
Naruto:The Bird Freed from Its Cage

Restricted-Level Naruto On the day the cage was broken, the imprisoned bird could finally soar across the sky. The taste of freedom is wonderful, yet Hyuga Shin aims to forge a cage for the world. Wherever the sun shines, who dares to disobey? pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL

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12 Chs

Chapter 4.4: The Path Through the Clouds

Chapter 4.4: The Path Through the Clouds

The door to the secret room opened, suddenly flooding the cool, dim space with light.

The air was filled with the scent of wood. Rows of neatly arranged wooden boxes on shelves came into view. These exquisitely crafted boxes each had a red string attached, with a name tag on the other end.

It was clear this place was rarely visited, as a thin layer of dust covered the shelves. These boxes contained the Byakugan eyes accumulated by generations of the Hyuga clan.

Hiashi Hyuga stepped forward slowly, approaching a shelf. He carefully selected a box, examined the name tag, and handed it to Shin.

Shin took it and read the name: "Hyuga Shinsuke."

"Hyuga Shinsuke distinguished himself in the Second Shinobi World War. His Byakugan helped us achieve many victories on the Wind Country battlefield. Sadly, he was poisoned by an enemy puppeteer in battle. By the time he returned to the village, the poison had spread too far for even Lady Tsunade to save him," Hiashi recounted the story of this Hyuga clan predecessor.

Shin opened the box to find a glass container filled with clear liquid. A sealing tag was affixed to it, and a pair of white eyeballs floated inside. These eyes were pale and empty, devoid of life. Staring at them for too long sent an inexplicable chill down one's spine.

Hiashi handed Shin another box, labeled "Hyuga Hideyo."

"Hyuga Hideyo was also an exceptional ninja in our clan. He served as a guard for the Third Hokage and fought in many battles alongside him. He developed numerous injuries and illnesses as a result, passing away four years ago. The Hokage personally attended his funeral," Hiashi continued, reciting the stories of these eyes' owners like treasured family history.

"Both pairs of eyes are compatible with you. Once arrangements are finalized with the clan and hospital, you'll be notified. Don't forget to pay your respects at the memorial stone," Hiashi instructed.

Shin nodded in acknowledgment.

Hiashi added, "If the spirits of these predecessors knew of your accomplishments on the front lines, I'm sure they'd be pleased to entrust their eyes to you."

"It's my honor to inherit the eyes of our predecessors," Shin replied.

Satisfied with this response, Hiashi said, "The eyes stored here belonged to pillars of our village and clan. I hope you won't disappoint their legacy."

Shin's gaze swept across the dim room. "Will your eyes be placed here someday, Lord Hiashi?" he asked.

Hiashi paused briefly before calmly answering, "That depends on whether I die on the battlefield or at home."

Branch family members who died in battle had their eyes destroyed by the Caged Bird Seal. Only those who died at home could have their eyes preserved.

The eyes displayed here were all removed by the main family's own hands.

While their stories might sound heroic, Shin felt more pity than reverence. It seemed tragically ironic that these individuals who sacrificed so much for the Leaf Village would have their eyes removed by their own clan members and sealed away in boxes that might never see the light of day again.

At the far end of the room stood a table with fewer than ten boxes.

"Those are the main family's eyes," Hiashi explained, noticing Shin's gaze.

No wonder they were set apart, Shin thought. Like monarchs presiding over their subjects compared to the boxes on the shelves.

After a moment, Shin asked, "Lord Hiashi, are the main family's eyes different from ours in the branch family?"

Silence followed his question. Hiashi didn't immediately respond, his own gaze fixed on the boxes atop the table.

Even as ownerless objects, the main family's eyes remained elevated above the branch family's.

"The eyes in this room are no different when not in a person's body," Hiashi finally said evenly.

What made them different was the Caged Bird Seal, which limited the abilities of those it was placed upon. This was one way the main family prevented the branch family from surpassing them.

Emerging from the dim room, the sunlight outside seemed almost blinding.

Shin squinted as he followed Hiashi. A Hyuga clan member who had been waiting at the entrance greeted them.

"Lord Hiashi."

Shin recognized him as a jonin from the clan but hadn't realized he was in charge of this secret room.

"Barring any issues, the surgery will likely take place in about a week. Don't worry or overthink things during this time," Hiashi told Shin as they left. "If you dwell on it too much, your emotions will affect those who care about you."

Shin understood the hint. "I understand, Lord Hiashi. Thank you for your trouble today."

Hiashi nodded. "It's no trouble. It wasn't an unreasonable request. Outsiders can't enter that room, but naturally there are fewer restrictions for our own clan members."

"Additionally, the intelligence you brought back from the front lines is very significant for our village. The Hokage has specifically commended you. After your surgery, Lord Hiashi will take you to meet with the Hokage."

"It wasn't just my accomplishment," Shin demurred.

"I understand, and so does the Hokage. The comrades who sacrificed themselves are heroes, but those who survive are even more precious. Remember these words from the Hokage."

"I will," Shin replied.

It was a skillful statement. The old Shin might have been deeply moved by such words.

The Third Shinobi World War continued. The success of the Kannabi Bridge operation had disrupted the Rock ninja's supply lines, thwarting their plans to push deeper into Leaf territory. It also gave the exhausted Leaf Village a chance to catch its breath amidst the relentless fighting.

But it was only a brief respite. The Leaf was stretched thin, struggling on multiple fronts with depleted finances relying on national support.

Every victory was crucial, and every defeat potentially catastrophic.

This was why Minato Namikaze's reputation now surpassed even the Legendary Sannin in the Leaf Village. He was the hero saving the Leaf, leading the village to victory time and again in these dire circumstances, like the sun breaking through the clouds.

The Leaf needed such heroes now.

After Hiashi left, Shin stood gazing across the courtyard toward the now-closed secret room.

Unfortunately, heroes like Minato could save the village but not themselves.

Shin needed to find his own path - one no one had walked before.

pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL