
Naruto: Rise of the Devil

A very famous and smart scientist from the 21st Century has transmigrated into the Naruto World. What kinds of changes will this bring to the cannon.

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Hidden Power

The strange men was looking at Kuro's reaction with joy in his face, he loves the terrifying look on his face.

"I enjoy seeing people squirming in fear once they sense my aura, I have come here today to tell you something though.

Since you're here in this world, I must tell you, as you may or may not have known, you sense a foreign energy inside you, young one.

That is the Force, excluding that shock look of surprise or realization on your face, you had an inkling of what it is, but you scientists always need prove and hypothesis to support your theories.

The Force is stronger with you than anyone else thus far. Your midi-chlorian count is also impressive, just about 30,000. You have more potential than young Skywalker did.

Kuro raises an eyebrow at the remark, he couldn't believed what he is hearing, their are various of emotions plastered across his face, but delight and surprise are the most obvious.

"Right now, your Chakra is deliberately suppressing the Force within you, that is a bad thing because one of the energy is trying to eat the other energy, but it's too strong to be contained or eaten.

So you must practice hard and learn to control both the Force and Chakra within you, I know that'll be a challenge, but hey challenges are what you scientists love, right?"

Kuro was still frozen in shock, he never expected this to happen, he going to the store to walking into this.

"Well, life surely has a way of screwing you thousands of ways, but may I ask you, what is your name?"

My name is unknown at the moment, once you have reached the peak, then we will discuss this further. Right now, I will give you all my knowledge about the Force. The Force will give you what your heart desires, young Kuro."

The man waves his hand, a burst of power comes forth going inside Kuro's head. Kuro is standing there frozen as he absorbed the information with an joyous look on his face.

After being done with the exchange, the mysterious man continued.

Your a seeker of knowledge and a continuous learner of the impossible. Your a devourer of the Force. A black hole that light can feel."

After hearing these words, Kuro was confused but stilled listening and is hanging on to every word.

"We shall again at the peak, young Kuro."

Immediately he disappears, Kuro looks around trying to find the man but he was nowhere in sight.

I must get home before anyone catches me, I can't explain to these people what had happened, I will be sure to take these secrets to the grave."

Next day, Kuro was awakened by his mother, she has a warm smile on her face, even after on these years, her beauty hasn't deteriorated one bit.

"Kuro wake up its time for the opening ceremony soon."

She said. Kuro was waiting for this joyous occasion. He has been in this world for years, he has been training ever since he was two years of age.

"I'm coming mom!"

Kuro POV

"Today is the day of the ancestral Uchiha shrine ceremony, plenty of people in my clan are excited about the event, as I look around I see plenty of happy faces, parents who are excited about their child coming-of age

This special occasion was celebrated yearly, another batch of young, prodigious Uchiha to turn into weapons or pawns for the masses.

As, I have been practicing with the Force for a few days now, my talent and aptitude were almost unnatural. Their were almost a slight bit arrogance.

You know though, I am trying to be a humble person out in public, as you may know appearances are very important you know.

I can't have these people see through my act, most people just want to see a version of you they like in their head and it goes on from there.

I must keep up appearances, some day these acts will truly save my behind, if you know what I mean.

After discovering the Force within me, I have so many questions and ideas I have thought of now, very innovative ideas that could make me a lot of money.

That men gave me a lot of information about the Force, the training methods and even some drones I can create to help me with my training.

I am going to build foundation up first, as you know building up your foundation is probably the most important to mastering your abilities.

I'm not advanced right now to start learning Mechu-deru, even it's like a dark-side power of the Force, it is an absolute skill I must have to start making money, I can create very advanced tech while enhancing already existing tech.

Since I can't create the drones as of now, I must improvise in my training methods, such as meditating to be more attuned to the Force.

Right now, I am working on Force Awareness, and Force Listening.

These two abilities will come handy down the line."

Kuro POV End

After thirty minutes of getting dressed, I walk with my mom to the event, their are some familiar faces that I see.

I have noticed though is that me having no father hasn't spread around the village. It seem like the Uchiha Head wants to be an S-Rank Secret.

If people knew of this phenomenon, they would want to know more about Kuro and his upbringings.

"You see your friends there?"

Kuro's mother points to the area where all of the other kids were, they all had excited smiles in their faces.

"Yes, mom!"

"Go over there, the line is over there!"

Kuro nods and walks over there to the over-crowded kids area. Even though he is a kid right now, his mental age is well into his late-thirties.

"Hi, guys!"

Kuro waves his hand at them, he has been knowing them for awhile, they first met at the park, where Kuro was playing, then he met these people.

"What's up, Kuro!"

"Are you excited about the ancestral ceremony?"

Said one of the kids in excitement, most kids are waiting their entire life for this, but for Kuro.

Kuro POV

"This coming-of age ceremony or whatever it is called, I don't really care, I don't even care enough about this Clan to start genuinely being excited, I just want to go back to learning more about the Force.

I can't believe, I have to come this event, once the point of celebrating people who are going to be dead soon anyway.

Anyhow, I just learned that this is the 22nd year of Konoha. That means Tobirama has been in power for probably well over a decade now.

This makes things complicated because, Tobirama is a racist Hokage, he can't stand the Uchiha Clan.

They were the ones he went to war against, fighting for his life damn near everyday. Put the icing on the cake, his brother were best-friends with an Uchiha.

His death must be sooner rather than later, I can't operate how I want to if this bastard is still alive, luckily my potential is higher than even the chosen one so, at least semi- mastering Mind Control is enough, even though the Gold and Silver brothers are mentally strong, they can't comprehend the power of the Force."