
Naruto: The Thunder Swordsman

Ren,A Master Swordsman is reincarnated in the AU Naruto world as a civilian child where Minato and Kushina are still alive. The plot he knew got all messed up now. Let's see how he becomes strong,even though he is just a civilian. Note:- I do not own the Narutoverse and it's characters except for the Ocs, they belong to their respective owners.

Izumi_123 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

[Chapter 7] Progress and Academy

6 months had passed since Ryo unlocked his chakra.

In the centre of a forest,

Ryo was sitting under the shade of a tree drinking water.

'The academy is going to start tomorrow huh' thought Ryo with excitement.

In these six months, he increased his daily training by a lot.

He did not slack off for even a single day.

His speed, strength and agility all increased by a large margin.

If he used his sword he could probably take on a newly promoted Chunin.

He perfected walking on both trees and water.

Ryo also perfected the three basic jutsus which were Clone jutsu, Transformation jutsu and Substitution jutsu.

Being a Swordmaster helped him a lot, not only in sword training, but chakra control too.

To achieve good chakra control one needs precise concentration and also a calm mind.

Thus no one expected a child who is not even in the academy, to achieve this.

Swordsmanship also required these conditions which worked as an advantage for him.

Ryo had all the theory he needed from the library, he just needed to practice.

He even started to put weights like Rock Lee.

Due to this hard training, he even gained muscles, but one would not be able to see them unless he removed his jacket.

His height had considerably increased and was comparable to Shino.

'Now that I have mastered Chakra Control I should try out that lightning chakra in a few days.' thought Ryo with a smile on his face.

He was on his way back home as he saw two people running on their hands, wearing green training suits which made them look funny.

They were running while shouting "This is the Power of Youth!"

Because of these two Ryo had to change his running path many times so as to not run into them.

Today Ryo was going to his neighbours house who he considered family, to celebrate the start of the academy, the next day.

He entered the neighbouring apartment with a grin and spoke,

"Good evening grandma, good evening grandpa."

"Good evening Ryo, how was your day?" asked the old woman with a warm expression.

"It was good grandma, I did some training....."

They then started chatting for a while.

"Where is Souta? We can't start dinner without him." spoke the old man in a kind manner.

"He should be here soon, he was playing with his friends like always, let me help you set up the table grandma" said Ryo.

"Wait, before that I and grandpa need to give you something."

The old man got up from his chair and took out a rectangular box which was the size of a big book.

Their expression became serious and after a moment the old woman spoke,

"Ryo, this box was given to us by your parents on the night of the attack before they left to assist the village. They said that they were going to give you this as a present when you became a Genin, but due to the circumstances they gave this to us and told us to give it to you when you join the academy if they didn't make it out alive."

After a moment the old woman continued,

"Listen Ryo, your parents always wanted you and Souta to be happy, they always cared about you. When they left that night, they had a smile on their face as they bid you and Souta farewell. They might not be here today, but they will always be in your heart."

Ryo got overwhelmed hearing this.

Tears started to flow from his eyes as he went and hugged his grandparents.

This went on for some minutes as he calmed down.

Later that night Ryo locked his room and picked up the box as he sat on his bed.

Slowly opening it, he found some scrolls.

There were some C and B ranked jutsus in it!

As he dug through he even found an A rank jutsu!

It is to be noted that an A ranked jutsu was very rare.

'Thank you mom and dad, I will definitely live up to your expectations.' thought Ryo with tears in his eyes.

There were some wind ninjutsus, some fire jutsus but what made Ryo interested the most was the 'Shadow Clone Jutsu' which was a B rank jutsu and the other was 'Chakra Scalpul jutsu' which was a A ranked jutsu!


The next day,

"Today is the day!" spoke Ryo full of excitement.

He got ready in his usual training attire.

He really wanted wear his black kimono but that would make him stand out which he didn't want until he became strong enough.

If he attracted the attention of Donzo, Orochimaru or Zetsu, he would surely be a goner.

'Orochimaru could deicive two great ninja villages during the chunin exam in the canon, if he wanted to kidnap me for his experiments, he could easily do so.' thought Ryo with some fear in his eyes.

Ryo's looks were extremely good, even better than Sasuke's.

He was told that he looked very cute whenever he went out thus he decided to wear a mask like Kakashi's till he became a Genin.

It was not uncommon for people to wear masks, it was just that it had been ignored in the anime.

'Before going to the academy I have to go somewhere.' thought Ryo wearing his mask which was black in colour.

He went to his parents grave to pay respect.

Reaching there he bowed to them and spoke with eyes full of determination,"I will definitely make you proud and also protect the people I care for just like you did."

After a minute he stood up and saw a man with a mask and silver hair looking at him , his left eye was covered with his leaf headband, it was none othe than Kakashi! Ryo recognised him immediately and looked at him with surprise but after a moment he immediately calmed himself down.

Kakashi noded his head and so did Ryo in response.

After this awkward interaction Ryo left for the academy.


Kakashi POV,

'I am leaving Obito Rin'

Kakashi was just about to leave as he saw a boy around 6 years old who was kneeling.

The boy stood up and looked at Kakashi.

Looking at the boys eyes Kakashi was shocked.

'Those eyes..... they are filled with so much determination, just what did he go through to get that iron clad will.'

Kakashi did not what to do so he just nodded.

'Looks like things in future will get troublesome.'

Kakashi smirked under his mask.

End of POV
