dangerous."

"Are you worried about me?" Atreus asked, still having a wide smile on his face. He found it funny how easy he managed to enter the tournament.

"No!" Daphne denied and looked away.

"Don't worry. I've stared danger right in its eyes," Atreus had been in fights with gods. Granted, he had merely been assisting his father, but he still had fought gods. He didn't think the tournament will be more dangerous than that.

"Besides, I take a stroll in the Forbidden Forest every night. I think I'm pretty prepared for the tournament."

"That's where you go every night?!" Daphne placed a hand on her head, not sure if she should be worried about the Triwizard Tournament or his adventures in the Forbidden Forest.

"You're such a prat," Daphne slapped his shoulder again.

"Maybe there is some truth to that," Atreus chuckled, "Anyway, let's take a walk," he said and offered his hand, which Daphne took and pinched a few times in annoyance.

"Do you really go to the Forbidden Forest every night?" Daphne asked in a moment, to which Atreus nodded. She just shook her head and pinched him a few more times. It's not like he even noticed.

I feel even worse than yesterday, but damn, there's so many new readers all of a sudden, and I kinda felt obliged to at least try to write a chapter.

Allgodcreators' thoughts