
Naruto: Superior Shinobi

In the midst of Orochimaru experimenting on a Boy, said boy awakens memories of different lifes. From the Life of an Ordinary Student to a Genius like Dr. Gero with a wide range of knowledge in Robotics and Bioengineering. With a meshed personality of all three and his only advantage being his Genius Intellect, he will survive in the cruel and deadly World of Shinobi as an Orphan. Fighting on the path to superiority. ------------------------------- Hello thank you for reading this Story. It is my first one. I had some ideas for a Naruto Fanfiction that I haven't really read yet anywhere and decided to write it down myself. Especially with the additional Canon of the Boruto Manga (not the Anime, don't watch it) makes my Ideas more likely. ------------------------------- For 10+ more advanced Chapters visit P_a_t_r_e_o_n.com/QuillArcher Thank you for your support. ------------------------------- All content belongs to their respective owners. Besides my original Characters and Plotlines.

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Chapter 58: Three Months 2

Of course, Tekku had no Bijuu; instead, he chose to develop a simpler method. He was currently working on a Seal that lets him store Chakra during his free days, and once it had enough stored, it would begin to flood his system with the excess amount of Chakra, forcefully expanding the Chakra pathways for a while. This method was, of course, less effective than using the potent Bijuu Chakra, but according to his calculations, it would still work.

This method, of course, also had its natural limits, as there was a maximum of how far his Chakra Pathways could widen. But it still was a way to gain an advantage over 99% of the other Shinobi. Pretty much the only person he knew for sure that used that method was Naruto.

But maybe that idea didn't come from nothing, and Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, also used something similar. He was a Sealing Master after all. And his strengths and feats were impressive, far beyond any normal Shinobi, which was even more impressive with a normal Civilian Background.

Well, of course, it was possible that he had some Senju Blood; the similarities between him and the Second Hokage or Tsunade were quite shocking. After all, the Senjus married into the Civilian Population to strengthen the average strength of the Village. Their Genetics were now neatly fused into the general populace. It was absolutely possible that Sakura had Senju Blood or even Tenten.

Maybe this could be a good way to gain some Senju Samples. After all, their Genes were quite useful for researching, especially if Tekku wanted to strengthen the base strength of his Body and his Chakra.

Another theory for how to raise his Chakra Capacity was to implant himself with an additional Artificial Chakra Network, since he already developed fully working Chakra Coils for his Puppets. But that had multiple problems, like how would his Chakra Control work, would it disrupt his standard Jutsus, will he have to develop a completely new set of Jutsus, was his body even generating enough Chakra to support a second Network. And this could be only solved with life subjects that he didn't have.

The second method he was researching was generating Chakra from external sources. For that, he had formed assumptions for three different principles, of which he had already realized two in limited capacity, but no practical usefulness.

First was generating energy from a natural source and transforming it into Chakra, which was mostly what any modern society did, just for electricity. He already had a steam generator, a Solar Generator, and a Dynamo, which all were generating Chakra that he used to power his Fuinjutsu-based machines and also his Puppets. Unfortunately, the efficiency was quite lacking for the Solar Generator and the Dynamo, while the Steam Generator was quite expensive to supply as it required massive amounts of Wood and Coal.

And none of them were compact enough to be used for his Puppets or his Body in any form. He might be able to make a compact Steam generator, but he still had to transport and combust the Fuel, which took quite a lot of Space even with Fuinjutsu.

His second principle was based on something Dr. Gero had done in his past life, and his other past self saw it in the new Boruto Manga. Absorbing Energy or Chakra. And he had already realized it in a way, but it was quite limited for now.

Since he had to develop a specific Seal for each Chakra Nature and Kekkei Genkai, and higher. The base requirements were an understanding of the Nature itself, genetic understanding, and quite a bit of fundamental research into Chakra. He only managed to develop the Explosion absorption Seals because he learned the basics behind the Earth and Lightning Nature and also had some genetic Samples, and most importantly, a sample of actual Explosion Release Chakra that he acquired while fighting that Tokubetsu Jonin from Iwa, who was a member of the Explosion Corps.

Even then, he didn't manage to create a combined Seal that absorbed the base Natures and the Kekkei Genkai. It was still far too complex, and his understanding into this topic was too limited, as he didn't even know the other five base elements. They would take quite a lot of time to learn, which was limiting his effective research time. Even if he acquired samples of them, the time he would need to research them was quite extensive, and it was probably easier and more efficient to directly learn them. So this method was also currently behind a timed barrier for any progress.

Last but not least was the third principle he was working on. It was actually also based on something he had developed as Dr. Gero in his past life. Unfortunately, it was the source of his own undoing back then.

The Eternal Energy Generator! A compact type of Generator that supplied his strongest Androids with an infinite Source of Ki back then. It worked on the principle of absorbing the Energy from the World itself, powering the User infinitely with energy.

Which was of course a very powerful device, but this freedom made his Androids back then uncontrollable, so that they even killed him back then.

But this time around, he had a new Toolset that didn't even require him to turn himself into an Android, which was pretty much killing himself in order to turn into a new being with his old memories.

The name of his Toolset was Fuinjutsu. In principle, the idea behind it was quite simple and a common practice in all Villages. It was based on the Jinchurikis, but instead of using Violent Bijuu with their own Wills, he was planning to use an Eternal Chakra Generator to seal into himself, which would be constantly refilling his Chakra Reserves no matter how much Chakra he used.

At least that was the idea. There were multiple problems he had to solve first, which were all based on the most basic problem of this type of Generator, which he had no idea yet how to actually design and build. The Energy Source.

His old Eternal Energy Generator relied on the Energy of the World; it was constantly absorbing the Ki from the environment. On such a deep level, the Physical Laws of the Universe were quite different. Ki simply didn't exist. It was replaced by Chakra, which, in principle, was also a form of energy, but it acted completely different.

Ki was pure Physical Energy, no Mental component whatsoever. Mental energies were used for Magic, another form of energy in his past Universe. But he didn't research it quite as well as KI.

In this Universe, there was Chakra, which had three basic forms that could be combined in the Human Body to be used. Every Human used naturally the Yang or the Physical Part and the Yin or Spiritual part.

But the third form of Chakra was quite unique; it was Nature Chakra, which was needed for Senjutsu. And coincidentally, it was the form of Chakra freely available in the world, as every living being was releasing its Chakra into the Universe, from where it became Nature Chakra.

The unique properties of this form of Chakra were its volatile nature, which put Tekku in front of quite a few troubles. Also, the fact that he simply couldn't sense it at all. So he had no idea how to construct his Eternal Chakra Generator.

And the only way for him to solve that problem was to learn Senjutsu. He was pretty sure he couldn't do it at his current level, as it required one to have big Chakra reserves. But, most importantly, he needed access to one of the Sage Grounds, of which he only knew three. The Slug, the Toads, and the Snake, which respective Contracts were in the hands of the Sannin.

Another method would be to travel to one of the Sage Grounds, but first, he had to find their location, of which he had only the idea for one of them. And secondly, it required quite a bit of free time, which he didn't have in his current stage of training as he just started as ANBU.

- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

AN: If you enjoyed the Chapter, please leave some Power Stones. It helps!

- Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi - Shinobi -

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