
Naruto: The will of fire

ever since he was born he could barely use chakra, But that won't stop Cujo Ishi from reaching his dreams. oh and ten ten doesn't exist, R.I.P

Alex_Anderson_4701 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter 8

Cujo fell to the ground

[and I thought I had good control of my chakra ]

Cujo thought as he got back up and walked up the tree

"slow and steady," He said, Guy threw a small pebble at him which knocked off his balance, he fell to the ground

"what was that for sensei?" cujo said getting back up

"so you can concentrate more," he said grinning,


Cujo walked back up the tree again getting hit by pebbles

[ concentrate!!! ]

Cujo got hit in the head, He fell back to the ground again

Cujo gritted his teeth, "Concentrate Cujo, let go of the pain" Guy said grinning

Cujo walked up the tree again, He focused on his chakra which he exerted out through his feet, making sure it was the exact amount

he was nearly there until he saw a blur in the corner of his eye, He turned his head and lost his concentration falling

He hit the ground

"Guy sensei did you see that!!!"

He looked over to Guy who had a paper in his hand, with a serious facial expression

" Wait here Cujo" guy said

one moment he was there and then he wasn't, [ fast ]

after some time he came back with Neji and lee

" Is there something wrong guy sensei?" Cujo said in a confused tone

"No, We have a mission," he said putting the paper into his pocket

"What kind?" Cujo said curiously

" C rank mission, It's our 9th mission, This might be more dangerous than the others", Guy said "we need to confirm what a jonin saw, apparently he saw a Phoenix"

"W-WHAT!!!" Cujo yelled, "Y-Your joking right guy sensei?," Cujo said smiling in disbelief

Guy looked at him with a blank face, [ h-hes not ]

"I thought they were extinct guy sensei," Neji said

"Maybe, Or maybe not, our objective is to see if this claim is true, and this is the only c rank mission available"

"Get your things, this location he mentioned is about a few hundred kilometers from this village, Only get your gear nothing else, This mission will also be a test for our survival skills, and when you have everything, meet me at the main gate" guy said before vanishing

Cujo didnt need anything else, so he went to the orphanage and told mother mina that he's going on a mission, They did their farewells and Cujo headed off

Arriving at the gate he saw Neji, Lee, and guy


"Ready?" Guy said, They all nodded, The main gate opened and they headed off


the sun started to set, Cujo shivered in his wet clothes, he fell into the water three times in a row, He looked down into the water, Focusing his chakra [ don't fall into the water again, focus]

"H-hey guy sensei now can we get off the water, We've been doing this for hours"

"Sure only if you catch up to me!!!" he said running off, The river was wide, almost a kilometer, it was also endless, ever since they headed off they traveled on the river, using chakra to run on it

[ I swear. . . ] Cujo started to catch up to the rest of his team, Guy was only a dozen feet away from him

[ Almost there ] Cujo sprinted as fast as he could, When he was nearly there he realized his knees were deep in the water and he was sinking

"Not again!!!!"

He fell into the water, Guy pulled him back up

"I'm s-sorry guy sensei," he said twitching from the cold

"Don't worry Cujo, Youll get it" he said walking back onto land,

"Cujo Neji, Gather some wood, Lee and I will catch some fish, when you're done meet us back here"

deep in the woods, Neji and Cujo were gathering wood, Cujo asked him a question

"Hey Neji, Why do you hate Hinata so much?"

"None of your business"

"She's my friend, making it my business, And to say such things to your cousin, What did she ever do to you"

Neji didnt say anything,

"Neji wh-"

Neji turned around with a hateful expression, He removed his headband revealing a mark

[ What the ]

"This, This is what she did, She enslaved me, she's the reason for my father's death!!!" He said with an activated byakugan

"Whoah Neji," Cujo said backing up "i-i didnt know that my ap-" before he could say anything else Neji leaped towards him tackling him to the ground

[ you mother-]

Cujo saw the ground he previously stood on being melted

[ what the-]


Cujo got up,

"You Konoha genins are quick," the man said as he jumped onto the ground, tired from the jutsu he performed

"Who the hell are you to trespass onto our lands," Cujo said grabbing his kunais

"Their poachers," Neji said getting into his stance

suddenly dozens of kunais came from behind,

Cujo spun around, deflecting as much as he could,

two kunais dug into the right side of his chest, and one would've dug right into his neck if Neji hadn't deflected that away

He looked over to Neji who was unscathed

three more poachers came down from the trees

"Give up, There's no way you can go against us, all" one of them said drawing his sword

Cujo plucked the kunais out of his chest

"do your worst"

they rushed towards him, One of them swung at Cujo with his sword, Cujo parried it with his kunai

Cujo leaped at his revealed chest digging his kunai into it, Cujo jumped off his chest flying towards the other poacher who braced himself

"Cujo!!!" Neji yelled as he kicked the poacher from behind,

The poacher lost his balance and wobbled towards Cujo who plunged into him like a bullet, Killing him with his kunai, The other poacher came with his dead comrades sword

Cujo kept dodging his sword,

he swiftly cut his right wrist, He dropped his sword

Cujo elbowed him in the stomach, He bent forward, Cujo shoved a kunai up his eye and yanked it back out, He shoved him to the ground and looked back to Neji who stood tall over his opponent who was paralyzed

"W-Hat did you do to m-" He said coughing up blood

"Why are you here?" Neji said in an angry tone

"The same reason as you," he said coughing "the pheon-" Neji killed him and picked up the wood he had previously gathered

"Neji, Thank you for saving my life, twice"

Neji didnt respond and walked away. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..