
Naruto: Rise of the Devil

A very famous and smart scientist from the 21st Century has transmigrated into the Naruto World. What kinds of changes will this bring to the cannon.

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Ninja Academy

Fast forward to the next day, I woke up from my slumber with a new set of goals to tackle. The Ninja Academy, people to impress and future plans to set.

I have been gathering information for sometime, I'm almost 100% certain that the Second Ninja War will start sometime in the next few years.

That gives me plenty of time to build up my foundation and to further develop my powers. I need all the time I can get to get stronger.

Peace times is what makes people weak and rusty on their skills, but not me, I want lower myself to be rusty or ever be weak.

"Hey! Champ! It's time for your first day of the Ninja Academy, are you excited?" Setzuna said, looking more excited than him.

I looked at my mother's face, she seemed more excited than me. She's probably looking forward to this day. I can't blame her though, somehow the secret leaked, now everyone in the clan knows the Clan leader is my teacher.

I don't really care though, I brush my teeth, ate breakfast, and walked with my mother to the Academy.

I see a bunch of children from various clans, including some civilian kids talking and laughing with their friends and family.

Their nothing but cannon fodder to me, looking at them all laughing, having a fun time. While their beings out there that could erase them with a thought, powers that are beyond anyone's comprehension.

Suddenly, the Force churned inside me, making me turn my head to a specific direction. I looked and saw a very powerful figure, I sensed his Chakra, it's very dense and little dark.

Still though, he is definitely worthy of being of the First Hokage's brother. Even though, he's not close to his brother in power, intelligence and mentality-wise, I can confidently say he is superior.

I see him with a stoic look on his face, he isn't the type to smile, I have a credible reason actually, when you spend your whole life in war, you will inevitably end up a little different.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Tobirama Senju and welcome to the Ninja Academy. I have high expectations for you and your Ninja career. I hope you make Konoha proud and be an upstanding role model for the next generation of Shinobis."

I see him spout his normal bullshit, I can see where Hiruzen got it from. Brainwashing these porn degenerates into actually thinking the village care about them. If I wasn't reincarnated and saw the Anime, even I would've believed it.

He can definitely make you fell worthy, I need to learn how to act like that. Learning how to put different masks on your face from the drop of a dime.

He is a great leader, I must say, it's almost admirable, as I look around, the little kids and their families smiled at the Hokage with revered looks in their eyes.

These people see him as a God. Mostly because he paints the picture in their minds. No one can defeat him. He implemented the idea of Konoha being the greatest.

That's the type of respect and control I want over the people. I originally thought I needed to stay away from him, but now I can learn priceless things from him.

How to act in certain situations, how to talk, manipulate, etc. He is like a priceless treasure trove of information.

"As you all may know, Konoha was founded a little over 20 years ago. We have been the keeper of the peace for a long while now. We all lean on you to keep the peace. To protect the citizens. To protect future generations."

Tobirama's gaze swept across the entire crowd of people, trying to figure out what the other party thinking. His eyes eventually landed on small kid.

"He looks different. It looks like this kid knows all of my secrets. I have never seen him before. I must found out about this seedling to figure out if he is a threat to the village or not." Tobirama said. A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes, as it just as quickly disappeared.

Only one pair eyes saw this clearly though, Kuro.

He saw me, I saw that dangerous glint in his eyes. He probably saw that I wasn't affected as the other kids.

Damn, that's my mistake, if I would've acted, he wouldn't have noticed me as clearly as he did. Now, he might try to inspect me more than other kids.

I want to wait until I'm at a decent age and strength to start being noticed by him, but it seems plan A went out the window. On to plan B, getting his attention faster and standing out.

After that long boring speech, I say good-bye to my mother and walked with the rest of the kids in the Academy. I looked around and analyzed certain people.

I see him some major clan kids that were in the cannon. Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, etc. The Sannin, haha. I laughed as I saw them, I see how they are already interacting with each other.

They probably meet each other during some random interaction and they it off. Seeing Tsunade, I have a plan, I can get to Tobirama by spending time with Tsunade.

She might be prideful at this age, but she is still just a kid, her family hasn't died yet. She's too young to even comprehend what death means yet.

I continued having that thoughtful expression plastered on my face throughout the entire resignation area.

"Hey, who are you?"

I turned around to see who said that, I see a young kid about my age, similar height, youthful face, he has silver hair, kind of unique because I have never see anyone with type of hair, except old people.

Until, my eyes slightly widen, Sakumo Hatake. The father of Kakashi Hatake, he also will be called "White Fang" in the future.

Why is he talking to me? Do I interest him? I don't remember in the cannon that he was a talkative person.

I begin to analyze his intentions they could be bad. I don't trust anyone, children in this world mature much faster than my previous world, an example is Madara or Itachi.

"Hi! My name is Kuro Uchiha. Nice to see meet you, hmm!"

"Ho! Sorry! My name is Sakumo Hatake!" Sakumo stretches his hand out for a handshake.