
Naruto: Rise of the Devil

A very famous and smart scientist from the 21st Century has transmigrated into the Naruto World. What kinds of changes will this bring to the cannon.

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Meeting the Clan Head

Inside a black, dimly lit room, stood the clan leader he has a very serious look on his face, as he is going over reports, the candles seemed to reflect his thoughts as they wither away.

A solid ten minutes went by when, Kuro comes inside the room with slight confusion on his face.

Ever since he was traveling on this small journey, he has been constantly trying to figure out, why does the clan leader wants to talk to him?

"You're finally, Kuro! I have been expecting you, I call you here to today to discuss some important business about your future in the clan."

Kuro raises a curious eyebrow at that, it has already been a few days time and the clan leader has already taken monumental interest in him.

Although he isn't complaining, this has been his plan all along, make some waves, try to get notice by the right people, and it goes from there.

"My future, I'm just a little kid right now, I don't think my future is that important as of right now."

Kuro responds trying to sound humble, this obviously worked, as the clan leader sounded pleased, after all, it's rare to have an Uchiha so humble when nearly 90% are all arrogant.

"Hmm! Their you're wrong, Kuro! I have been impressed with your work ethic and your dedication to growth and progress."

The clan leader pauses for a few seconds trying to let his words sink into Kuro. The air is crackling with a strange sensation that doesn't go unnoticed by Kuro as the Force starts to churn.

"I have sensed that your stronger now, your progress has been very significant, even though your ninja career hasn't been born yet, I will like for you get headstart of the competition."

"Just like I planned, the first step of my plan is completed, showing off in front of the clan leader has its benefits, but also it's downsides. More eyes will be me, while also giving less time to train in the Force."

Kuro was in thought, Izuna was standing there waiting for his response, it's not many people at all whose he's willing to teach. His time is considered precious.

"Thank you, clan leader, I will become the best student, you can ever ask for, I will be sure to make you proud, and make your legacy even greater."

Kuro saying this because he is trying to make his sensei feel good, flattery and respect can go along way, especially in this barbaric world, where killing is just as common as breathing.

"Scoring a few extra points won't hurt a bit, after all, the more talent and dedication I show, the more techniques and knowledge he will pass on to me." Kuro thought.

"However, once I grow into power in both the Force and Chakra we'll see. I completely lied to him just now, I don't plan on ever growing his legacy. I don't planning on even growing the Uchiha Clan. They are a bunch of narcissistic, animals. I planning on creating a legacy that would make even the great Hashirama pale in comparison."

As these thoughts were flooding Kuro's mind, Izuna smiles at his student's response, unknowingly, he will regret it terribly in the future.

"You don't have to be so sincere and considerate. You can call me Izuna-sensei in private while were training, but in public you must call me clan leader." Said Izuna in an authoritative tone.

Kuro nods his head and bows.

"Yes, Izuna-Sensei!"

Hours passed, after the end of that fiasco, Izuna gave Kuro a training schedule, he will train with Monday through Saturday, and rest on Sunday.

Kuro can easily go through with this plan, Izuna also said because he is a clan leader, he won't have time to train or teach him, but Kuro was glad for this, after all he doesn't want anybody to know he is training in the Force right now until he is strong enough to go against anything.

Days passed, Kuro has been training non-stop, their are days when he want to quit, but thinking about those other powerhouses, his will and motivation grew stronger.

"I have grown stronger, I have been working on my physical training and spiritual training, I used the mediation from the Force in my Shinobi training. It isn't weird because some Shinobis do mediate. Anyway, Izuna-Sensei has been coming to training sometimes and every time, he leaves with a please expression on his face.

While he wasn't here, I have been working on my Force abilities, I need to start working on getting the Shadow Clone Jutsu, that is a must-have. My training will be able to acelerate by 3x. I have an idea as well, what if my Shadow Clones can train in the ways of the Force? If it does, they'll save huge amount of time. I can't experiment right now though, as I don't have the Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Kuro's theories is if he can train in the Shinobi Arts right now, his Clones can train in the Force and improve his abilities, if his theories work, he can directly break though the Genin level and become Chunin.

"My time in this world is truly a blessing, but it hasn't finished, and it's only getting started, as I envision myself rising through the ranks of this world, I will naturally leave this shitty place behind, after all, what's so special about barbaric animals compared to a logical, and powerful specimen?"

Him saying these words, paint a clear picture of Kuro's mentality, he is sees himself as logical and intelligent person, not a barbaric and irrational individual whose first thought is killing.

To Kuro information is golden, he can use information to his advantage, making people do his bidding, fake promises and flattery, bribes, etc.

Whatever he has to do he will do it, the thing is though, no one will see it coming, it'll be too late, and once he swiftly rises to power either military or politically, no one will be able to stop, after all, what can stop an unstoppable force?

As the sun goes down, Kuro decides to go back home, he still has plenty of training to do and even more things to learn.

All those abilities those Jedi and Sith Lord did, he can't help but imagine those things on a similar or possibly even bigger scale.

As he was walking home, the Force called out to, Kuro's brow furrowed as he turns around, a large, black projectile comes his way with freaky speed.

Kuro dodges the attack, as the projectile gets stuck on a tree. Kuro senses where the attack came from, he senses a man wearing all black with a mask covering his face.

"Hmm! Who are you?"

Said Kuro in a devilishly cold voice.

Sending shivers down his assailant's spine, the assailant though didn't answer, as he began making hand signs.

"Water Bullet!"

The masked man lets out a semi-powerful Water Bullets towards Kuro with the intent to hurt but not kill.

Kuro immediately saw through this and thought.

"This is an act, but more like a test, it can't be Tobirama because he has no interest in any Uchiha, if it was him, he would try to cripple me or at worse kill me. No, this must be from Izuna-Sensei, only he is cunning enough to do this, well he wants to see how much I have improved by giving me a test, well I won't disappoint." Said Kuro darkly.