
Naruto: The Game is Pain

A worthless young adult with a passion for games and anime dies because he wanked too hard of all things. Follow Kuro in his new life in Naruto as one of the last Uzumaki with THE gamer system. I know it's overdone but fuck it, I've been wanting to write this for awhile. My inspiration for this is actually a guy on Fanfiction.net, SeerKing. His FF is called Naruto: The game of life. Go show him some love and hopefully he'll post again =] [I do not own the images or Naruto]

Z_Kuro_Z · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Next Day PT 2

After multiple people walked up to target it was finally Kuro's turn. He walked up breathing in and out, a lot was on the line, He Needed That Money. 

'Kagegan!' Kuro used a truck he remembered, the Kagegan is a purple fading to black to the outer rim of the iris dojutsu with a black pupil, the sclera is still white but the eyes have a dim glow to them. Multiple people take notice to the lack of veins bulging.

The Kagegan has all the abilities of the Byakugan but amplified, Kuro lacks the blind spot of the Byakugan, he also can zoom in to the molecular level. There's a lot that's yet to be tested though.

After activating the Kagegan, Kuro pulled out a Kunai and threw it, hitting a bullseye. Most of the class looked on in interest, while Sasuke was praying that he would take away his fan girls.

Kuro threw another and hit it the bullseye. He hit every single Kunai on the bullseye scoring full marks on the Kunai portion.

[due to a certain action, you got the skill: [Thrown Weapon Mastery] {lvl 1} (5%) [passive]

Increases thrown weapon accuracy by 5%

Increases thrown weapon damage by 10%]

"Now for the harder portion, the shuriken." Kuro pulled 3 shuriken in each hand.

'May Benten bless me.' He thought as he threw them all at once.

Thunk x6

'Yes!' All six hit the bullseye, almost barely making it.

"Again." Iruka ordered with a smile, proud of his student.

Kuro once again pulled out six shuriken, 3 in both hands. He took his stance, focusing as hard as he could.

Fwoosh x6

Thunk x6

Kuro relaxed his stance and fist pumped.

'Booyah!' All six hit the bullseye. [A/n I rolled 2d6 and it was 12]

[Quest Completed: Throwing practice

All objectives completed, ya lucky bastard.

Rewards:2,400 XP, 12,600 ryo, Infinite whetstone, chakra ore (30lbs), Medical Ninjutsu scroll [Gentle Palm], Medical Ninjutsu scroll [Relaxation], Chakra Paper.

[You leveled up Twice, you have 20 more AP]

'Now that's a reward.' Kuro thought while his wallet was trying not to burst. 'Now the hard part, how to deal with the fangirls?' Kuro thought as he looked behind him to see Ino looking at him, which is surprising.

"Now class, it's time for obstacle course practice. Come with me!" Yelled Iruka while the class was talking about Kuro.

"Hey Kuro-nii, you've improved a lot!" Naruto said with his signature thumbs up.

"Thanks Naruto, if you follow my training routine I gave you, you should be able to accomplish that in no time at all!" Kuro was obviously lying.

"You're right Kuro-nii, I'll train hard and become the best Hokage Dattebayo!" But of course Naruto being Narutu he believed it immediately.

The class soon went to the obstacle course. After many people went through it was actually Naruto's turn around.

"Alright Naruto, get ready." Iruka said as Naruto got into the Uzumaki dashing position, "Set!" Naruto breathed in deeply. "Go!" Naruto bolted through the obstacle course.

Naruto slid under a swinging logs. He swiftly got up to leap up a wall and slide down the ramp on the other side, jumping from wall to wall. Naruto got to the end with getting through in 2 minutes and 38 seconds. "Yatta!" Cheered Naruto with a fist pump.

"Next, Uzumaki Kuro!"

[New Quest: Run Boy Run.

Objective: Run.

Main objective: Get through the obstacle course in 3 minutes.

Bonus objective 1: Get through in 2 minutes.

Bonus objective 2: Beat the Yondaime's record.

Main reward: 200 XP, +5 dex

Bonus reward: 200 XP, +5 dex, speed is permanently increased by 20%

Bonus reward 2: 3,000 XP , +20 dex, special perk,?????


Kuro looked at the screen, and promptly walked over to the starting area. He got into position and activated [Uzumaki Parkour Style]. 'A.'


