
Naruto: The Thunder Swordsman

Ren,A Master Swordsman is reincarnated in the AU Naruto world as a civilian child where Minato and Kushina are still alive. The plot he knew got all messed up now. Let's see how he becomes strong,even though he is just a civilian. Note:- I do not own the Narutoverse and it's characters except for the Ocs, they belong to their respective owners.

Izumi_123 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

[Chapter 6] Minato's Reaction, Chakra Control

Just after the Explosive sound,

In the Hokage's Office,

Minato had a serious expression.

As soon as he heard the noise he spoke,


An anbu appeared in front of him.

The anbu wore a mask which covered his entire face, he had Silver hair and had a sword on his back.

"take your team and go to the source of the sound, if the culprit is found, try to bring him alive, also bring me a detailed report on what happened, now leave immediately!"

"Yea Hokage sama"said the anbu with a plain voice.


Another anbu appeared.

"Get your whole division ready for evacuation, if the situation gets out of control, start the evacuation, now leave immediately."

"Yes Hokage sama" replied the anbu.


Another anbu appeared.

"Bring me the list of everyone who has entered and left the village for the past month, leave immediately."

"Yes Hokage sama" replied the anbu.

Minato got up from his chair and looked at the source.

He had a frown on his face as he thought,

'Is it a hidden village shinobi..... no they have no reason to attack and start a war.'

'Is it that masked man... no, though the sound was very loud, there was no destruction caused in the village.'

'Is it Donzo and his men.... no I disbanded his organisation a long time ago and I don't think he would do this.'

'Is it a rouge ninja... Yes that seems to be the most plausible explanation.'

'This is getting troublesome, I need to get Naruto and Kushina to a safe place'

Minato vanished from his office.


Tora and his team reached the training ground 45.

They could not find the culprit.

"This a pretty big crater" spoke Tora with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Captain come here and take a look at these holes in the trees" spoke one of his teammate.

Tora appeared in front of him and analysed one of the trees.

"This is lightning nature!" spoke Tora.

"Scout the area one more time and give me your reports." spoke Tora

"Yes captain" his teammates spoke all at once.


At Hokages office,

"It was lightning jutsu huh, so it was probably not the Masked man as I didn't see him using any lightning jutsu, must be a rouge ninja for sure." said Minato with a frown and a slight anger on his face.

Thinking about the masked man made him angry.

Because of that man, he had to seal the whole nine tails in his son.

Minato was going to sacrifice himself by splitting the nine tails in half but elder Fukasaku stopped him saying that Naruto could handle the whole tailed beast as it was weakened.

The tailed beast was weakened as the Masked man could not kill Minato or Kushina so instead he absorbed a lot of the beasts chakra.

As for why Minato didn't seal it in himself, Kushina or Jiraya was that their chakra was very unstable due to fighting and the nine tailed woulf have been released after a few minutes so Naruto was the only one who could contain him.

Minato also thought that Naruto will be able to master the tailed beast power in the future.


At Ryo's apartment,

As Ryo was in deep thought, Souta barged in his room and spoke with a hint of fear in his voice,

"Big brother was it you who just came in now?!"

"Yes" replied Ryo with a warm smile.

"I just returned from the playground and after some minutes I heard a huge noise, I was so scared!" spoke Souta as he ran and hugged Ryo.

Ryo was surprised at the sudden hug, but after a moment his smile turned even wider.

He once again realised how important his little brother was to him.

"Don't be scared Souta, everything will be alright, the Hokage will not let anything bad happen to the village." said Ryo as he patted Souta's head.

When Souta left the room after a long hug, Ryo thought,

'I can't train at the secret spot for at least a week as the village will be on a high alert. Hmm.... I will work on my chakra control and only after I master it will I try experimenting with that lightning.'

'Academy will start in a few months, I have to perfect it till then.'

Next morning Ryo did not go for training outside.

Instead he sat on the bed in a meditative pose.

He then picked up a leaf and put it on his forehead.

He started circulating chakra in order to prevent the leaf from falling.

This was the leaf exercise which he had read in one of the books which had the title, /Chakra Control/.

After a week of doing this, he could stick many leaves.

He still went out for runs and did the exercises but did not do sword training.

The village had calmed down as the Hokage had assured everyone that there was no danger.

'Tree walking and water walking is next but let's get a real sword first.' thought Ryo excitedly.

Weapons such as a customised sword were quite expensive.

Ryo opened a drawer, it is where the money he kept was.

He hesitated to take the money as it was the money his parents had saved.

Gritting his teeth he toke some money and spoke in a low voice,

"Mom, Dad I swear that I will not waste this money you worked so hard to save!"

'I will give the half of it to Souta when he needs it.'

After calming down for a bit Ryo left his house and went to a weapon shop.

As he was walking, he saw two very familiar people.

It was none other than Itachi and Sauske!

They were holding hands and Sauske had a big smile on his face.

"Brother brother let's go and eat something, I am very hungry." spoke Sauske with a tone which was very unlike the anime.

"Sure Sauske, where do you want to go?" spoke Itachi with a slight smile on his face.

"Dongo Dongo" said Sauske while jumping.

People would not believe that both were going to be S rank criminals.

'I guess the Uchiha massacre will not not happen as Minato is still alive' thought Ryo whith a shocked look.

Due to Minato being the Hokage, the relationship between the Uchiha and the village was very good.

As a matter of fact Minato and Fugaku were good friends.

Though the Uchiha were still arrogant, they were not hated by the village as they provide protection to the village.

Due to this relationship the Uchihas had no intention of taking over the village any time soon.

Ryo gave an order for his customised sword and went to the library.