
Naruto: Rise of the Devil

A very famous and smart scientist from the 21st Century has transmigrated into the Naruto World. What kinds of changes will this bring to the cannon.

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Mastering the Fireball

The day is just getting started as numerous of people in the Clan compound are excited parents can't wait for their kids to show off in front of the clan leader.

Their were numerous kids lined up in neat rows one after the other, waiting to show off their skills.

Kuro POV

"My name is about to get called soon, I thought about what path I should take, their were various options, but none that would suit me. After all, I'm a seeker of knowledge and growth.

I can't become stagnant in this world, their are many people that are happy with their current level, maybe because of peace times, I don't know, but I have so much potential, that I can't afford to waste it."

"Contestant #95"!

"Kuro Uchiha!"

A smiling Kuro walks towards the potem with his hands behind his back, most experienced Uchiha would know this kid is displaying a serious aura.

"With this Ninjutsu, I can confidently say my path to becoming something greater has just begun. Even though obstacles will inevitably get in my way, there will be nothing that'll subside me from my goal."


With deep breath, Kuro begins to make hand signs, he immediately breaths deeply, a large fireball comes out of his mouth.

The temperature increases by at least several degrees, some people wiped the sweat off their faces.

The Uchiha Clan head rose an eyebrow, during this entire fiasco there weren't anybody interesting to him.

Judging from his perspective, it would seemed like another year of decently talented Uchiha.

Fate seemed to have differ, a small, young boy whose origin is mystery in itself, the young boy Kuro.

"This young boy, Kuro is gifted, I can tell by his Chakra and his abilities to expertly to summon his Chakra, he will definitely have a bright future."

After seeing the effects of the fireball, the surroundings were burnt to a crisp, it was like a beautiful picture of creation was destroyed.

Kuro has a calm smile on his face.

"Now that's how you impressed some people, it's good, that I can do this because, war really hasn't started yet, Danzo hasn't come into power yet, I don't have to watch my back every time I achieve something significant.

Yes, Tobirama maybe a complex character in the story, inventing countless Ninjutsu, most known is the Flying Thunder God.

That ninjutsu is one of a kind, but still it's insignificant next to the Force. Excluding my blabbering, claps were all around me, children has their mouth open in shock, this brought a feeling I thought had long left me."

A few children rush towards me with the intent of asking me questions like.

"How did you do that? Hey, how did you get your Fireball so big etc, etc."

"Calm down everyone, I will tell you soon but for right now, you should impress the Clan head as well." Responded Kuro with a humble smile on his face.

Hours past, gradually all the people disappeared going to their homes, some kids impressed, while others hung their heads down in disappointment.

Inside the house, Kuro is inside his room meditating, it has been a long day, so far he is working on his Force powers.

Don't get it twisted, he has also been training his Chakra. Thus far, he has been seen training his Chakra Control and doing physical exercises.

People look on with strange gazes, but this doesn't bother Kuro in the slightest, he doesn't care about a weakling's opinion of himself.

"Today has been a fruitful day, I most certainly have garner the attention of the Clan head, including the Hokage I bet.

Knowing the upper-management, they won't sit and watch idly as an Uchiha is making waves in the village, they will certainly try to put an end to these rumors."

Meanwhile at the heart of the Village inside one of the tallest buildings in Konoha, their lies one of the most powerful Shinobis in the world, Tobirama Senju.

He is going over reports, ever since taking the position over from his big brother Hashirama, the village is in a crises secretly, Hashirama kept the villages in line.

Their were afraid of a man with that much power, even though he was a pacifist, that still didn't disrupt his reputation of being the most powerful man in the world.

"Elder brother, why must you pass away? Their are people eyeing this village like a pack of wolves, as expected of humans, our hunger for territory and wealth knows no bounds.

If you weren't such pacifist, we could've all the villages necks under our feet but no, you just have to give them the power to fight back." Tobirama tiresomely said.

As he was going over some reports, he saw an interesting story, he raises an eyebrow and open up the report.

He begun to skim through the report in a matter of minutes, their were some very interesting details.

"It seems like a new prodigious talent has appeared in the Uchiha Clan, I don't know if this a good thing or a bad, only time will tell."

Tobirama looks out the window towards then Uchiha compound, the silvery moonlight bathing his figure.

Days later, Kuro is seen in an abandoned training ground, he takes a deep breath to gather his bearings, and closes his eyes.

On the outside most people would see a kid acting weird with a painful expression on his face, but this far from the case, as Kuro is concentrating.


He opens his eyes, the can was slightly levitating above the air, Kuro has a pleased expression on his face, he has been practicing for an hour and already has made this much progress, talk about serious talent.

"I need to get better, after all times waits for no one, I can't see here and wait around waiting for someone to kill me or for Naruto to save me.

Hell no, I will get to the peak with my intelligence and grit, I don't care how many lives I have to take away, or how many dreams I have to trample upon to get my desired outcome.

The progress isn't bad, but something has to give, even though I just started training my Force powers, this type of training won't be beneficial to me much longer, that is why I have to be hundreds of steps ahead of even myself."

While Kuro was still thinking and calculating his next move, his mother came and says.

"Time for dinner!" Yelled Setzune, Kuro opens his eyes and nods, he begun to walk back to the house. This training ground is closer to his house, after all his mother doesn't want him to wander off on his own as of yet.

Days passed again, and Kuro continued to master his Force powers, he is beginning to adept towards mastering his powers, even though, he is pleased with the progress, he has this feeling their were Jedi and Sith that were as talented or even more talented in the Force than him.

That constant thought in his mind was starting to become a growing motivator towards becoming the best in the Force.

His constant meditation and experimentation with the Force has made his power drastically grow in a few days span.

While Kuro was still meditating, Setzune walks to him and says.

"The Clan head would like to talk you."