
Naruto: Superior Shinobi

In the midst of Orochimaru experimenting on a Boy, said boy awakens memories of different lifes. From the Life of an Ordinary Student to a Genius like Dr. Gero with a wide range of knowledge in Robotics and Bioengineering. With a meshed personality of all three and his only advantage being his Genius Intellect, he will survive in the cruel and deadly World of Shinobi as an Orphan. Fighting on the path to superiority. ------------------------------- Hello thank you for reading this Story. It is my first one. I had some ideas for a Naruto Fanfiction that I haven't really read yet anywhere and decided to write it down myself. Especially with the additional Canon of the Boruto Manga (not the Anime, don't watch it) makes my Ideas more likely. ------------------------------- For 10+ more advanced Chapters visit P_a_t_r_e_o_n.com/QuillArcher Thank you for your support. ------------------------------- All content belongs to their respective owners. Besides my original Characters and Plotlines.

QuillArcher · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 63: Being a Shinobi, means to endure!

[Content warning: Mentions of Child Abuse, Rape, and other disgusting acts]

A portly, middle-aged man with dark hair and a double chin was wearing expensive robes as he hurried through the Daimyo's Castle. With all that fat on his body, it was a wonder that he could even move, although it was clearly not easy for him as he was sweating like a pig. He was accompanied by two men wearing blades and samurai-styled armor.

This man was the Finance Minister of the Land of Fire, Takeshi Yotsuki, and the head of the noble Yotsuki family. He was accompanied by two of his personally hired guards who had been employed by him for quite a few years. These guards usually not only protected him but also performed various tasks for him, thanks to their loyalty gained through generous payment.

He was confident that they would never betray him, given the extensive list of their own crimes. That is why he chose them, as they were criminals before, and with the added work from him, they were now part of his system. If he went down, they would too.

While he was confident that his guards wouldn't snitch on him and were loyal to his cause, what Takeshi didn't expect was that one of them was already dead. In fact, one of the two guards currently accompanying him to a meeting with the Fire Daimyo was Tekku in disguise.

After observing the fat man and his personnel for a few days, Tekku had determined that replacing one of his personal bodyguards was the best way to get close to him and learn as much about his actions as possible.

Choosing one of the guards to kill was easy. None of them were innocent. During the first few days of observation, he had already witnessed how they beat people up, blackmailed, and even killed. So he killed one of them and replaced him as a bodyguard.

He had already spent over a month following the Finance Minister around, and there had only been one moment when his cover was almost blown. It was during one of the first few days when he accompanied Takeshi Yotsuki to his work in the Daimyo's Castle.

The Guardian Ninja who were on duty that day quickly realized that someone with trained Chakra had replaced one of the bodyguards, as Tekku didn't suppress his Chakra after he confirmed that the Finance Minister had no Shinobi in his employment. They were about to strike him down, but luckily one of the guards on duty was Asuma, and they managed to communicate secretly through hand signs, defusing the situation. But Tekku made sure to note down his mistake and vowed to communicate better with his allies in the future.

Meanwhile, his investigation was going very well, but at the same time, he was experiencing the dark sides of ANBU missions. Because the mission came first, as long as it wouldn't be harmful to the greater good of Konoha and the Land of Fire, he had to ensure the mission's success.

Since he had replaced a bodyguard who was responsible for a lot of the dirty work, Tekku now had to do it himself. He not only had to beat, torture, and perform other disgusting acts on others, but he even had to kill some innocents. That person caused trouble in one of his brothels? Beat him up! What that old worthless piece of shit isn't selling her property? Destroy her house; I wanted to build something else on it anyway. Someone wasn't paying back the money they owed? Kill their son to send a message.

All of these were acts he had to perform or participate in so he wouldn't blow his cover and could gather all the proof he needed. As a personal bodyguard, he gained a lot of intel. Who were his clients? Business partners? Suppliers? And more!

With the help of his Chakra Sensing, he learned where the Finance Minister was storing his secret documents and different books documenting his large criminal empire when he locked himself alone in one of his offices while Tekku stood guard in front of the door.

But all of this had its price. He understood why the Hokage and Dragon felt it was important that one of his first missions be something like this. The Naruto manga showed a very censored side of this world. Life as a Shinobi wasn't often about saving a country by building a bridge and taking a crime lord down.

No, especially not as an ANBU. The life of an ANBU was to fulfill the mission no matter the cost. Failure could mean war, death, and the cost of many innocent lives. It simply wasn't an option.

Even this mission had such stakes, and there weren't even enemy Shinobi involved. But should such deeds of a public figure like the Finance Minister become public, it could end up in a full-blown civil war secretly fueled by other countries.

Being an ANBU meant enduring. Enduring even the most inhuman acts or sights to protect one's home. Tekku wasn't just killing and similar; he also saw a lot during this time here. Things that he would have preferred to never see.

Not only were many nobles involved, this disgusting pig calling himself human was enjoying his own goods as well. In the basement of his massive mansion was a whole secret dungeon.

A secret dungeon just for the amusement of this inhuman pig, and he preferred young girls quite a lot. Not only did he have a lot of intercourse with them, but he also used them for other forms of entertainment.

His Dungeons were filled with Cages of young girls, some of them he kept on leashes treating them like Dogs, some he would mutilate for his entertainment or even outright kill them. What ever pleased him on that day. And his supply of new ones didn't seem to end.

And Tekku had to endure and watch until they were ready to strike. He wasn't a hero saving innocent lives; no, he was a Shinobi with a mission to complete.

"Let's go! I've finished my business with the Daimyo today. I think it's time for some after-work fun. After all, it's quite a hot day today," said the pig as he left the Daimyo's throne room, with his red face sweating heavily. But his mind was already focused on what kind of perverse idea he would fulfill today.

Tekku and his fellow bodyguard followed the sweating fat man toward his carriages dutifully, as bodyguards would. But if you would take a closer look at the henged Tekku, you could see an excited glint behind his eyes.

With the sun burning hot above them, Takeshi Yotsuki climbed into his carriage while Tekku climbed onto the back of it, with his fellow bodyguard to the front beside the servant who was responsible for driving it.

While listening to the heavy breaths of the fat pig, Tekku enjoyed the beautiful sky. This heavy breathing was music to his ears. 'Finally!'

When they reached the mansion, Takeshi Yotsuki wouldn't even climb out of his carriage because he died. The Royal Doctor confirmed that he died from a stroke, which didn't seem unnatural to anyone. Such a fat and unhealthy lifestyle had its cost.

But a few more informed people, like Team Ro, the Fire Daimyo, and his guards, knew that it was a nicely painful poison that slowly killed the target. Tekku had mixed it into the fat pig's water before the meeting with the Daimyo since he finally received the order to strike.

- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

AN: If you enjoyed the Chapter, please leave some Power Stones. It helps!

- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

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