

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


"It is Gabriel Sanchez, he told me he remembered her, okay you are not going to like how he called her, but I'm going to retaliate him." Ludar rolled his eyes at the drama her little sister was now putting in, feeling faded up with the drama of his small sister, he said to her. "Just say whatever he said keilla?"

"Okay, 'you mean the freak that goes in my history class? I know of that cute freak, little girl'. I told him not to call Natata a freak that you guys were going to kick his ass but he still did so I hope you guys still go and do it right?"


"Okay, he told me that remembered her and asked me why she didn't come to school?" They turned to look at each other knowingly.

Chanel looked at keilla. "Keilla did you ask other people around too, like teachers?"

"I only asked one but he didn't know who she was?" Xavier was also looking at Keilla thoughtfully as he asked. "So what does this mean?"

Ludar turned around and went back to sit where he was sitting on the foot of his bed. "This surely means something, like what kind of a person is that Gabriel boy to not forget her and what is the connection there to all of this? I mean was it because we were talking of him? If that's yes then his father also should still know of Natara."

"We should probably ask dad about that boy and his family and see if we can find something hidden there, and I think tomorrow I should go to school with keilla too and ask the teachers to see, if I can try and get something?" Chanel said and they nodded in agreement with her.

"Yeah that sounds helpful and we should also talk to dad about what he talked about with the other man when they stepped away." Xavier nodded. "I think I can do that too." Ludar turned to look at Keilla and smirked.

"You should probably go and focus back on your studies keilla and oh, thank you for your services, but unfortunately they won't be needed anymore." She stood up from the carpet floor, where she is been sitting down when Ludar also went to sit and glared at him.

"Ludar?" She whined and he raised his eyebrows in a challenging gesture daring her to try and defy him.

"Keilla, he is messing with you don't bother with him. Look you are in this as we all are, and what you did was really wise and so bravery keep it up, but anyway guys am heading to bed aren't we done for tonight?"

"Yeah, we should all probably go get some sleep and keep searching for something tomorrow. Keilla sweetheart good night." Ludar said to keilla and as she was walking out behind Chanel she rolled her eyes before saying back to him. "Yeah well good night to you too loser." He chuckled and they walked out.

Leaving him behind with Xavier.

"The other night of the dinner you said something of that boy Gabriel and his family being in a partnership with dad, what was it?" Xavier shook his head. "It's not something useful because it's about business and I was only saying that to mess around with Natara?"


"Ludar, Natara has been crushing on this boy the first time she set her eyes on him, I can't believe you don't even know this, weren't you not in high school a few years back when she was a junior. how don't you know of that?"

Ludar rolled his eyes. "Yeah well the last time I checked in that high school the juniors had their own section and so did the seniors?" He said back to his brother shrugging his shoulders. "Anyway what is his last name though? Maybe tomorrow I can learn something of my own on the boy."

"Sanchez, Gabriel Sanchez."



Natara turned to look at the man that was now her husband and her mother and she nodded her head, she couldn't believe it even for herself that she was doing what she was nodding for.

She didn't know why she trusted this people blindly but never in her life was she sure about something as she was about this, she was going to lose her virginity at sixteen to a man she barely knew anything about and above all loathed.

She did not know how it worked but she is learnt something little about what she was signing herself up for.

She turned to look at the bed that is under the tree and she frowned because she was not thinking of doing that in a bed where people outside can figure out what was going on and worse witness live what was happening, that was total exposure and she was not definitely up for it for sure.

She walked back to where the woman who claimed to birth her was and with the man that was her husband and said to them. "Okay, I am doing this," the woman smiled at her daughter deep down feeling so proud of the woman she is turned out to be.

She understood she could not get a little bit of praise about Natara being like she was because she wasn't there to contribute but still to her, this actions of hers kept proving that she still had the Darker blood running in her veins at least.

The Queens surely raised her to a level she could not complain. "But not in that bed." She said with a frowned expression and hitching at the thought of it like it was something horrible to even consider doing.

Her mother stepped forward. "What is necessary is that you lose your virginity." She raised her hand to her left cheek while saying that. "This is our tradition here although you are one of our own, you are not one from here, so I totally get it just do it wherever you will feel safe and comfortable." She nodded and turned to look at the man who kidnapped her, she didn't want to lie, she had strong hard feeling for the man.

"And you don't have to worry about Aaron. He is a good man and trust me that if you get to know him well, you will also see it for yourself." She nodded only wanting to get over with everything as soon as she can.

"But please stop also this thing of you guys reading my mind, those are my thoughts, my privacy so stop." The woman just smiled at her knowingly without saying anything else but to Natara's side it was annoying.

