
Naruto: The will of fire

ever since he was born he could barely use chakra, But that won't stop Cujo Ishi from reaching his dreams. oh and ten ten doesn't exist, R.I.P

Alex_Anderson_4701 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter 6

Cujo balanced himself

"4000!!!" he yelled at the top of his legs,

he fell, rubbing his legs [ weird I don't feel any pain ]

he looked over to lee, who was on his last kick,

Lee spun around twisting his body he faced the tree in mid-air, with his leg behind him, he swung it forward hitting the stump diagonally

His leg went clean through

[ He's on another level. . . a level I must catch up to ]

after guy finished his training, Breaking almost a dozen stumps he said

"Cujo, Lee, eat this and use the chakra inside you to heal your legs"

guy threw a red ball, made of jello, He took a bite

[ sweet, very sweet ]

After finishing the jello, he used his chakra and infused it into the tissue and bones of his leg, halfway through healing it the pain returned breaking his concentration

"ARGH" grunting, He clenched his teeth and got up

"Guy sensei what. . . next," he said barely getting the last words out

" Rest Cujo, you have ten minutes I suggest you use it to patch yourself up to the best of your ability"

Cujo sat down, closed his eyes, and breathed in

[ let go of the pain ]

meditating his pain started to go away little by little, He opened his eyes the pain still there but not as great

he got up and stabilized his balance for his legs were fatigued greatly along with his body

He looked over to lee who didn't even break a sweat

"Ready for the next exercise"

both of them nodded

"10,000 punches" "5,000 each hand"

they found a new stamp and started

[ Again. . . AGAIN AGAIN ]

in his stance, Unhinged from the pain, Cujo punched again his knuckles cracking and moving inside his skin

he looked over to lee who rapidly was punching, and guy who was puncturing the stumps with each punch

Cujo stopped and lowered his hands

[ no way I can get as strong them ]

Cujo was about to give up until a flame ignited in his heart

[ give up and ill suffer more ]

Cujo got into his stance again, punching

every ounce of pain he took in, he breathed it out

He looked at the stump in front of him, Cujo imagined it breaking with every punch he threw at it

"One two one two one two"

Again and again, Cujo was so focused on the rhythm and determination of breaking the stump that he didn't see his hands bleeding

[ must break this damn shit, why is it so hard!!! ]

seeing that he hasn't left a single dent he started to put more effort, more power, more force

he started to twist his hips faster and faster, Not minding the soreness that came after each twist


Guy peeked his head

[ he broke the wood, The damn wood!!! we hit the lottery with this one ] guy thought, He looked over to lee who was thinking to himself

[ He's strong, Punching and cracking this type of wood is not easy, Breaking it in a single day of training isn't an easy thing to do as well, If he is my rival I'm gonna need to take him more seriously. . . ]

Cujo snapped back to reality, His focus gone, he yanked his hand out, taking a close look at it

a purple reddish mess with his fingers in disarray and broken

[ what was I thinking. . . . no I can't give up now ]

Oddly he felt no pain, from it Cujo sensed a little relief but knew it was going to return

he started to punch but he had lost his strength, in each hand

The pain suddenly started to come back, shoulders hands fingers legs his core, biceps, his entire body burned, Like the veins in his body was filled with lava

He fell, but before he could touch the ground lee caught him

" fast," Cujo said before going unconsciously


"Yara!!!" a man yelled, The woman who's name was Yara looked at her husband, Kuro

She held onto the baby tight to her chest and touched the kunai which was in her throat, blood gushed out

She fell with the baby tightly held in her arms and before she could fall into the ground Kuro caught her

He gently placed her head on his lap, teardrops came out of his eye, She couldn't speak but he saw what her lips told

"protect the baby"

"8th swordsman!!!" a man yelled behind him

"We've come!!!" he said sheathing his mystical sword

Kuro got up, turned his body, and faced them, all 7 swordsmen.

"What's the matter Kuro? need some help wiping that tear off your face?" Fubuki said

"kekekekeke now it begins!!!" juzo said sheathing his kubikiribocho

Kuro reached for the sword on his right shoulder and the other which was horizontally on his lower back with the handle under his left arm

"No," Kuro said silently, A teardrop falling off his cheek "Now it ends. . . . . . .


Cujo regained consciousness and opened his eyes

[was that a dream or. . . he looked just like me ] Cujo thought about the man [ no, Couldn't be ]

Cujo raised his head " Agh" he brought it back down, he looked around the room then towards his body which was wrapped in bandages, and underneath that he felt moist ointments

[ guess I'm in the hospital ] Cujo always liked the hospital rooms

the rooms were always clean with white tiles and we're really spacious, He tried getting up again but fell back down making a small noise

The door opened with lee poking his head out to check on him

"Cujo!!!" he said rushing towards him

"Lee, how long have I been here?" he said getting up, now with less help

"about four hours"

Guy entered the room with some snacks "Ah Cujo I'm glad you're awake, how are you feeling?"

" never been better guy-sensei"

"So," guy said scratching his head "I'm sorry about the training, we tried to rush it because we wanted you to catch up with the rest of the team as soon as possible"

" heh with two weeks of this kind of training, I'm pretty sure I can surpass both of them"

Lee smiled in amazement while Guy said

"That's the spirit Cujo"

"so," Cujo said, "What time do you want me to come tomorrow morning and where do you want to meet for training?"

"Cujo after today's training your gonna need some rest for the body to adjust to this kind of training, I suggest you take the day off tomorrow," guy sensei said

"well," Cujo thought for a moment "the prime of one's youth waits for no one", he looked towards guy " Am I right guy sensei?"

Lee laughed while guy grinned "Right you are Cujo, right you are