
Naruto: Youngest Hokage

A seven-year-old Naruto awakens with memories of another world. This world contained a manga named after him and told the story of his life. Read how he uses this knowledge to become the youngest Hokage ever. If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

C5 Sasuke joins training

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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Here thee, here thee. I bestow upon you swine another riddle. Be sure to pay me in power stones. A mother gave birth to six kids. The first daughter's name is July. The second daughter's name is August. The third daughter's name is September. The fourth daughter's name is October. The next child was a boy, therefore, she named him November. The mother was planning on having a girl named December, but it turned out that she got a boy. If she didn't name him December, what is his name? Enjoy the chapter!)

The next day Naruto would start Sasuke's training. It just so happened that today was the day Guy was supposed to check on him. When Sasuke saw naruto make 40 clones of himself to read and study the edo Tensei he was shocked. Then he heard he was using the clones to speed up his training.

"Can I do that too?" Sasuke said looking hopeful.

"You won't have enough chakra. Because I have the Kyuubi in me my chakra reserves are crazy."

"Ohh that's too bad." Sasuke looked a bot let down.

"Oh, I have an idea. The reason I have more chakra than you is because the Kyuubi's chakra has been slowly leaking into my chakra coils. That's a part of the seal that is intentional. What if I make a seal that stores chakra and there will be an intake and an output. The intake will be used to put chakra in it. The output will be used to leak that chakra into your coils. It may not be as good as the bijuu chakra but it should work."

"So with that seal, my chakra coils would grow and I would be able to train like you?"

"Yes, but we may have to ask my godfather for help. I'm still new to seals so for now we will focus on normal training for you. Come on we have someone to meet and I don't want to be late."

"Who are we meeting?" Sasuke asked tilting his head.

"You'll see."

As they got to the training ground Guy was already there doing pushups with one finger. "995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000." he noticed their arrival and flipped to his feet giving them a smile and a thumbs up. "My youthful student I see you brought a friend with you"

"Guy sensei, this is Sasuke Uchiha. The future ANBU Commander. Sasuke this is Might Guy the best Taijutsu specialist in all of Konoha."

"It's nice to meet you Sasuke. Will you be fanning your flames of youth with us?" Sasuke had no idea what that meant.

Naruto whispered in his ear. "He means will you be training with us. Guy-sensei is a bit quirky, but he's a good person and amazing at Taijutsu." Both of them didn't notice, but Guy heard what Naruto said. How could he not he's a jonin and Naruto only whispered. He was pleased to be given such a good rating. He knew he was quirky, but that's just the way he was.

Sasuke nodded "yes I'll be joining you if you don't mind."

"Good then let the training begin."

By the end of the training again Naruto was laying on the ground exhausted. The only difference is that Sasuke is right next to him in the same state if not worse. Guy was standing there looking like nothing happened again.

"Both of you boys have amazing potential. Such youthful spirit makes me want to up my training. Today's training is over I'll see you both next week."

After he walked off Naruto and Sasuke were both still on the floor.

"Naruto that was the worst training I've ever gone through. Every muscle in my body hurts and I don't think I can stand."

"You will get used to it because we are doing this every day. Guy-senseis training is crazy but it works. If your brother went up against Guy-sensei with only Taijutsu Itachi would lose. That's how good he is. Of course, we aren't only going to focus solely on taijutsu and body exercises, but let's get some lunch first."

Naruto had his clones dispel so he can see their progress then made them again to continue training. He was close to mastering water walking. When he got that down he could start genjutsu training. Naruto and Sasuke went to ichiraku. Today was his ramen day naruto could stuff his face with as much as he wanted. After eating ramen Naruto took Sasuke back to the training field.

He handed Sasuke a piece of paper. "Put your chakra into that."


"Do it and you'll find out."

Sasuke did as he was told and half the paper crumpled up while the other half burned to ash. Sasuke dropped the paper thinking he would be burned. "Your pretty lucky you know that?"

"Huh, why am I lucky?" Sasuke asks.

"You were lucky enough to be born with two elements. Fire because you're an Uchiha, and lightning which you were born with." Naruto explains.

"Wow, What elements do you have?"

"Just wind at the moment."

"What do you mean at the moment?" Sasuke asks.

"Anyone can use any element even if they aren't born with it. You simply have to practice and hone that element from scratch. It will be hard, but nothing worth it is ever easy." Naruto explains.

After explaining everything to Sasuke, Naruto started his other training. Seeing as Sasuke has barely started his training, Naruto started him on chakra control. He first showed him the leaf exercise, but Sasuke was able to easily master that, so Naruto moved on to tree walking. Walking over to the nearest tree, Naruto started walking up the trunk of it. Sasuke just stared at him with a shocked expression.

"How did you do that?!" Sasuke asked excitedly.

"This is your second exercise in chakra control. It's called tree walking, and it's a lot more tricky than the leaf one you mastered. It's the same premise as the leaf, but instead of sticking something to you, you're sticking to something else." Naruto throws a Kunai at Sasuke's feet. "Use that to make your progress. Once you can run up and down the tree with no mistakes, I'll teach you the next chakra control exercise."

Naruto jumps down and leaves Sasuke to his training. While Sasuke is challenging the trees, Naruto created a ton of clones and got to work. After many hours of training, Sasuke has barely made it halfway up the tree. Which is extremely good considering how long it took Naruto to do that. Although Naruto does have about a hundred times more chakra than Sasuke, so you can't really blame him for falling behind in this category.

When the day came to an end, Naruto and Sasuke were sitting in the training field relaxing after their long day of training. The sun had already set, and the training field has grown dark.

"Hey, Naruto. Can I sleep on your couch again?" Sasuke asks.

"Sure, no problem. I think I may have some more tomatoes leftover from yesterday."

"Thanks, I'd rather not go back to that house yet."

"You can stay with me until you're ready, but sooner or later you should go back to pay your respects to your family. They may be gone from this world, but I'm sure they're watching over you from the afterlife. If you believe in stuff like that."

"Do you believe in an afterlife? Like heaven, hell, limbo, and whatever else is out there." Sasuke asks.

"I don't know for sure, but I like to think that some sort of afterlife exists. It gives me hope to see my parents again."

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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