"Why can't I even read your minds all and here you are reading mine, how is it possible you keep saying I am the most lighter in the darkness, some bullshit alpha shit and yet nothing proves that truthfully to me," she said annoyedly but Maria turned and shared a knowing look again with Aaron.

"Fine keep your conversation to your own, I want to do this in the room that i've been staying in." They nodded.

"That was his house but now it's yours and your husband."

"What? I do not want to live with anyone, I prefer it the way it was and stop calling him that." The woman frowned kindly, contemplating in her mind again if what she was going to say to the young girl wouldn't scare her and make her turn her back on them.

"Natara, do I have to remind you that you are now a married woman, what kind of marriage is it? where the groom and the bride lives separately?I believe it to be just like that even from your world?" She rolled her eyes before saying. "Well, mine and Antoine's marriage is going to be the first."

Her mother just stared at her making Natara to roll her eyes knowing they were not going to be on the same page before walking away from her. "Fine." She said and started walking away from where they were standing and went the wrong way.

"You are not heading in the right direction?" She turned to her husband. "Well, you know where I am heading so lead the way." She said annoyingly rolling her eyes again to herself because she kept forgetting these people read minds and she kept getting annoyed with all this situation that she kept forgetting they weren't normal like her.

"This way, Natara." She tensed and stopped walking, at the way he rolled her name off of his tongue, she found it likable but she frowned wondering what the hell she was thinking about.

She shook her head not wanting to wonder to places she didn't want it to go but even worse, she didn't want these people to read what she was thinking and discover her new mindset. She wouldn't live with herself, things were better the way they were with her playing hard to get with.

He walked faster and she run to catch up with him as he lead her to the house she is been staying in but she pursed her lips as they were walking wondering where the other people lived because apart from her only house, the tree she just got married under, the waterfall she saw today and the huge hills covered with trees, she never saw any other house here to say that someone lived there. "There is a city here?" She frowned when she heard his answer.

"A city here?" He just nodded his head to that. "Why didn't I see it then? And how could here be a city and make me live here alone, am I in some kind of isolation I didn't know about?"

"You are different, Natara."

"And so?" She asked and suddenly she started to see the wooden house she's been occupying in her view and she gulped down nervously.

She can't believe she is following this man to have sex with him.

Never in a million years would she has pictured herself in this situation but she also wondered what were her family back in Shunyi doing?

Somewhere in her heart she always wished of waking up and finding the police or people that came to take her back home and she sometimes hoped for those people to lock these kinds of people and now that they were dragging her into having sex with this man she was having a strong and hard feeling about them even more.

They headed in the house, Aaron stepped aside and allowed Natara to walk first in the house, she went in and started walking upstairs and as she walked she would hear and feel her heart beat loudly that she started feeling scared of it jumping out of her chest.

She walked to her room and went to stand beside the window that is closed staring at nothing in particular, just feeling scared and having second thoughts about what she was here to do again.

Her husband came and stood beside her and looked at nothing just like her. "We can do nothing if you are having second thoughts?"

She scoffed not turning to look at him. "Is that supposed to trick me to get me to change my mind?"

Aaron looked at her wondering what kind of a question was that. "It's a tradition to me but if you don't want this, we can totally sleep." He said back to her not quite giving her a definite answer but she also wasn't backing down like that.

"How many times did you have sex?"

She turned to look at him and for the first time they have met, Natara caught a smirk on his lips and she found herself being a prisoner of it instantly and not being able to pull away from it. "You don't want to know?" She finally looked away from his lips feeling embarrassed and so ashamed of herself.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes before asking again. "Can you promise me not to hurt me then?"

Aaron reached forward and touched her cheek with his hand and turned her face to look at his right in the eyes. "That's mandatory but I can promise to give you a good time in this." He said and without waiting for her reply, he moved closer to her and pulled her to him as he sneaked his other arm on her waist and drawn her closer to himself, attacking her lips with his slowly and kissing her butterfly kisses.

He was taking control of everything but also taking things slowly for her to feel comfortable at it at the same time.

He asked for an entrance in her mouth to devour the inside of her mouth as they kissed but she denied it to him teasingly, Aaron caught on the smile it brought her as they kept sucking each other's lips but being the dominant in this, he softly bite on her lower lip making her open her mouth to let out a moan while Aaron took that as a chance to insert his tongue.

He kissed her lips and sucked on them that by the time they pulled away, Natara was panting and she looked up at him with eyes that were asking for more. "I can guarantee you to give you a night full of these pleasures."

Natara held his eyes with hers and finally she nodded her head before getting on her toes and bringing his lips back down to hers in the desire of more to what she just had.

And like that she willingly surrendered all herself to him to take all he was willing to take.
