

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


"I made morning food?"

By the time she woke up, she was being served breakfast in bed by her husband and now that she finally had sex with her husband, Natara was feeling shy around him.

She thought that he had seen her, the all of her and herself and she wouldn't the help the feeling of embarrassment overcrowding her body.

She tried to move up and lean on the bed's headboard trying to move forward the pillows behind her to support her back, she felt sore and a little pain strike in between her legs. She held her breath in not wanting to make a sound or yelp in pain.

She looked down on the sheets and muttered. "Uhm, thank you." She said awkwardly not looking in Aaron's eyes and Aaron figured it out that she was shy.

He came and put the tray of food at the side of her on a nightstand before sitting beside her on the edge of the bed.

He rested his gaze on her but she wouldn't dare to raise her eyes and meet his, she could feel his gaze on her, she had her hand tugged in one another on her lap and she just kept folding and unfolding them like that was the most interesting thing to ever be found in the whole universe.

Aaron raised his hand at the top of hers to cover them and used the other hand by raising her head in order to look in her pale, shying away ocean eyes.

He raised her head but she couldn't keep her eyes on him, she had the feeling of feeling mortified and so full shame.

Last night__yes she had a good time with him and she wasn't opposed to the idea of admitting that Aaron opened a new door of pleasure that she didn't know it ever existed.

The way he kissed her, like he worshipped her every curve and also the way he suck on her body, the way he touched her gently like a glass that he was afraid, if he went anymore harsher that she would scatter.

Aaron was taking things slowly for her to catch up but in the middle of the action she found herself being the one to ask for him to go harder, move faster and now as she could feel the memories repeat itself in her mind, she wanted to disappear through thin air or better for the world to just open up and swallow her.

"Look at me, Natara?" Slowly said Aaron as he moved his hand that was resting at the top of hers to her cheek and started drawing small invisible circles with his thumb slowly. Natara allowed that because she was loving the feeling of it. "What do you want Aaron?" He looked at her with a soft gaze not getting what she was really shying about.

Last night, that was Aaron's first night with a virgin but he was not going to lie about anything here because Natara gave him a memorable night.

The way he got her breathless and the image of her panting, moaning out his real name that he made her finally say while she was asking for more, was the thing he can't shake out of his head but he knew right now was not the place or time for that.

"How are you feeling? Did I hurt you?" She finally raised her eyes and with the menacingly fire that is always there in her blue eyes she looked at him. "Yup, if you call this soreness that I am feeling deep down as you hurting me then you did." Aaron tried so hard to hold back a laugh threatening to come out but he held it because to him, she was so cute to be laughed right in the face from lack of enough skills from what she was asking.

"That I think it's a sign that you had a good time?" She shrugged and looked away again. "Natara you don't have to shy away from me just because of what we did last night, it's something normal and you literally blowed my mind because you were so amazing to me." Aaron said to her trying to comfort her thinking that the problem she had was that every girl had after their first sex; wondering if they were perfect and did good but Natara could hardly care about that.

Her problem weren't that and hearing Aaron's words made her turn her head away from his grasp. "Natara please talk to me or I will have to..." he let the unspoken words he wanted to say hang in the air but Natara knew exactly what that was.

"So you will read what is in my mind, look I am tired of you guys inventing in my privacy like it's something you can come and read and then go as you please. I don't want to look at you because I feel exposed to you Aaron, you saw me, my whole body and I…Uhm, am not used to that so I feel bothered, I feel embarrassed." She shrugged her shoulders and looked away from him again. "I seriously don't know?"

Aaron looked at her and then started moving closer to her, he turned her head and looked down at her lips before going back at her eyes to find them staring down on his lips too, he leaned in and slowly brushed his lips over hers.

It started simply but the both engaged party both initiated the kiss roughly and took it more aggressively before they pulled apart panting for some air.

Aaron didn't pull away instead he held his forehead against hers, "Don't shy away from me Natara, last night I saw you yes but in highly respect. I liked what I saw and every time I think about it I feel like I want to see you again not because of anything but because I am in awe of you, so please feel comfortable and safe and if this will help you somehow I don't know but remember you saw me too at least." She nodded and Aaron pulled away but she wasn't still looking at him, he was never good with words and if that wasn't enough then he had nothing to add on.

"About the soreness, just eat and drink then wake up later do some little walking, in time it will heal and everything else you want I am here for you." He said and kissed her on the forehead before getting up and getting ready to walk out of the room but before he did that, the ground shaken and everything in the house lost their balance.