'Play the music.'

["Gas, Gas, Gas~"]

Kuro bolted through the obstacle course as soon as he got the go ahead. Running past every obstacle at record speed. Kuro entered Gremlin mode.

Dashing over the finish line, Kuro tripped and flew into a tree face first. 'But I got the rewards....'

[yup, you sure did get those rewards.]

[Quest Completed: Run Boy Run

You completed all of the objectives.

Rewards: 3,400 XP, + 30 Dex, +20% to Movement speed, Special perk: [Prodigy: You are a genius with immense talent, let's hope you don't get the talent of hard work, Fuinjutsu Okami/Uzumaki Haori.]

[You leveled up once, you earned 10 AP.]

Iruka walked over as the class was both surprised and amused by this. Iruka picked Kuro up while Kuro stood up.

"Congratulations Kuro, you beat the Yondaime's record! We expect great things from you in the next test." Iruka said with a smile and a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Iruka Sensei." Kuro said with a small smile while dusting himself off. While walking with the rest of the class to the classroom, Naruto came up to him.

"Hey Kuro-nii, you were really fast when you came in and ate dirt hehehehe." Naruto chuckled with a shit eating grin.

"Says the guys who can't be trusted with anything other than instant ramen." Kuro rebuked.



Name: Uzumaki Kuro

Title: Wolf Demon Of Konohagakure

Class: The Gamer

Age: 13

Level: 11 [86%]


Uzumaki: 100%

Hyuga: 100%

Okami: 100%

???: Sealed


HP: 800/1,000 (Debuffed due to Malnourished Status)

CP: 10,300/10,300

Strength: 8 (Debuffed due to Malnourished Status)

Vitality: 800 (Debuffed due to Malnourished Status)

Dexterity: 42 (Debuffed due to Malnourished Status)

Intelligence: 130

Wisdom: 17

Luck: ???

Charm: 18

AP: 90

Ryo: 16,450



The Uzumaki Clan have many abilities under their name, most of which are related to Fuinjutsu. Though Something most popular about them is their large amount of chakra and longevity.


A Shit ton of chakra: A very large pool of chakra, frankly too much chakra, Bye Bye Chakra Control. Have fun grinding so hard for even a little control.

Ancestral Instinct: A natural talent and instinct with Fuinjutsu and Uzumaki Techniques. +500% XP gain to Fuinjutsu and Uzumaki Techniques.

Perfect Jinchuriki Body: Some Uzumaki are blessed with Chakra Coils and pure enough chakra to be able to handle a Bijuu's chakra being sealed in their body. You are one of them. Have fun with that knowledge. Gives the user very powerful Chakra Coils and some philosophical questions.

+100 vitality every level (sealed by status effect)

????: ???????

????: ???????


Hyuga Outcast:

You are an outcast from the Hyuga clan due to your blood and mutated eyes. Though Benten has blessed you with a pure bloodline and eyes even the Hyuga cannot fathom. Carry this weight and it will benefit you.


+500% XP gain to Custom Hyuga Techniques

+100% Chakra Control XP gain

+5 dex every level (sealed by status effect)

????????? (Kagegan)




Okami King:

As the last holder of the Okami bloodline, you are blessed with the king's blood. The Okami Clan was once a clan who co-existed with the Sage Wolf clan. They died out due to an attack by Kirigakure.


+500% XP gain to Okami technique and ?????

+5 str and dex every level (sealed by status effect)





Pure Chakra?:

The holder of Pure Chakra? has much stronger chakra than others and is typically the color of ones soul. Chakra Affinities are much stronger as well

Color: Royal Purple



+Chakra Techniques are 50% stronger than normal


Perfect Futon Affinity:

No knowledge on this subject. [Read a book]


Perfect Raiton Affinity:

No knowledge on this subject. [Read a book]


Perfect Suiton Affinity:

No knowledge on this subject. [Read a book]


Prodigy: You are a genius with immense talent, let's hope you don't get talent of hard work.

25% experience gain with complex skills

30% experience gain to brain skills

+ 10 int every level



Observe (Lvl 3) {42% XP} [passive/active]

Uzumaki Parkour Style (lvl 9) {73%} [passive/active]

Thrown weapon mastery (lvl 11) {99%} [passive]


God, I'm probably gonna write another chapter after this even though I need sleep.