
Naruto: The will of fire

ever since he was born he could barely use chakra, But that won't stop Cujo Ishi from reaching his dreams. oh and ten ten doesn't exist, R.I.P

Alex_Anderson_4701 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter 7

Cujo changed and headed out of the bathroom

"I'm gonna go home and get some sleep," Cujo said tiredly

"Do just that Cujo, your gonna need your energy for tomorrow" guy said, Cujo and the rest headed outside the hospital, Cujo saw it was evening

he waved goodbye and walked back to the orphanage with his suit and weights, he opened the door and headed inside

" Cujo!!!" mother mina said rushing towards him "what happened!!!" she said touching his arms and face

"Eh just training," Cujo said getting her arm off him,

"What kind of-"

Cujo interrupted her "mother I'm tired," he said looking at her eyes, "Very"

mina looked at his eyes and sighed "Be careful next time"

Cujo was gonna go get on his bed and go to sleep until he remembered the dream

"Mother, do you wanna play shogi really quick?"

Mina smiled " I'd love too"

they headed past the orphans and went into her room, they sat down and organized the pieces

"You go first," mina said, Cujo nodded his head

he moved the rook first, While mina moved a pawn

After some time passed, Cujo asked her a question

"Mother, Who were my parents," Cujo said calmly,

Mina who hadn't expected that question gulped, Cujo seeing this got more suspicious

"refugees from kirigakure," She said nervously,

"I see. . . " Cujo knew that she wouldn't tell him the truth no matter what he said

Cujo promoted his rook and then took her king, "good night" he said quietly, He headed back to his bed

mina wiped the sweat off her face [ that was close ] mina thought [ He's not ready]

Cujo placed his gear in the drawer and then got onto his bed and closed his eyes. . .


Cujo opened his eyes and looked at the clock [right on time]

he got up [ weird ] he squatted down and back up "huh" strangely his legs didn't feel as much pain or fatigue

He went to the bathroom and looked at his legs, He could see bruises and some new muscles "Nice" he said grinning

he contracted them and he felt as if he could jump hundreds of feet into the sky

He lifted his shirt and saw his abs forming neatly on his core, In a perfect order [ that looks nice ]

He looked at his hands and unwrapped them from the bandages

his knuckles were bony and a little purple, He rubbed them a little bit and he felt a little pain

[ never knew konohas doctors were that good ]

He took a shower and changed into his green suit

[the suit looks weird but it makes me feel. . . alive, fast, and like guy sensei said "youthful" ]

he got out of the bathroom and saw that everyone was still asleep, He put on his weights and amazingly he felt as if they were just a couple of a dozen pounds

" be careful "

Cujo turned his head seeing mina " I will "

he headed outside and saw that the sun was rising, he breathed in the fresh air and jumped into the branches, he jumped from one branch to another smiling

He headed to the same training ground and saw lee along with Neji stretching with a table filled with gear behind them

[ Neji. . . . ]

Lee turned his head and smiled "Good morning Cujo!!!"

Cujo nodded his head and smiled back,

"Where's guy sensei?"

"Right here"

Cujo turned around seeing guy grinning

"Let's get started then," Cujo said

they started with the laps, 500 around Konoha, This time Cujo was ready, He was never 10 feet behind guy sensei

Cujo was surprised at Neji who was surprised at him for keeping up and having strong endurance

nevertheless, they focused and ran

[ 500 ]

Cujo was breathing rapidly, his lungs were in pain but not as painful as yesterday, He breathed out through his nose as slow as he can

Next was the jump ropes, He went as fast as he could, Completing it before Neji could

Then after that, he did the pushups, it gave him trouble but he easily completed it without flaw, He looked at Neji who was struggling with the last few one-handed pushups

Cujo smirked, Cujo thought that Neji probably sensed this and started to go faster finishing it under half a minute

then it was the trees stumps, Cujo was a little nervous, But he had felt his arms and legs, and they were hard, very hard


Cujo started kicking, His legs hurt but were not as painful as yesterday

he looked over to Neji who was making dents in it every time he kicked, Cujo breathed in

"HAI!!!" he yelled kicking the stump as hard as he could, cracking it again

guy was again surprised along with lee, Neji was getting frustrated, seeing that Cujo had no problem doing the rest of the exercises and no problem with this one he started to kick harder

After finishing he got into his stance, His left hand lowered, and his right hand lifted slightly up with his fist guarding his cheek

He started to punch it [ one two, one two, one two ]

Cujo hit the stump with his left hand, and with his right hand he twisted his body, with all his power he punched the stump

His hand went clean into the wood deeply, His entire arm inside the stump

Guy looked at him in pure shock [ I-I can't believe, His body adapted this quick!!! ]

Lee widened his eyes while Neji in disbelief activated his byakugan

[ I-IMPOSSIBLE!!! He's not even using chakra!!!]

Neji's expression turned from disbelief to anger, He turned around and continued training as if nothing had happened

Cujo yanked his hand out, his hand was broken, his wrist throbbing he swiftly rearranged it, grunting silently

He grabbed his fingers, cracking them back into place

He moved his fingers feeling immense pain, But his will overpowered it and continued training

after finishing the exercise guy told Neji his weaknesses and gave him some exercises to do, He looked over to lee giving him instructions with his balance and some advice for other things, such as how to comb his hair, which comb is right, and which gel to use

then he turned to Cujo

"Cujo how good are you in ninjutsu, or in any jutsu"

"Well I have some decent amount of chakra, I'm good at ninjutsu and some other stuff, and I have a pretty good control over my chakra"

guy pulled out a piece of paper

" Infuse a little bit of chakra into this paper"

Cujo grabbed the paper and infused some chakra

the paper bursted into dark, blood-like flames that were a few feet tall, Guy quickly backed away

immediately after the paper ignited, the fire disappeared along with the paper

"Guy sensei are you alright!!!" lee yelled rushing towards him

"That I am," He said, [ Interesting, I have never seen that type of fire before, But one thing Is for sure, it's hot, extremely hot. . . .