
Naruto: The Game is Pain

A worthless young adult with a passion for games and anime dies because he wanked too hard of all things. Follow Kuro in his new life in Naruto as one of the last Uzumaki with THE gamer system. I know it's overdone but fuck it, I've been wanting to write this for awhile. My inspiration for this is actually a guy on Fanfiction.net, SeerKing. His FF is called Naruto: The game of life. Go show him some love and hopefully he'll post again =] [I do not own the images or Naruto]

Z_Kuro_Z · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Time flies

Welcome once more to my sleep deprivation. Enjoy the fruits of my brain.

I've started a Patreon if you feel like giving me money, it isn't required cuz your enjoyment is my enjoyment.



Kuro woke up to yelling from a house next door. 'Damnit Naruto, It's too early for your hyperactivity...'

["hey why don't you open your package?"]

"sure, open it."

[Opening beginner package]

[You have received:

1 random clan item

1 random scroll

10,000 ryo

1 random skill]

[Randomising clan item.....

You have received an Okami Clan Necklace]

[Randomising scroll...

You have received An Advanced Gardening Scroll]

[Randomising skill...

You have received (Futon: Air Bullet)(Lvl 1){D}{0.00%} 

"That was actually pretty good." Kuro said with a smile on his face. "I now have a way to learn Nature Manipulation."

"KURO-NII, SOMEONE'S HERE FOR YA!" Yelled Naruto from outside.

"Thank you! I'll be right out!" He yelled back. Kuro quickly rushed to get dressed and ran out the door to see Inuzuka Hana standing at the gate.

"Heya Hana, thanks for coming like I asked." Kuro said while running over.

"No problem, you did deliver our food like we ate at the restaurant itself." She said with a grin. 

"Well I'm pretty fast, so fast I can out manaveur a jounin." Kuro said with a proud smile on his face.

"Oh really now? Can you outrun my boys?" Hana said with a smirk pointing to the Haimaru brothers napping in the sun.

"I think I can, you wanna test me?" He said with a grin.

[New Quest: RUN

Objective: Survive


"Boys." Hana said as the three Wolf dogs perked up at being called. "Sick em." As soon as Hana said those words Kuro ran with the three canines on his tail.

Kuro ran as fast as he could and as hard as he could, but those damnable dogs were always behind him. No matter where he ran, where he climbed they followed him.

After running for hours and even seeing a green monstrosity in the distance, Kuro finally got back to the compound with multiple bite and claw marks.

"Damn, you actually survived?" Hana said with surprised look.

"Wait, they would have killed me?" Kuro glared at her sharply.

"Well I did say 'sick em'." She shrugged.

"Anyways, what are you gonna teach me?"

"How about I teach you how to track and hunt?"

"Sounds good to me." Kuro said with a shrug.

{couple hours later}

After Hana taught Kuro how to track and hunt, Hana left to train her dogs with her mother. That left Kuro with his theories to test.


"Let's see, can I create an ID?" Kuro raised his palm into the air and focused his will and chakra out into dome, imagining a mirror dimension.

[Due to a certain action, the user has developed the skill (Genjutsu: Mirror World) {E} {lvl 1}]

"Well it was worth a shot." Kuro said with a disappointed sigh, but somehow he could perform a Genjutsu?

"I thought it was impossible for an Uzumaki to do Genjutsu..."

["you're more likely to do a Genjutsu than pull off an entire mirror dimension."] Alex said with a bit more emotion but still very genderless.

'Well it's better than nothing.' He thought dejectedly, though he quickly got back up. 'might as well keep trying.'

{2 hours later}

'Finally, after brute forcing many techniques on accident I finally got it!' Kuro cheered as he looked at the many screens in front of him.

[Due to a certain action, you have earned the skill [chakra blast] {E} [lvl 7] {67%}]

[Due to a certain action, you have earned the skill [Chakra Shield] {D} [lvl 2] {33%}]

[Due to a certain action, you have earned the skill [ID Create] [lvl 1] {0.5%}: The User can create a mirror dimension or an Instant Dungeon. Currently available IDs: Mirror, Zombie, Chakra Mutations.]

"Let's fuckin' go!" He yelled as he pumped his fist in the air, smiling ear to ear while. 'It took so long...'

"ID Create: Zombie." Immediately after saying those words Kuro was transported to what looked like Konoha, but it was overgrown and buildings were in terrible shape. He was surprised the Uzumaki compound was still standing, albeit overgrown.

Kuro moved to look around the compound for any zombies, and while looking he did find something interesting. A bottle of dark red liquid that was radiating an malicious chakra.

