
Naruto: Yūki clan

an otaku unfortunately or fortunately dies and gets reincarnated in Naruto the warring states era he is born 30 years before hashirama and Madara our lucky fella came through with a system [strongest family system] to be exact. as you may know not a lot is known about the warring states so some clans will be made to fill the void in the world a lot of original characters from myself and the show will be included in this novel

TheprimordialGod · Others
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41 Chs

damsel in distress

Kiridō an clan specializing in mist techniques in the land of rain is like a fish in the water they have a lot of advantages in this land which is the reason they chose it this small land of rain that's now divided into 2 factions fighting for this lands dominance luckily it's only two factions large countries from his memories like the land of fire fragmented into like 5-6 nation states "even tho there's a lot of employment opportunities in the land of fire but there's too many clans in that resource rich area so who would pick a wanderer with no clan like me?" Said izanagi with a sour tone as he speeded up now flashing from tree to tree soon in a few short minutes the front cleared up instead of trees it's like a muddy swamp like terrain not far was what seemed to be a city well a very small one before he could even walk out the tree line he quickly flash to a tree top hiding behind the tree truck and leaves soon the reason he hid showed up

Panting could be heard as a girl with red hair was running she was bleeding from multiple places in her body although she was fast for a normal human like really fast for a shinobi it wasn't worth mentioning following her were 3 shinobi running at a calm pace like they were just strolling arround they were dressed entirely black from head to toe as they didn't want others to know of they're identities 'well it makes sense if that girl is an uzumaki it might be trouble for a small clan to do it openly and kidnap people' thought izanagi as a follower from a distance into the forest he didn't have to follow long as just seconds into the forest the girl stopped in the her tracks waiting for the pursuers not long after the she stopped 3 man calmly walked towards her "so are you going to willingly surrender?" Said the lead man with a mocking tone as one of the men behind him said "just come back with us and give us a few ninjas and we will let you go" said the men half mocking half laughing then after these words the fight quickly started the uzumaki ninja young and inexperience but with large strong chakra managed to fend of with attacking chains and some explosive tags sadly for her, her opponents were experienced even if they never fought an uzumaki they still try to avoid or block everything she throw at them while the fight was going on izanagi not far away was watching his eyes had been activated as he watched he knew he might of been sensed by the uzumaki girl so she was probably betting on him but he wasn't such a beta to go save the damsel in distress without a care he carefully observed the fight calculating his odds 'that girls chakra is still going strong uzumakis are really something she still has arround half her amount of chakra which is just a little over genin levels while the 3 ninjas only seems to be one top genin and 2 low level genin in terms of chakra' thought izanagi

'They aren't using jutsus are they waiting or have I been discovered?' Thought izanagi as he watched he grew a weird face the 2 low level genins were using chakra on theyre kunais and swords he doesn't know if they mastered a jutsu enough to use in battle 'even if that leader has some reservations he has less then half of his chakra which he used to defend this level of Strengh is very underwhelming I doubt they'll have a jutsu that posses any harm to me' after thinking of them he looked at the girl now she was almost exhausted with more blood on her body then the beginning of the fight it's clear that even if she could summon chains anywhere her chakra is it's still not enough to fully defend from every angle she was slowly getting overwhelmed 'if only I had a way to mask my chakra signature this would be so easy even if I sneak next to them they'll know there's no point' thought izanagi with a sigh obviously he thought the leader knew he was here as he was saving chakra

As the fight was just about to be finished with the uzumakis girls chakra almost reaching zero footsteps sounded out startling the 2 low level genin as the top level genin smirked 'go figure he knew' thought izanagi as he walked slowly towards them his armor and mask deeply intimidated the 2 low level genin as they instantly went into a deffensive stance disregarding the uzumaki that practically ran out of chakra and can't run any regular ninja lossing that much blood and damn near going rock bottom in chakra would of fainted but she's and uzumaki

"So you finally showed your head lil weasel"

Said the top level genin but to his surprise izanagi didn't respond his speed picked up seeing the opponent did not want to talk the top level genin nodded at the his two team mates as receiving a signal they instantly hopped on some tree branches doing hand seals

Water Release: Gunshot, two bullets went at izanagi but they seemed slow and with little power obviously these low level genins haven't mastered theyre jutsu, izanagi just sped past it dodging the bullets with a swipe of his hand 4 shuriken were thrown at the 2 low level genins one aimed at they vital and the other aimed where they were going to dodge these low level genin with minimum experience effortlessly dodged not bothering to waste chakra on defense which was a grave mistake as soon as they dodged the second shuriken came aimed at theyre hearts they couldn't even react before they died, all of this happened to quick the for the top level genin when the shurikens were about to hit izanagi was already infront of him

Water Dragon Bullet Technique, before the hand seals for his technique were finished 3 izanagis appeared in his vision although his water dragon wasn't the biggest it can still hit all of them that's what the top level genin thought but lack of information was his down fall as the dragon formed and rushed towards izanagi but before even hitting the 3 izanagis his vision went bright white for a second before he can gather his bearings a sharp pain and crackling noises came to him as he came to himself izanagi was standing infront him his cold eyes and markings gave him chills as he looked down he saw half the man's arm was in his chest with a burnt meat smell coming out his arm 'well fuck…' thought the man before everything went black