

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


Being in a foreign territory is one thing, but finding yourself in a territory that has so much ambition, desire, willingness, fighting spirit when you are used to a territory of only waking up and just living like a normal human being, living obliviously to what happens to everybody else outside there.

The feeling of finding yourself in that moment, it's like being asked in a foreign language and requested for an answer.

Terrifying it is,

As Natara stood in the middle of the chaos that she created and her mother and no nobody else paying her attention. She stood there feeling miserable of herself wanting nothing more than to cry and feel sorry for herself but she knew that was not what was needed at all.

She still wasn't able to scale the rate of how she screwed things over.

She wanted to pay so much attention to learn something but she learnt nothing.

Everyone seemed to have already changed in the warrior clothes, others ran in groups with armed hands.

The sight looked dangerous in Natara's eyes because, she was not a girl that was unlucky to experience the feeling of war-field.

She had lead a normal, peaceful life that stopped on a one night where she was having a-get-together-dinner with her family members and until now, she realized that she was not ready of this world she was brought into.

Every breath, every word, every action of hers was so toxic to every body else here and she still didn't understand why the act of sacrificing herself was not even enough for them to see that she was just trying to save them.

She turned and spotted Aaron also in same clothes like everybody else here and she frowned. Because last she remembered was leaving him at the waterfall and now here he was looking like a warrior like anybody else.

Aaron walked to her and wanted to bypass her but she held her arm out for him to stay behind.

"What is going on Aaron?" He looked at her with the same look he had in his eyes the same time they kidnapped her and she frowned at herself not liking it at all.

"What the hell did we do, Aaron? Why are you looking at me like that and not saying anything."

"Just try to keep yourself safe Natara." He said robotically at her. The words held no sincerity in them and she could feel it.

She looked at him gaping surprised at his reaction —yes she was the one initiated the 'free me' idea but all her intention was to save everyone here and those young innocent girls that are always kidnapped to be sacrificed by her so called father.

But why couldn't they tell her what was happening, she caused it and maybe she had a solution for it.

She turned and walked away from everyone feeling the anger start to kick right in but suddenly stopped on her step and turned to look at the disappearing figure of Aaron.

She stopped and turned wholly now feeling pleased with her one single genius mind in the whole world.

She wanted to smirk and squeal loudly but she knew the time and place was not that, it was time to try to fight and get through with her idea speculatively.

She closed her eyes and meditated, slowing down every movement around her within her body.

Calming her mind as she had discovered was what helped her be able to penetrate through others and hear their minds. She calmed herself and did so.

She straighten her body and became one with her soul and mind and slowly and quietly, she started hearing voices in her head.

'Who is going to protect the sky?'

'Our father in heaven, please we call to you all. Please do not make this our last day here on earth.'

'The sky is technically open for the evil Darker.'

'Who sold us out?'

'God, fathers save us.'

'The sky....

'The sky...

'The sky'

Voices became louder in Natara's head and she raised her hand up holding each side of her head and knelt down one knee on the floor, shutting her eyes tightly to block away sounds of cries that she allowed through her head. They were becoming stronger and stronger every second and at the brick of her head busting because of the chaos in there.

She held tightly onto her head and her eyes starting to blaze of fire, she raised her head and looked straight ahead but before people realized what was going on with her. She pulled her hands down and stood on her feet, In her body she felt possessed like she was in somebody else's and no longer in hers.

She looked up at the sky and as she heard lots of people wondering on who was to take guard of the sky.

She closed her legs and brought her arms closer to her body in that position of soldiers while they are paying respect to their commanders.

She twirled up in the space leaving behind a tornado wind caused by her movement.

She moved upwards in one motion and filled the sky with her presence aura as she reached there, she swirled in the space finding balance and when she did she posed in a posture where her one leg was bend in the knee and the other straightened standing in the space while her arms fell on both side of her with her eyes closed, attentively following each and every movement around her.

On the ground every one was left with a gaping mouth because the scene that just happened looked mercilessly scary, leaving those who witnessed it with a sense of feeling a nerve run down their spine.

On the ground that Maria Susanna was standing on, she felt the moment her daughter rose to the sky and as not much time as passed, She felt the ground vibrate beneath her feet. Chills run down her spine because she could feel a a strong force of power around the place, she looked around to try and figure out what was happening but it didn't take her that much to realize the sky was all in protection of her daughter only.

Who seemed to pose as a conqueror warrior, guiding her place with all her life.

Looking at her, a small smile aroused on her lips taking her mind away from what she was thinking for a second.

Now she surely believed that Diego was in for a huge surprise.

In her heart she was overwhelmed with the feeling of seeing the Darker get defeated by his own daughter that she took pride in knowing she was his to take.

She couldn't wait.



Keilla stormed in her home after being dropped off by Gabriel with a pissed off expression all over her face.

She walked in and straightly walked to her room. She tossed her backpack down on the carpet and sat down leaning on her bed as she felt the drop of tears peek at the edge of her eyes.

She missed Natara so much that it hurt her so badly, she didn't want to imagine on what she could be going through or what her life looked like now.

Did her kidnappers care about her? Did they feed her? Did they clothe her? Did they harass her? Did they abuse her?

Many questions lingered in her mind and it only made her heart ache more than it already did and thinking so much about it pained her even more.

She sat on the cold carpet and let out an agony of tears, clutching her hand on top of her heart on her chest.

She cried for sometime but it didn't take her long until the door of her room busted opened.

She looked up to who it was with sobbing eyes. And then sighed turning her head away when she saw keitha at the door.

Keitha rushed to her looking threatened by what she found.

She sat beside her sister and took her in her arms. "Oh my God, keilla. What happened? Please tell me? Shhhhhhhh, stop crying please." She said tightening her hold on keilla.

"Shhhhhhhh, baby girl please stop crying,

who hurt you?" Keilla sniffled wiping her eyes and nose with her hands before she pulled away from Keitha's hold and looked at her.

"I'm fine Keitha, no need to worry about it." Keitha frowned, last time she checked the definition of being fine was not that of crying like you got dumped by your first true love.

"Are you serious right now?" She asked keilla wanting to confront her but seeing her situation at hand, she held back. "Keilla we are all going through a lot but if we don't come back here and be there for one another no matter what, then I promise you that we are as good as broken shells. Nothing can pair us back together if not ourselves." She said and keilla sniffled one last time looking at her sister longingly and as she did, she could feel tears pricking at her eyes again.

She looked away feeling overdriven with the tension of everything.

Keitha also looked ahead of her thinking of how to get her sister to calm down and make her smile again, when she suddenly heard her say quietly in a tone of a whisper.

"I miss her so much Keitha, I know we weren't best friend sisters but I've realized that it's when we lose something that we get to see their real worth in our lives. I regret it so much everyday that I didn't get to treat her the way she deserved, when she was still here with us and now we don't even know if she is still alive anymore or how she is being treated ever since they took her." Keitha raised her arm over her younger sister's shoulder and pulled her close to her side.

"I know keilla, I know. It's really hard to get it that she is no longer with us here, I also miss her too, so much. But saying that we never treated her right when she was here with us, it's so out of the line, so inconvenient. Bickering, teasing, every second fighting, these are what made us best siblings ever and those who never experiences them, I say they are the ones with problems not us who did."

Keilla chuckled and looked at her sister. "You say?" She asked and her sister laughed. "Yeah, I say." They laughed but keilla laughed with teary eyes. It was those laughs that came at the top of sadness.

"Keilla, let's stop feeling sorry for ourselves and hope for the best, you know positivity is the key to positive results. Let's hope she is fine because she is."

"Uhm." She hummed questioningly and keilla nodded. "Now come on, I know of a way to cheer us up. Come, up, up, up." She got up on her feet and held her hand down for keilla to take and come up which she took.

She got on her feet and wiped the rest of her tears off of her face and then followed Keitha out of her room.

They walked out of the house and Keitha lead her sister to their garage and took the car keys of their mother's car and went in her car.

Keilla frowned. "You are not going to be driving this right?" She turned to her and smirked.

"What does it look like?" She asked back and keilla almost died of fear.

Keitha laughed starting the car.

"Chill girl, Chanel has been teaching me how to drive, so I'm pretty good by now, I think I will be doing my license driving exam soon."

"Okay just so you know you don't have it yet, why can't we take an Uber to wherever we are going."

"Girl I am so done with this, now shut up cause I am driving wether you like it or not and I am taking you with me." Keitha said and started the car and drove off.

Keilla put on her seat belt and held to it so tightly as if her life depended on it. As Keitha hit the road and kept on driving, she turned on the radio and jammed to the song playing on the radio, she turned to look at her sister who held on her seat belt like it would save her life and chuckled.

"Now I get why Natara always looked like she was at the top of the world whenever she drove singing." Keilla just scoffed saying nothing else just hoping they reached where they were heading alive.

"I have to say this is worth the most scary and deathly ride I just had of my life." Keitha smiled looking proud of herself. "Yeah well, I did say that we didn't have to seat there and feel sorry for ourselves and I meant it." She said and winked at keilla who just rolled her eyes. But again she was glad they were here.

They were at their meet-me-up-and-chill diner, having their everyday cheeseburger with shakes.

They both took their bite and moaned out in satisfaction.

"Oh." They looked at each other and smiled to one another, but deep down in each's heart they knew this moment would have been even more smashingly special if their sister was there with them.

They covered their saddened thoughts with a sad smile on their faces not wanting to kill one another's mood by the mention of Natara.

A strong wind blowed, taking with it unweighted scattered things on the ground with it, but to those who were inside the buildings thought nothing big to the blowing strong wind.

Keitha looked at her sister and put down her burger. "Excuse me a little, I am going to use a restroom." Keilla shrugged not minding it at all.

She stayed behind enjoying the pleasure coming from her food until she ate, ate and ate it all, finishing her plate with Keitha no where to be seen.

She wanted to shrug it off but then she wondered what someone could be doing alone in a restroom for more than twenty minutes.

She stood up with a tormented mind already circulating to every scenario that this would come out to be, as she walked to the restroom.

She reached the door and held her breath in before pulling the door and finding it empty.

She opened all three other doors that shielded the toilet but one was occupied with an old lady while the two others were unoccupied.

"Nooooooooo, no no no no no no." She mumbled as she felt her knees get weak and stumbled on a near wall, thinking that this can't be happening again.

Not again,

Not in front of her eyes again,

Not again, no, not what she thought it was.
