
Naruto: The Game is Pain

A worthless young adult with a passion for games and anime dies because he wanked too hard of all things. Follow Kuro in his new life in Naruto as one of the last Uzumaki with THE gamer system. I know it's overdone but fuck it, I've been wanting to write this for awhile. My inspiration for this is actually a guy on Fanfiction.net, SeerKing. His FF is called Naruto: The game of life. Go show him some love and hopefully he'll post again =] [I do not own the images or Naruto]

Z_Kuro_Z · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Next Day PT 3

[New Quest: Leaf head.

Control your chakra to stick a leaf on your head before the end of class.

Main objective: stick a leaf to your head with chakra.

Bonus objective: stick more than one leaf on your head.

Main reward: 500 XP

Bonus reward: [Tree walking exercise], Chakra Control perk.

Failure rewards: Fuinjutsu weights (arms and legs)]

{Kuro PoV}

Technically it's a win-win no matter what, but I can't use those weights until my body is in better shape. Time to do the bane of every Uzumaki that has ever lived, Chakra Control.

The first hour:'why won't you stick!?','Stop Fuckin' Tearing!', 'Why is it so hard!!?', 'I want to give up.' The second hour: 'The Grind never ends.' Third hour: 'welp I'm gonna fail this quest for sure.'

[Quest Failed: Leaf head

You Failed all the objectives.

Rewards: Fuinjutsu weights

Punishment: Temporary Flaw: Chakra Wreck: Any use of chakra is unpredictable for 1 hour.]

There's punishments? Well that's something I didn't add.

["Because Tom made The Gamer System"]

'How many features did he add?'

["I don't know."]

'Great, It's like ajuka in DxD.'

["ah the evil pieces and there many secrets."]

'Do you think the Author would make a DxD Fic that goes longer than the riser arc?'

[depends on the readers.]

{"Damnit guys you broke the wall!"}

{2 hours later}

Kuro is seen practicing the leaf exercise, even though it's all for naught. Shredded leaves covered the floor of his living room. 'Gah! Why is it so hard!?'

["Maybe because you're an Uzumaki?"]

'True.. What can I do about it?'

[Abuse your old life knowledge?]

'Oh yeah...' Kuro went out into his backyard to find a tree. It wasn't that hard to find. He does live in Konoha.

'If I remember correctly you need to focus chakra into the soles of your feet, not too much or you'll crush the bark, but too little and you'll fall.' Kuro started to try and learn how to walk on a tree.

"Fuck!" He yelled as he ran and fell quickly, hitting his head straight on a root.

"Again.." He got up and tried again, again and again. After hours of headaches, broken trees, and surprisingly Chakra exhaustion. Kuro finally managed to walk up to the lowest branch. A big step for Kuro, a small step for any normal ninja.

[Due to a certain action, you gained the skill [Tree Walking Technique] (lvl 1) {0.01%} [passive/active]

The tree walking technique is a chakra control technique that allows the user to walk on surfaces like walls or wood.

+5% chakra control XP gain

Surface walking 5cp/s]

"Finally, after 4 hours of pain I finally learned it." Kuro cheered with his hands in the air.

[Quest reminder: Delivery for Ayame

Main objective: Deliver an package to Ayame's friend for her.

Reward: +100 reputation with Ayame, Reputation tab unlocked, Ichiraku's unlimited coupon (25% off).]

"Fffffffuuuuck...." Kuro groaned as he got down and rushed to Ichiraku's Ramen.

{after running to Ichiraku's}

"Ayame! Sorry I'm late." Kuro said gasping for air.

"It's fine Kuro-kun, what were you doing?" She asked while handing him backpack.

"Oh I was just training my chakra control." He said while throwing the backpack over his shoulder.

"Oh that's good, maybe if you ask my friend she could help you out." She said with a smile.

"Who's your friend?" He asked with an interested tone.

"Oh her name is Hana, she lives in the Inuzuka compound." 

"Kiba's sister?"

"Yeah! You know him?"

"Well we're in the same class." He said with a hand behind his head.

"Why haven't you told me anything about your school life Kuro-kun?" She asked with a frown.

"You never asked?" He said with a wet smile and a chuckle.

"Hn." She glared.

"Well got a delivery to make, cya Ayame-Chan!" Kuro said while running away.

{after running to the Inuzuka compound}

"huff....hufff.....knock knock...." Kuro stood at the gate of the Inuzuka clan, exhausted and annoyed.

Exhausted because the compound was on the other side of the village, annoyed because of some girls chasing him. 'Gotta invest in a mask.'

"Whaddya want? Huh Kuro?" Kiba opened the gate to see Kuro standing there panting like a dog 'Racist'.

"Yo Kiba, Got a package for Hana from Ayame-Chan." Kuro handed him a box.

"Oh we've been waiting for this, thanks man." Kiba said with his signature grin.

"No problem Kiba, cya later." Kuro said as he went back home.

[Quest Completed: Delivery for Ayame.]

"Hey, why don't you come inside and have dinner with us?" Kiba asked before Kuro could walk away.

"Uhh, sure why not." He said following Kiba inside.

"Hey man, how are you so fast?" Asked Kiba.

"I ran very, very hard."

"Very funny, but seriously how?" Asked Kiba again.

"Listen man, I don't ask you how your techniques work so can we just go inside?" Kuro asked with a sigh.

"Yeah sorry my bad, just wanted to know how to get that fast." Kiba asked while rubbing the back of his head.

{after dinner}

"What a day eh A?"

["Why do you call me 'A'?"]

"It's short for assistant."

["Please name me something better."]

"How about Alex?" Kuro said with some thought. "Since it's unisex and you don't exactly have a gender it works well."

["It's better than some other names..."]

Kuro continued walking home unobstructed. It was actually a nice night out. It was lightly raining. A very gentle rain.

{After walking home}

"Hey Alex."

["Yes?"] This time Alex responded with a voice, albeit monotone robot voice but a voice nonetheless.

"What's in my inventory?"


Beginner package

Uzumaki shuriken x30

Uzumaki Kunai x25

Chakra Whetstone

Fuinjutsu set: Haori, Gloves, Boots, glasses/goggles.

Chakra ore (30lbs

Medical Ninjutsu scrolls [Gentle Palm, Relaxation]

Chakra Paper]

"Isn't the chakra paper redundant since I already know my Affinities?"

["Can you prove it on the Hokages next visit?"]

"Point taken." Kuro promptly shut up and went to go clean himself before bed.


So I got a few questions for you readers.

First question: should he focus on taijutsu or kenjutsu?

Second question: Should he get Kage Bunshin as a quest reward?

Third question: should I give him a Ninjutsu soon?

Feel free to give me suggestions.

Thanks for reading, I'll probably post more later.

Have a wonderful day, peace.