[Zombie Bait: a standard bait for regular undead creatures, if an undead ingests this they'll turn into a Ghoul.

Lures 10-20 regular undead Lvl 5-12

Can buff and evolve an undead.]

"So it can help me, but can also screw me over..." Kuro carefully picked it up and put it in his inventory, for research. Science isn't about why, it's about why the fuck not.

After looking around the area some more, He left to find a certain store. On his way there Kuro did encounter something.

[Civilian Zombie (lvl 6) {HP:300/300 / CP 0/0}

A civilian turned undead with zero good qualities, all around cannon fodder. Eating trash like the trash it is.

Strength: 8

Dexterity: 4

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Luck: You're dead.

Charm: You're a corpse.


Undead endurance: never tires and can't feel pain.

Trash eater: can consume anything.]

"Wow, it is pure cannon fodder." After trying not to feel pity for it, Kuro threw a shuriken straight into it's head. The zombie couldn't do anything while it was eating garbage.

[you killed a (Civilian Zombie Lvl 6), You earned 100 XP, 300 ryo, and a can of soda.]

"What great treasures I have uncovered." He said with a deadpan expression and yanking out his shuriken. 'How do you use the (recall) thing again?'

["to use Uzumaki Fuinjutsu you need to know Fuinjutsu yourself. To even do Fuinjutsu you need to master calligraphy."]

'Why's that?'

["Imagine fucking up Ninjutsu as lighting a firecracker in your hand, while fucking up Fuinjutsu is deep throating C-4"]

"Why did you have to describe it like that?"


"Fair enough." He said while continuing to his destination. Killing many other zombies on the way.

{After walking to Higurashi's Weapon Emporium}

'Here we are, looking good for an apocalypse.' Kuro looked at the best Shinobi store in Konoha. It was a standard 2 story house but what made it look so unique was the big chimney and bars in every window. Not to mention you can still see all the gear still inside, Not in the best condition of course.

After dispatching of all the undead in the area, Kuro went inside finding a lot of gear in moderate and bad conditions. Kuro used to research blacksmithing and mechanical engineering in his old life, and as a weapon enthusiast it hurt him.

While searching he noticed claw marks leading deeper in the house, now he's seen red flags and this was fuckin' crimson. Alas Kuro being the loot goblin he is, went to follow the marks.

[The system recommends the host to equip your gear before continuing further.]

"Alright alright." Kuro quickly equipped the Fuinjutsu set.

[Uzumaki/Okami Haori: A Haori with Okami colors and a purple Uzumaki emblem on the back. It's mainly black with grey waves on the sleeves and the bottom of the Haori. Effects:

(Passive): self repair, +10 def, +10 Ninjutsu resistance.

(Active) [Cannot use yet]: Okami Aura, Uzumaki Aura, Chakra Enhancement.]

[Uzumaki Combat Gloves: Combat Gloves with chakra metal plating on the knuckles and back hand. Effects:

(Passive): +10 fist damage, self repair, +5 def, + 5 strength, fast hands, chakra conduit.

(Active) [Unavailable]: Blast seal, Quake seal.]

[Uzumaki Combat Boots: Chakra metal combat boots, steel toe, my favorite!. Effects:

(Passive):+5 def, +5 str, +5 dex, self repair, Chakra conduit.

(Active) {unavailable}: quick step, Feather Feet.]

Sadly the glasses had a level requirement of 20. After equipping his gear, Kuro went further into the shop. While searching rooms he found a bunch of regular metal and even a broken Anbu mask. 

The claw marks lead to the door of the forge room, it was scratched up badly. One thing Kuro did notice was, the creature never got in.

"GHRRRUK" A shadow leapt from the dark at Kuro. 

Kuro attempted to dodge, but he got a gash on his arm in turn. After taking the gash he rolled under another swipe, in retaliation he uppercutted the creature. 

[You took 132 damage and lost 100 CP.]

It flew into a wall and fell to the floor, allowing Kuro to get a good look at it.

[Scrap Ghoul (lvl 15) {HP 1,500/1,500 CP 100/0}

A Shinobi zombie that consumed mass amounts of Chakra metal, allowing it to use chakra it absorbs from the living. Don't let it cut you.

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 40

Endurance: 40

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 1

Luck: 0

Charm: -9999 {ugly ass}


Chakra thief: Absorbs chakra when cutting people with it's claws.

Undead endurance

Iron stomach: can eat and absorb properties of metals.]

'That's a nope.' Kuro pulled out a scroll just hoping it would work.

[would you like to learn {air bullet}?]

'Yes!' He thought in urgency as the Scrap Ghoul was getting back up.

