
Naruto: Rise of the Devil

A very famous and smart scientist from the 21st Century has transmigrated into the Naruto World. What kinds of changes will this bring to the cannon.

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Acing the Test

Seeing this man use a jutsu against me, I was immediately on guard, after all this is my first life and death experience. I'm not the type of person to be embarrassed, I'm different most kids would run away in freight but not me, I am built different.

Since Izuna wants to test me, I shall pay back his gratitude ten fold, I immediately begins to start making handsigns.

I made sure to stretch every single part of my body including my hands, what happens if I try to do a jutsu and my hands messed it up, imagine a blowback that could happen.

Never mind, I'm getting too paranoid.

A medium-size piece of the Earth rose from the ground to block the attack, it save me some time to think and plan my next strategy.

Knowing him, if he is experienced enough like I think he is, he won't give me time to think and plan.

When I see him moving I was proving right.

I see him throw small shurikens and projectiles to me. When I see him hit my body, my body turns into smoke.

"Substitution! Not bad, but if that's all you got, then this will be a very short fight." Spoke the assailant in a cold voice.

I see him trying to get a rise out of me, that won't happen though, I won't let something like anger cloud my judgement, no matter how irritated I am.


I sneaked up from under the ground ready to use a Fireball, and just as I expected he turns around when he felt the heat on his back.


A wooden log takes his place, I searched around frantically looking for any signs of where he can be.

I looked behind, upon the sky, everywhere but not the ground, just as that thought crosses my mind, he pops up and immediately nails me in the chin.


My head jerked backwards, my body flew towards the tree, breaking it in half, luckily, I substituted myself just in time.

He beats me in nearly every category, his Chakra, skill, experience, etc, he beats me in everything, and just looking at my physical limitations, my body isn't developed yet.

I can't use my Force powers, Izuna is watching this fight right now I bet, it would be weird if I used my Force powers to battle this guy.

The only advantage I have is the element of surprise, he doesn't know all my abilities, and some Force abilities are similar to Chakra abilities.

I will try and use that, all I have to do now is just wait until he's in my range.

"You're decent for a kid not in the Ninja Academy, but your still too young to go against an elite-jonin." Spoke the man.


I immediately come from behind, acting like I was about to do some handsigns, he fell for it, he was about to do a defensive jutsu, but that's within my plans.

Just was I was about to use it, I immediately had strange visions, I don't what happened but, my eyes changes to a one-Tomoe Sharingan.

My eyes's perception immediately increased, combined with the Force, I had future vision, I don't know how to describe it.

The Force whispered something in my head, I had put him in an Genjutsu, or you can say a Force Dream.

He can't use Chakra to break out of it because, this attack isn't chakra-based, so he is just standing, the assailant is, frozen like a deer in headlights.

In the bushy area, Izuna sees this with narrowed eyes, he doesn't what or how this happened but, he didn't sensed any Chakra coming from Kuro.

Kuro knew about Izuna watching the fight, so he made an excuse, mixing up lies with some truths to make it sound believable.


"Kuro, that was amazing, you actually took down an elite Jonin, that's quite an accomplishment, even though he is proud, their is a lingering sense of suspicion.

"Kuro turns around and smiles. "Thank Izuna-Sensei, this was due to your teaching and guidance." Kuro said trying to act humble and gracious, by giving Izuna the credit.

This of course, pleased Izuna to no end, after all, have you heard of an Uchiha in this era to not care about the credit and being in the spotlight?

"You were very impressive, but please tell me, how did you put Azuka in a Genjutsu?" He responded with a smile.

Immediately, Kuro's eyes turned into a scarlet red, showing his Sharingan with one-Tomoe.

Izuna looks on with surprise, but it quickly changes to glee, he hasn't reached the Academy yet, but he still unlocked the Sharingan, he is the fastest to unlock the Sharingan in Uchiha Clan history.

"This is why Izuna-Sensei, I saw how he was about to kill me, all of a sudden, my surroundings slowed down causing him to move at a slow motion.

I was too in the moment to really care, I was full of adrenaline, so I think, I accidentally put him in a Genjutsu." Kuro sheepishly said as he points to the masked man.

Izuna listens to his response with great vigor, he can't let anyone know, Kuro has unlocked the Sharingan, especially before the Academy, that'll spell great doom for him and the Uchiha.

"Listen here, Kuro don't tell anyone about you unlocking Sharingan, until you reach Genin rank, you understand?" Said Izuna in an authoritative tone.

Kuro has the same idea, so he shakes his head, rapidly agreeing.

Izuna looks on with a pleased expression. Now that Kuro has unlocked his Sharingan, he has to constantly keep up and monitor his progress, now more than ever.

He must teach him how to use it, so he'll start sending Shadow Clones to help him train.

Three months passes, Kuro has mastered Telekinesis and Force choked, he is even starting to develop Foresight, that'll be astronomical, seeing what it did for Palpatine.

Kuro POV

My training is coming along nicely, I have mastered various Chakra abilities, I have fully developed my Sharingan to three-Tomoe in record time.

Shocking Izuna even more, thanks to my shadow clones, I have gotten from Izuna, both sides of powers are coming along nicely.

That combat experience helped out a lot, I didn't tell Izuna about me knowing it was him that sent that guy to attack me. If I did, that would cost way more trouble that it's worst, I don't want to expose all my cards to him.

After my body keeps growing, my training will have to evolve, I need to get stronger, I need to be the "Perfect" Academy student.

Surpassing every and any existing records, I don't want anyone to surpass me, this village anything, my ninja career will begin soon, I am still trying to figure out if I want to graduate early, or not, their are a lot of pros and cons on both sides.

Once I am in the Academy, I must always seems perfect, an unsurpassable wall that they can't hope to match up to.

My biggest advantage is future knowledge, so I must changed as little of the future as possible, or this shit gonna get really bad.

The Force on my side, my growth and potential is practically limitless, so I damn sure won't waste that potential.

I must go to sleep now, the start of my Ninja career starts tomorrow.