
Naruto: Superior Shinobi

In the midst of Orochimaru experimenting on a Boy, said boy awakens memories of different lifes. From the Life of an Ordinary Student to a Genius like Dr. Gero with a wide range of knowledge in Robotics and Bioengineering. With a meshed personality of all three and his only advantage being his Genius Intellect, he will survive in the cruel and deadly World of Shinobi as an Orphan. Fighting on the path to superiority. ------------------------------- Hello thank you for reading this Story. It is my first one. I had some ideas for a Naruto Fanfiction that I haven't really read yet anywhere and decided to write it down myself. Especially with the additional Canon of the Boruto Manga (not the Anime, don't watch it) makes my Ideas more likely. ------------------------------- For 10+ more advanced Chapters visit P_a_t_r_e_o_n.com/QuillArcher Thank you for your support. ------------------------------- All content belongs to their respective owners. Besides my original Characters and Plotlines.

QuillArcher · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 65: Normality

"You did well, Team Ro," nodded the Third Hokage after he listened to the report of the ANBU who had just returned from the capital.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama! Also, Owl received an invitation from the Fire Daimyo to join his twelve Guardian Ninjas," added their Captain, Tenzo, to the report.

Taking a puff from his pipe and forming a smoke ring, the Third Hokage asked, "Did he now? And what was your answer, Owl?"

"I politely refused the offer, Hokage-sama. Since I just joined the ANBU and also didn't see a lot of chance to improve myself as a Ninja Guardian, I decided this was the best option," answered Tekku calmly and honestly.

Understanding what he meant, the Hokage nodded at that reply. "I see. If you had wanted to join them, I would have released you from your ANBU duties. But since you want to continue even after such a mission, I will let you. Remember, these kinds of missions are normal for ANBU. As a member, you will often witness the darkest side of this world. This was to show you how the world truly looks."

Tekku realized that this was probably his last chance to back out normally and get another assignment if he wanted to. But while many of the things he saw during the mission were unpleasant, on the other hand, his abilities improved significantly. He also began to form his first important connections. Not only did he meet the Fire Daimyo, but he also exchanged words with Ikkyū Madoka, the future Daimyo of the Land of Fire, and left a good impression with him.

Moreover, while investigating the Finance Minister's network, he learned about many locations and contacts for other organizations in the underworld. After all, he had to read the documents to actually investigate, and remembering their contacts provided him with valuable intelligence. Intel about the Black Market, the Bounty Association, and other smaller ones would be invaluable for procuring rare materials, goods, or even just information.

After such gains, there was only one thing he could choose, "No, I want to stay in the ANBU, Hokage-sama. When I joined, I was already expecting and ready to experience these kinds of things. Even after actually witnessing them, I won't change my mind." 'After all, I've seen worse. I did some inhuman things in my past life as Dr. Gero too, like abducting innocent people and experimenting on them, turning them into cyborgs that lost most of their past memories,' added Tekku inside his mind.

The Hokage nodded, having already expected such an answer. "Okay, I will explain that to the Daimyo. Don't worry about having refused him. I will clearly explain your circumstances to him."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!" nodded Tekku in acknowledgment.

"Team Ro, dismissed!"

Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

After this first mission where he confronted the real world hidden in the shadows, Tekku would receive missions outside of the village more often. However, they mainly involved no encounters with enemy shinobi. At most, there would be Chunin involved, because even after three months of preparation, Tekku had a lot to learn.

These missions were used to bring his traveling speed to a solid level, give him real-life and combat experience, while he continued his training outside of them. Since his three hard months of ANBU training were over, he finally had a bit of free time. For the first time in the last months, he could leave his ANBU uniform and mask behind and go out in civilian clothing.

From his new apartment complex, he wandered through the familiar village toward a store he regularly visited in the past. Stepping into the entrance of the familiar and cozy shop, he was greeted by a young girl's voice, "Welcome to Yamanaka Flo—TEKKU!?"

A purple and blond blur headed toward him. He opened his arms to catch it in a hug, but instead, he received a punch to the face. This store was, of course, Yamanaka Flowers, owned by his Jonin sensei Inoichi. Tekku just got punched in the face by Ino, for some reason he didn't understand.

'Why?' thought Tekku as he massaged his face, which throbbed lightly in pain. For an academy student, Ino could deliver quite a punch.

"Where were you? No message, nothing. You became just a Chunin and disappeared from the village. Your apartment is empty, and you didn't tell us anything! You disappeared for over three months!" shouted the blond-haired girl, enraged, as she stood in front of him, her hands still poised to punch.

'Oh, that's why. Women are scary...' he realized as Tekku did his best to come up with an explanation, "I got a new apartment through my new assignment. I'm not really allowed to share its location," he explained.

"Hmph And why didn't you visit us until now? Daddy said I shouldn't worry, but there was absolutely no sight or message from you," she harrumphed, still angered, her light blue eyes piercing into him.

"Sorry, Ino-chan... but this was part of my initial training for the new division I joined. It took three months, but I am now a fully-fledged newbie member and am now allowed to have some regular free time," he explained awkwardly, still not sharing details. As an ANBU, you are only allowed to talk about your identity with Shinobi of the Jonin level and higher in selected cases, or close family members like parents, wife, and children.

"And what division did you join?" she interrogated him further with squinted eyes, watching him with suspicion.

"I am not allowed to share the details because it is a secret unit. But I am fine, Ino-chan. I can visit regularly again now," he tried to placate her.

"Hmpf" was all she replied, clearly still not satisfied with his answer. Although she could somewhat understand it. Her father also had many secrets he couldn't share. After all, she came from a Shinobi clan and grew up in such an environment. So, she actually forgave him, but she liked to see him squirm a bit for not contacting them in three months.

"Come on, Princess. Cut Tekku-kun a bit of slack. I'm sure the last months were quite stressful for him. I already told you there's nothing for you to worry about and that he's fine," came the male voice of Inoichi from the back of the store as he stepped into the main room.

"Sensei! It's good to see you again," greeted Tekku, relieved to see the blond-haired man, one of the few people who could actually rein in his daughter when she was enraged.

"Tekku, nice to see you healthy and fine again. So, you finished your three months of hellish training?" asked Inoichi with a knowing glint in his eyes.

'Of course, he knows that I joined the ANBU. He's a high-ranking Jonin, a Clan head, and a Division leader himself, in addition to being closely related to me as my Sensei. Of course, the Hokage would have told him where I was,' realized Tekku, which was working for him. "Yes, Sensei! I learned quite a lot, but it was hard."

- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

AN: If you enjoyed the Chapter, please leave some Power Stones. It helps!

- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

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