

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Keilla was looking side to side kind of feeling like something was wrong, but wanting to let herself believe that nothing was wrong at the same time.

Because as she glanced side to side she seemed to find nothing suspicious but that wasn't the case for her partner in crime on the other side of the office door, because as keilla relaxed in her heart thinking all was well. To Gabriel's side all was so wrong.

Gabriel stepped backwards his back hitting the door from the shock he received in finding his step mother in his father's office.



"What are you doing in here?" They all asked one another in a unison, because this is not something common in their household.

Mr. Sanchez's office, the one that was in his home even cleaners came to clean in his presence. Not ever would they dare come to clean in his absence.

"I'm cleaning your dad's office." Angela said and her step son frowned.

"Cleaning dad's office? You know we are not allowed in here, not even to clean?" The woman stopped what she was doing and closed one of the cabin of the office table that she had opened as she was looking into it for something and looked at her step son.

She held her one hand on the edge of the office table and the other one onto her waist. "Who do you think you are to be telling me what to do Gab?" The boy replied with a glare.

Angela was not Gabriel's mother, she was a step mother to him. Herbert Sanchez lost his wife in the past couple of years, it didn't take him much more years to replace her because only after two years of losing Barbra, he brought Angela into his life.

As Gabriel stood there glaring at his stepmother, his mind started wondering what his father saw in her.

Herbert Sanchez is a wealth, capable and powerful man in Beijing. He is on the same lever of that of the Queens.

At some point, Gabriel would find himself thinking. If maybe, and if maybe… Angela would have drugged his father to get him to allow her by his side.

"I warned you to stop calling me that." Gabriel said to his step mom and she chuckled. "Or what?" She answered back mockingly.

"You do not want to test me Angela." She moved her hands up to her arms and run them up and down on her arms. "Oh boy, that made me break into pits of nervousness." She said to Gabriel sarcastically and it just annoyed him much more than he already was.

"Just get the fuck out of my father's office." Angela rolled her eyes, wanting to show the kid that she was so done with the conversation or better yet his presence but before she had a chance to say something.

The door flew open and they all turned to gape nervously together at the person standing in the middle of the door frame.

"What are you both doing in my office?" Gabriel gulped down, not quite sure of how to make this invasion of his father.

"Dad?" He called but the man was already sending glare daggers to his own son and the so called lover.

"I asked both of you what you are doing in my office, and who is the young girl lurking just in front of it."

Gabriel felt a chill run down his spine by the mention of keilla. If his father was to know that she was a Queens, he didn't want to think what would be of it.

"What did you do to her?" He asked his father holding his breath in. Already running crazy with different scary scenarios in his head of what he could have done to her just because he found her near his home office.

"What do you think I was supposed to do?" He looked at his son nonchalantly. "I told her to go away from my fucking office, and let's come back to that, to her she doesn't know the rules but you two both knows but somehow here you are. Now may you both explain the hell you are doing here."

The room's tension fall to a zero degree Celsius because, it was in that moment that they started breathing thick breathes and hard ones that could be heard by each and everyone present in the room.

There was the need of wanting to find comfort in the gaze of one another but also having to find them hardened or scary themselves to provide anything.

"You all know no one goes in my office, not cleaners, not you." He said pointing his index finger at Angela. "Or you my son. This is the only room I reprieved you all from entrance in, care to explain the sudden change of your hearts in my absence."

Gabriel used to understand the situation of his dad's office and being the only one using it because it was after all his, but now that he was hearing his dad say all that to them, he realized it was then that he got a sudden change of heart and not before as his father just said.


"Why?" He retaliated his son with a raised eyebrow, the surprise clearly lacing at the edge of the word.

Angela stood there and felt like she just grown a third ear, because there was no way Gabriel would have asked that, she believed.

"Why do you prohibit us from coming in here, usually it used to be okay, you know…. And I used to understand but now that you just told us like we broke a rule of living, I'm starting to wonder what's in here that you are hiding. I came to see if I could find a religious book in your library because there was none in mine for the school project I had with the girl outside.

I found your girlfriend here and she was just insulting me, telling me how I am not supposed to be here which I knew she didn't too,

But if you would excuse me dear dad, I am sorry for invading and breaking the rule of surviving, I think am ready to accept the consequences of my actions but for now, I have a school work to finish."

He said and walked out of the office not giving the chance to those left to comment on his words.

He walked out and looked every side but couldn't find keilla, he pulled his phone out of the pocket and called her as he was walking downstairs but he started hearing voices coming from a distance of people chatting.

He followed where they were coming from and as he followed them, he knew they were coming from the kitchen, so he headed there.

"Aunt Bei you are amazing? I mean if I had the power, I would definitely crown you the first baker in the whole world." A voice said and Gabriel wasn't delayed to figure it out as keilla's.

"Oh sweetie, what can I say?" The woman looked at the young girl that was quite amazed by her cookies and chuckled. "I'm so flattered at this old age of mine."

"Please be, cause..." She paused and then moaned as she took a bite of it, which was like a hundredth given all the ones she is already ate.

"What will I have to give in order to get this some other time?"

Aunt Bei chuckled but before she had a chance to say anything to the girl, someone cleared their throat and they all turned to look at who it was.

"Young master?" Gabriel nodded his head toward aunt Bei before passing unappreciative look at keilla.

"Hii aunt Bei, keilla we need to go." She turned to look at him then back at the cookies and at charlotte. "Now?" Gabriel narrowed his eyes at her and she nodded once getting what it was for.

"Aunt may I take some more?" She smiled. "Please do darling, but no, take them all, I will make others for everybody else here later." Keilla pulled up a big smile on her face before packing all the cookies in her bag.

She turned to look at charlotte and then blew her a kiss. "You are the real best." Aunt Bei just smiled, being a middle aged woman, it's not something you archive and still be able keeping up with the new generation world.

Nowadays kids had charms and energetic that she didn't know where they got it from.

"Take care, sweetie." She nodded and turned to Gabriel so they could go but as she made a few steps, she turned right back at the woman being left in the kitchen. "Uhm you know aunt Bei, I will surely miss you." She said and the woman shook her head. That was exactly what she was thinking. You never understand them.

"We should go, keilla." She nodded and this time, she turned and walked out following Gabriel all the way outside of the house and to his car.

They got in without an exchange of words and he drove.

Through out the ride, Gabriel felt tense. First he was annoyed with his father, second he was angry their plan became useless like dumping salt in tea.

Keilla couldn't bear the silent ride and as she turned to look at Gabriel who drove, clenching and unclenching his jaw. She got confused.

"What happened in there?" He turned to glance at her quickly before pulling his attention back on the road.

"Why didn't you do anything when you heard someone."

"I'm sorry, but he jumped on me like a ghost. No footsteps, no voices, no anything. I just blinked and he was there narrowing his eyes at me." Gabriel let out a thick breath. "Are you serious now, keilla? How are we supposed to move forward to something with your dumb head just acting dumbly all the time." Hearing the words coming out of Gabriel's mouth, Keilla blinked and blinked not wanting to believe that he just called her dumb.

She believed to be a lot of things in this world, but being stupid and dumb was not one of them.

She turned to glare at him angrily and said to him. "Take me home you asshole."



Natara looked at the disappearing figure of her mother and back to the man who had a defeated look in his eyes. She felt confused of how to handle this.

But one thing was clear that the woman who just walked away from them, was the one who deserved to be attended to first and then Aaron second.

She looked at Aaron and pursed her lips in a firm line. "Aaron, I will be right back, okay. Hang in there." She said and run to catch up with her mother.

It took her sometime to realize that she was going to find her in the city and she didn't back down, she just increased her pace.

She run to the city and as she reached the gates of it being out of breath and patting for air, she stopped to take in what was happening.

Everyone was running from here and there, none was settled not even kids.

She looked around confusedly until she spotted her mother, she walked to her and tapped on her shoulder. "What is going on here?" Her mother just looked at her and said nothing to her. She just turned and kept ordering what she wanted to be done.

The place looked like a market with no goods, no one was paying attention but Natara realized that if no one was, she would use it to her advantage and get through their heads.

She walked a little far away from where Maria Susanna stood and closed her eyes to calm her head in order to be able to get through others.

She closed her ears with her hands when voices got to loud in her head.

'We need to find a protector of the sky?'

'They could invade through the water.'

'They could use land as a distraction to distract us before they attacked through the sky.'

'The problem is going to be the sky.'

'Who will be up there?'

'We are not safe.'

Several more other voices filled her head and it were all about a war, some people attacking here.

She realized she didn't get the answers she wanted, if anything she got more worried than anything.

Her gaze fall on Maria Susanna this time talking with Aaron, she frowned but she knew she had no time to dwell on anything so she run up to them. "What is happening here?" She asked as soon she reached them and Aaron turned to pass her a guilty look while her mother just looked away from her.

"Can you at least answer?" She asked in a small voice that was directed to her mother, who turned to her and took her in consideration with her eyes before saying to her.

"Your father could be here at any second to kill us all in order to take you to himself and end all we've been working for all those time and that is going to happen because you and Aaron definitely sold us out with your actions."

