

It has been 4 years since Riku has moved to Konohagakure he has improved greatly. He has gotten to the point where he can start to use one of his spirit techniques known as resonance but he can't do it consistently and can only go in stage one. As Riku grew so did Asami the design of her chokuto form became more elaborate all with different markings on the blade resembling seals. These seals couldn't be utilized yet but soon as Riku gets better he will be able to utilize it. His sever release has gotten stronger but he has got to a point where it has gotten strong to the point where he can't always use it at full power because he can't control it but he has mastered it at a low level of power. He came to learn how truly strong a shinobi like his father was as he pulled off many crazy missions for the leaf as a jonin. He understood his fathers nickname. The sever release was a deadly release. His mother stayed home with him most of the time to make sure that Riku was safe but his mother has proven that she can be as powerful as his father with her spirit. In these years he sadly never found any of the Spirit clan there were many times that he almost lost hope but he kept going on.

In the academy Riku kept topping the scores and his taijutsu improved a phenomenal amount. One person kept trying to compete with him he had black hair and onyx eyes named Sasuke Uchiha. There was also a kid that was seen as a trouble maker that would always yell that he would become Hokage with blonde hair and blue eyes named Naruto. These two kids were part of the reason he became who he was one with endless determination and another with talent to challenge him. He slowly became friends with Naruto as he knew that his unending determine will always be there. As he got to know Naruto he understood that he isn't as bad as the villagers say he is a very strong willed and good kid. Sasuke would only ever challenge him and they would improve together. But Sasuke never gave Riku more words then those. Riku during classes also spent a lot of time with Ino as he got to know her better and they got along really well eventually meeting a pink haired girl named Sakura as well. As Riku continued to hangout with Ino all of the fan girls slowly calmed down allowing Riku to focus more on classes.

After these 4 years of improving Riku was about to graduate from being a academy student. He was waiting in the class like all of the other students for their team and their Sensei to be announced.

Ino: I wonder how the teams will be formed. I hope we are on the same team Riku.

I no said as over the 4 years Riku and Ino got closer to each other and Ino had developed a crush on Riku. As they were hanging out they also noticed that Sakura started to develop a crush on Sasuke after all of the challenges against Riku. As well as Naruto constantly claiming he likes Sakura but no one believing him. Riku also started to notice the constant attention that he got from Hinata.

Riku: I hope so too Ino we make a great team.

Iruka: Alright guys your teams will be announced. Jonin will come in here one at a time and announce their teams.

All of the students started to get excited. Many of them were ready to get out of the academy and start their life as a genin. As the students slowly started to vanish from the room being called by the jonin. There were 10 students left. The students were Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, and Riku. The next team called was Hinata, Kiba, and Shino being called by a woman with long black hair and red eyes named Kurenai. Shortly after Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino were called by a man named Asuma Sarutobi he had black spikey hair and a beard. After a while had passed Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Riku were left in the room waiting. Naruto getting impatient went up and got the black board eraser and decided to pull a prank by putting it on the top of a slightly open sliding door. That was when a shinobi Riku knew walked in a silver haired man with most of his face covered. Falling for Narutos childish prank.

Kakashi: *sigh* Well that's a good start Huh kids. Alright kids Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke come with me we'll get this over with.

Riku: Wait if I am not on your team who is my Sensei and team. Did I not graduate?

Kakashi: No you were recognized as a rare genius that will be trained solo by a jonin and you will gain teamwork by joining other teams on some of their missions.

Riku: Then where is my Sensei.

Kakashi: *sigh* I don't know he's probably doing something dumb.

As Kakashi said that a man who was borderline sober and smelled like booze wobbled into the room. The man was dressed in a loose gray t-shirt and navy blue long pants. He had black hair that went down to his shoulders and a scruffy beard.

Kakashi: This is your Sensei Riku known as Ryu Kusanagi one of the best sword masters in our village. He was the disciple of my father who was known as the White Fang of the Leaf.

Ryu: Wassup so your Riku huh. Not as impressive as from what the hokage says. I think he might be hyping you up to much. Although you have all of these rare abilities resulting in a lot of brute force that's nothing without finesse.

Riku: Who are you to talk about finesse you are barely sober.

Ryu: Alcohol adds to creativity young child and learning from randomness creates new techniques.

Kakashi: He is known as the Crazy Blade of the Leaf.

Ryu: Seeing how up tight you are kid I don't know if I can teach you anything.

Riku: What do I have to do to get your recognition I don't know if what you say is true but if Kakashi respects you then it could be good as I need to learn to wield a sword better.

Ryu: First that attitude needs to be one of respect not doubt after that I will have a test for you.

Ryu then leaves the room and so does Kakashi and his team. Riku realizes that he shouldn't have doubted a shinobi appointed to teach him by the Hokage no matter how off they seem, Riku fully learned and now understood the phrase never judge a book by its cover.