
Naruto: Youngest Hokage

A seven-year-old Naruto awakens with memories of another world. This world contained a manga named after him and told the story of his life. Read how he uses this knowledge to become the youngest Hokage ever. If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

C6 Helping Sasuke

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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Take the riddle, but hand over the power stones as payment. A cop was walking past a restaurant when he heard someone scream - "No John, not the gun!" He ran inside and and saw a doctor, a lawyer, a milkman, and a dead body on the floor. He promptly walked over to the milkman and arrested him. He didn't witness the shooting and there was no apparent evidence to prove who shot the person and no one told him who the killer was.

How did the policeman instantly know it was the milkman? Enjoy the chapter!)

It's been a week since Naruto started training Sasuke, and during this time Sasuke has practically moved into Naruto apartment. He's taken up residence on Naruto's couch and has slept there every night. Naruto, seeing that Sasuke is avoiding his problems by staying at his apartment, decided to help or at least try his best to help. That night when they returned from training, Naruto sat down and addressed Sasuke.

"Sasuke, I think we need to speak to a Yamanaka about what happened to you." Naruto says as calmly and clearly as he can.

"Why? I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me." Sasuke replies.

"Are you willing to prove there's nothing wrong with you?"

"Huh? Why are we talking about this? We should be focusing on our training." Sasuke tries to change the subject.

"How about this. If you can prove to me that there's nothing wrong with you, I won't bring up going to a Yamanaka ever again."

"Fine, let's get this over with, so we can focus on what truly matters."

"Alright, follow me then."

Naruto leads Sasuke out of the apartment and down the road. As they made their way through the streets of Konoha, Sasuke had no idea where they were going. This continued until Sasuke started noticing some landmarks he was used to seeing. They were headed down a road that Sasuke and his family would use whenever they were heading home. At that moment Sasuke knew where Naruto was taking him, but his pride wouldn't let him run away. No matter how much his legs wished to run in the opposite direction, Sasuke wouldn't turn back. The need to prove that there's nothing wrong with him kept him one step behind Naruto.

When they came upon the entryway into the Uchiha district, Sasuke was shaking and kept looking around. The entire district is completely deserted, but the word deserted doesn't really fit. No one deserted this area. Everyone that lived here is dead and their eyes have been taken and delivered to Danzo. Some areas of the streets and walls still had blood stains from that fateful night. Inside the homes of the district, everything is as the residents left them. Some homes even still had dinner on the kitchen table. It's been a while so the food has gone bad already. If there weren't bloodstains in the area, people would think that everyone that lived here simply left their homes never to return, but the truth is much more gruesome.

"You said you're fine and there's nothing wrong with you, right?" Naruto asks and Sasuke shakily nods. "Then we'll be spending the night in your old home."

As Naruto said those words, Sasuke's face grew paler and paler. Just the thought of sleeping in the same house that he witnessed the slaughter of his parents by the hand of his brother scared him beyond belief. Naruto started walking down the roads of the Uchiha district, and for a moment Sasuke didn't follow anymore. He simply stood there staring at Naruto's back as it grew farther and farther away. When Naruto noticed that Sasuke wasn't following him anymore, he turns around and sees Sasuke standing a few yards behind him rooted to the ground.

"Sasuke, it's alright to admit that there's something wrong. Admitting it won't make you weak, cowardly, or childish. Your entire family was murdered, Sasuke. It's alright to not be alright. No one is going to make fun of you or think any less of you for seeing a Yamanaka. It's their job to help people in situations like yours. Although your situation is a bit more extreme, they deal with shinobi that have seen similar things that you have." Naruto tries his best to convince Sasuke.

"They help people who have witnessed the death of everyone they love. Oh and they all were killed by the brother that they loved the most!" Sasuke exclaims with a snarky attitude.

"Maybe not that exact scenario, but we are shinobi, Sasuke. At least we will be when we graduate from the academy. I can't even imagine the worst missions that the shinobi of our village were sent to complete. I'm sure that the Yamanaka have treated people with similar problems as you. Although they may not be exactly the same, you aren't the first person in the world that has gone through something like this. The Yamanaka have been treating shinobi for things like this since before Hashirama and Madara founded Konoha." Naruto explains.

"I don't need any help! I'm fine!" Sasuke says.

"If you're fine, then follow me to your old house." Naruto says and starts walking again.

"No, I'm going back to the apartment." Sasuke turns around and starts walking away.

When Naruto saw that Sasuke was leaving, he turned around and let out an annoyed sigh.

"If this is the way it has to be, then I'll have to beat some sense into you and drag you to the Yamanaka myself." Naruto says and dashes towards Sasuke.

As Sasuke was walking away, he heard Naruto say those exact words. He immediately turned around and saw Naruto closing in on him. Sasuke entered the stance that Itachi had taught him. It's the stance of the Uchiha interceptor fist. The interceptor fist focuses mainly on predicting your enemy's actions with the Sharingan and using a persons moves against them. Naruto appeared in front of Sasuke and swung a punch straight at the Uchihas solar plexus. Naruto is using the very basics of the gentle fist taught to him by Guy-sensei. Sasuke turns his body to the side dodging the punch easily. He then jumps backward away from Naruto.

"Hey, idiot! Stop attacking me." Sasuke calls out.

"I'm sorry Sasuke, but if you won't admit there's something wrong, then I'll have to knock you out and get you help myself." Naruto says and dashes towards Sasuke yet again.

"That's it, idiot. If you want a piece of me then come and get some." Sasuke says and waved his hands baiting Naruto to attack first.

Naruto runs in front of Sasuke and throws another punch to the same area, but this time when Sasuke dodges Naruto spins and kicks Sasuke straight in the head. The impact was stronger than expected from a 7-year-old and Sasuke is sent flying. His body skids on the ground as it smacks against the wall of the Uchiha district.

"Give up Sasuke. You need help and I'll make sure you get it no matter what." Naruto says.

"You don't get it! You never had parents, Naruto. You don't know what it feels like to lose them as I did." Sasuke says as tears stream down his face. Blood drips down his nose from the kick to the face he received.

"I agree, and that's why I'm sending you to a Yamanaka. I have no idea what's the best way to help you, so we will go to a professional and have them look you over." Naruto replies calmly.

"They won't be able to help! How would they understand what I'm going through? They can't!" Sasuke yells at the top of his lungs as more and more tears fall from his face.

"How would you know what they can and can't do if you haven't even given them a chance." Naruto counters.

"I don't want to go! They'll want me to talk about it, and I would rather do anything than talk about that horrible night! I just want to forget that it ever happened." Sasuke gets down on his knees and cries openly in the middle of the empty street.

"It's going to be alright Sasuke." Naruto says as he closed in on Sasuke and brings him into a hug.

"I don't want to go to a Yamanaka, Naruto. Please don't make me go." Sasuke cries out.

"Fine, I won't make you go to a Yamanaka, but you have to admit that you're not alright."

"Your right! I'm not alright. I have nightmares every night and barely get any sleep. I try to push everything to the back of my mind, but when it's quiet I can hear the screams of everyone from that night. I can hear them begging Itachi not to hurt them. Not to kill them and their children, and when I close my eyes I see blood. So much blood and it's everywhere." He breaks out into crying screams as he grabs onto Naruto.

"*sigh* It's going to be alright Sasuke. I'll speak to a Yamanaka myself and find out the best way to help." Naruto pats his back and tries to calm Sasuke down. 'I know Itachi has a good reason for what he did, but I really want to punch I'm in the balls right now.'

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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