The forces of that was coming from the rooftop of the house and it was strong enough to shaken everything in the house. Before Aaron and Natara wondered about what was going on, the door to their room flied open and they turned to see Maria Susanna walk right in with hushed footsteps.

"We have a problem and you need to come with me both now." Natara looked at her confusedly but Aaron started ushering Natara out of the bed and tugged her in the green long robe that was their laying at the foot of the bed.

The shakiness of the house was getting stronger than it was as seconds passed one after another, Natara stood up but her legs was shaky that she would not manage walking normally not to mention they had to run.

Aaron moved towards her and lifted her in his arms in bridal style without saying anything and they run out of the house, Maria Susanna was in the front leading the way while Aaron was right behind her with Natara in his arms.

They reached outside and run backwards to the back side of the house and into the woods,

Maria was running clearing branches out of the way for them, it took them half an hour of them still running before they reached out of the forest to another place that had big walls with a high lengthened gate in the middle, Natara gasped when she realized it was a city.

They kept running and there were five men and five more women rushing them to hurry quickly to them, which they did by not touching their feet on the ground as they run. All thirteen of them walked in the gates in a hurried manner.

They closed the gates and then ten people held their hands to the gate, their palms facing the gate while the back of it faced them. Natara watched shocked at everything happening as she was still in Aaron's arms, with her arms on his shoulders.

She could hear those people that were facing the gate talk but she couldn't name or understand what they said or in what language they were talking in. She turned to Aaron to ask him what was that about? But her mother beat her to it as she turned to Aaron panting from the running.

"That was a close one," Maria Susanna said to Aaron as she knelt her knee a little and bent herself to touch her hands on them as she tried to catch her breath.

She turned to say the next words staring at Natara. "He almost caught us?" Natara frowned asking herself of who that he was?



The Queens household things were still the same, Clara hasn't stepped outside of her room, she doesn't even bother to take a bath but Timothy takes care of that for her.

Xavier was no longer the Coo of his father's company now he was the acting CEO in his father's absence.

Xander is the oldest in the family of the Queens but he chose being a tourist so he is never around to take care of the family business, him and his wife are found in the family occasions rarely if it was to be count. it could only be thrice in a year.

Xavier being the second oldest made peace with following his father's footsteps by making his career through business and he is the one that is around recently.

The night fall and everything was quite like no one lived in that mansion, Yes the building was lightened with lights but souls living in there felt nothing less to total darkness inside no matter how many lights surrounded the house.

As the usual routine now, some members of the family sat down to see where the mission of rescuing they sister was heading.

"I found nothing in the school apart from Gabriel no one seems to be remembering Natara." The boys turned to share a confused look of what that was about? Why would that boy be the only one still remembering their sister.

Was it because she liked him but they remembered keilla telling them about this boy that has been crushing on Natara but who forgot her, that couldn't be the case.

"That makes things more complicated than they were?" They all nodded in agreement. "Yeah." answered Ludar.

"Regardless it's a good thing that he still remembers her, that gives us something to start from while investing this. Xavier you must have found something with dad?" Xavier nodded. "But it was nothing too, they really didn't talk much or anything that made any sense?"

"What did that man say?" Asked Chanel. "He told me that man was telling him they were there for Natara and when he asked what they wanted for her, he answered that because she was the most lightness in the darker and it was time for her to go back home."

Keilla frowned her lips. "But this is her home." She said feeling confused.

"He also told me about how they have no fear like they do what they really know about and aren't scared of any consequences. He told me when he threatened him he was going to call the police, he gave him a go head and just did nothing to stop him."

"I think that the other action of the woman who raised her arms in the air and closed them in the air before pulling them down had something to do with blocking our phones."

Ludar said and the others looked confused. "Oh my God, this thing is so confusing. I don't even think we are ever going to find Natara or something."

"Don't give up Chanel this is something that we have at least but anyway guys, I also found something, the Sanchez has a lost boy, he got disappeared at the age of seven and the family didn't press charges or searched of him." Ludar said and the others stared at him like he just grown another part on his head.

Xavier looked at him and frowned. "I've known that family with only one child which is Gabriel, that doesn't make any sense at all." Ludar shook his head. "I've done some research too, the guy is now yours or Xander's age so I don't think you knew them that late?" Xavier nodded.

"What is his name?"

"Aaron Sanchez."