[Error! You require 30 wisdom, Basic Knowledge on Futon Affinity to learn this.]

"Fuck! Okay Chakra blast it is." Chakra blast is a standard ball of solid chakra that has a small burst on impact, you could say it's a prototype Rasengan.

"RRRURGH!" The Scrap Ghoul screamed and leapt once more to Kuro. He rolled right under it and blasted it straight into the ceiling.

[You dealt 346 damage and dazed the enemy.]

Immediately after seeing that Kuro dashed straight to the Ghoul, he pumped chakra into his gloves and slammed one fist after another into the Ghoul.

[You have dealt 670 Damage and Stun locked the enemy, Douchebag.]

Not letting the Ghoul get a chance, Kuro grabbed the Ghoul and suplexed it into the ground.

[You have killed Scrap Ghoul lvl 15, you have received:

2,000 XP, Cursed Chakra ore (80lbs), Buraddotaigā no tsume (Blood Tiger Claws).]

[You have leveled up!]

Kuro kicked the body multiple times, just to make sure. 'Fucking zombie prick...'

After letting his frustrations out Kuro opened the door to the forge and low and behold, Chakra ore so rare the swordsmiths would nut. Not to mention high grade blacksmith tools.

All in all the adventure today was fruitful. Kuro got some interesting loot. In fact let's check out the new weapons he got?

[Buraddotaigā no tsume(Blood Tiger Claws) {Unique growth weapon} Lvl 1: The Blood Tiger Claws are a special set a claw gauntlets that are forged from Pure Water Chakra ore, This weapon killed so many before it was destroyed that the metal is now blood red and the water jutsu used from it is blood red. Effects:

(Passive): +2 Dex, +Blood Aura, +4 strength, Indestructible, Growth, Living.

(Active): Unknown.

Bound to: Uzumaki Kuro]

{Time skip, 1 month}

It was sunny out, clouds were floating in the sky, birds were chirping, you could hear children playing in the distance. While all this was happening we can see Kuro sweating his ass off in his training grounds.

[status: Name: Uzumaki Kuro

Title: The Wolf Demon of Konohagakure

Class: The Gamer

Subclass 1: Blacksmith

Subclass 2: None

Level: 18

HP: 2,000/ 2,000. CP: 20,000/20,000

Strength: 100

Dexterity: 300

Vitality: 1,800

Intelligence: 200

Wisdom: 40

Luck: ????

Charm: 40

AP: 85

Ryo: 127,000

Perk: no change


Calligraphy lvl 34

Observe Lvl 16

Intermediate academy taijutsu lvl max

Thrown Weapon Mastery lvl 46

Chakra blast lvl 20 max

Chakra enhancement lvl max

Henge (Transformation) Lvl max

Substitution lvl max]

Kuro progressed a lot in the short span of time, but he's hit a bottleneck. The zombie dungeon just won't spawn the boss and he doesn't know why. He's collected mass amounts of zombie bait and opened them, all it did was lead a horde of zombies and a lot of them became ghouls.

He can't even enter the Chakra Mutation dungeon until he kills the Zombie Boss, so he just trains his skills now. Recently he's been trying to recall the process of the Rasengan and the only thing he can remember is dominant hand, balloon, multiple rotations.

Other than that he's been doing missions for Ayame and they've actually been hanging out a bit more. He's also got a letter from the hokage surprisingly. 'It says that in a month they want to see me and my progress since I'm a 'Prodigy'.'

Kuro finished up his training and changed clothes, but making sure to leave his weights on. Recently he's been following the Blue Beast Training Regimen, It hurts like hell but he has the energy for it.

Heading back inside he made a meal for himself, he's actually really good at I-

[You have achieved Max level in cooking, you'll make a great husband.]

"I-... I don't even care anymore." Lately he's been getting used to Alex and their antics, it's actually kinda nice.

{after eating, PoV change: Kuro}

After I finished eating I put on my haori and tied my hair up and left for school, it's a beautiful day outside, too bad the people are ugly. 

Jumping from roof to roof is pretty fun, especially when you annoy people. A random guy threw an apple at me and I caught.

"THANKS FOR THE SNACK!" I yelled cheerfully.

"Fuck you!" Why did he sound like he was from Brooklyn?


Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am. I wanted to leave some tidbits of info.

Due to some recent debates with a friend, I realized that Kuro should be under the C.R.A (Clan Restoration Act.) Now don't be mad, I don't plan on more than 4-5 girls and I will only do wholesome scenes, no R18.....

Unless I'm paid, money is a good motivation.

Next, Kuro will be a jack of all trades, not a master of none, but a master of all. It will be hard but worth it.

Any questions?