
Naruto:The Bird Freed from Its Cage

Restricted-Level Naruto On the day the cage was broken, the imprisoned bird could finally soar across the sky. The taste of freedom is wonderful, yet Hyuga Shin aims to forge a cage for the world. Wherever the sun shines, who dares to disobey? pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL

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Chapter 3: The Opportunity to Overturn the Table

Chapter 3: The Opportunity to Overturn the Table

When Shin returned to his residence, he saw Hyuga Ayari lazily lying on his sofa, holding a pure white pet dog in her arms.

She was much older than Shin, already an adult, and bore a seven or eight-tenths resemblance to Hyuga Ayano, but her demeanor was more serene.

Shin poured himself a glass of water and then sat down on the other side of the sofa.

"I remember locking the door."

"Am I not welcome?"

Ayari glanced at him, her expression calm, while her hand continued to gently stroke the dog's smooth fur.

The white dog was one Shin had raised before. Ayari liked it very much and often came to his house to play with it.

Before going to the battlefield, Shin had given his house key to Hyuga Ayari, intending for her to occasionally help clean his room.

In his memory, their relationship was very close, and their residences were adjacent. Shin once harbored many feelings of admiration for this beautiful elder sister.

But it could only be admiration. Like her sister, Ayari was already engaged, and her fiancé was Hyuga Hizashi's younger brother.

It was normal for a young man to admire a woman older and more accomplished than himself. Perhaps Ayari had long noticed this but didn't take it seriously.

The age gap between them was significant. In a few years, Ayari might have children, while Shin would still be an ignorant kid.


Hearing Shin's call, the dog that had been lying in Ayari's arms immediately got up and ran to Shin, rubbing against his leg. Shin picked it up with one hand and placed it on his lap.

Seeing the dog being called away, Ayari showed a helpless expression. She slowly sat up, casually tossing her long hair over her shoulder, and looked at Shin quietly petting the dog, her eyes showing a complex expression.

Since returning from the battlefield, this little brother next door had suddenly changed his temperament, becoming silent and withdrawn, unlike before when he would often come to her, sometimes to the point of annoyance.

But after returning, he never sought her out proactively, rarely talked, and never mentioned anything about the battlefield.

She had heard from the clan that Shin's teammates had all died in a mission, and he was the only survivor, with his eyes destroyed.

Was the blow too great? Ayari felt pity.

War is cruel and unavoidable.

She took the initiative to start a conversation: "Did you see Lord Minato?"


"How is he?"

"Just like the legends say."

"I heard he might be the next Hokage."

"I heard that too."

"Is Lord Minato easy to get along with?"

"He's quite kind."

The conversation was brief. With Minato Namikaze's current fame in Konoha, most people would eagerly talk about his heroic deeds, but Shin seemed uninterested in continuing.

Ayari felt helpless, wondering if she should leave. At this moment, Shin suddenly asked, "Are there many Byakugan left in the clan?"

The abrupt change in topic caught Ayari off guard: "There should be quite a few..."

After thinking for a moment, she added, "The main family leaves intact Byakugan when they pass away. Some outstanding members of the branch family also have their Byakugan removed by the clan leader before they die. These Byakugan are preserved through special methods, accumulating over generations."

"Where are these eyes kept?" Shin asked again.

"How would I know? Only Lord Hizashi and the person in charge of managing them would know." Ayari laughed.

Then she felt curious and asked Shin, "Why are you asking about this?"

Although it was rare, there were instances in the Hyuga clan where members replaced their Byakugan due to injuries or illnesses. Therefore, there were no blind people in the Hyuga clan.

However, Shin's case of having his Byakugan destroyed by the Caged Bird Seal was unprecedented.

Shin calmly said, "It's nothing. I'm just about to get new eyes and was curious about whose eyes I would get, so I wanted to see them beforehand."

Ayari found it amusing and said, "What's there to see? They're just human eyeballs, probably quite scary."

Then she realized her words might be inappropriate, considering Shin's current situation, and understood his concern.

After a moment of silence, Ayari said, "This matter probably needs Lord Hizashi's approval."

She thought Shin was worried about his eyes. Shin was indeed worried, but not in the way Ayari imagined.

For the Hyuga clan, the Byakugan was a symbol of honor.

But Shin wanted to escape it.

The Hyuga clan wanted to give him new Byakugan to reapply the Caged Bird Seal and put him back in chains.

Otherwise, why would the clan go to such lengths to convene a meeting for an ordinary branch member like him?

How could he avoid all this...

He couldn't possibly oppose the entire Hyuga clan on his own.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a system from a third-rate novel that made him stronger by sleeping with women. His only advantage was his knowledge of this world and its history. If he didn't escape this fate, no matter how strong he became, he would still be controlled.


Shin looked up and met Ayari's gaze. Her clear eyes were as gentle as water, staring at him without blinking.

"What are you worried about?" she asked.

What was he worried about? The clan had so many Byakugan, there would surely be one suitable for him. Moreover, the clan was so concerned about his situation, shouldn't he feel honored?

Ayari couldn't understand. She looked at Shin's dark eyes, thinking that because they didn't belong to him, his gaze felt so unfamiliar...

Subi, lying on Shin's lap, looked up at the two of them, then lowered its head to continue enjoying Shin's petting.

The room was quiet, with only the ticking of the wall clock breaking the silence.

Shin sighed softly, "Ayari-nee."

Ayari was slightly startled. Since Shin's return, she hadn't often heard him call her that.

"I just don't know what the future holds," Shin said calmly.

Ayari was silent, looking at the troubled young man. After a long pause, she said, "Don't worry, there will definitely be a suitable Byakugan for you... If you want to see them, I'll ask Hizashi to pay more attention."

"Thank you, Ayari-nee."

Ayari just smiled faintly, "Don't think too much. Rest well during this time."

pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL