
Naruto: Reincarnated as Kurama

When our mc just died tragically with a truck kun's crash, his soul suddenly vanished from earth and reappeared in the naruto world. When it just appeared, it saw minato sealing kurama into naruto. After that.........you should read first chapter to know more details.

Im_jealous · Others
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32 Chs


As kisho and Shikamaru turned 8 years old, his father decided to let them join in the ninja academy of Konoha village.

On their way to the academy, Shikamaru and kisho are talking and walking happily. As they are walking they saw all the students that are going to the academy.

As they reached the academy, they saw two people are waiting for them at the academy entrance. They are Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi, as three families are closely bonded with their friendship from generation after generation, kisho and Shikamaru also met with Ino and Choji on some occasions and are on friendly terms.

"Hey Kisho, Shikamaru...why are you guys late. There are only 30 minutes before the class start. We should have made some friends while we have time, as it is our first time."

Ino said with a grieved tone.

"Ino-Chan, we can definitely make friends, aren't there 30 more minutes. You are always, so tensed up huh?"

Hearing her words, Shikamaru didn't respond. But Kisho responded with a bright smile on his face.

Seeing the smile on Kisho face, Ino face became slightly red, while Choji laughed and agreed with kisho.

After exchanging some words, they directly entered the academy and their class. Reaching the classroom and making himself onto the podium, Kisho attracted the attention of all the students in the class.

"Hey, Little shrimps!! I am Kisho Nara. This is Shikamaru Nara, even though we are both born at the same time, you can take him as my big brother. While this fat dude is Choji and this Cute girl is Ino. As we will be going to study in this academy for a while, I hope we can treat each other like brothers and sisters. Except that some rare cases...As you brats don't understand yet."

He gave his speech and made his way towards a table, while a red-faced Ino, no face Shikamaru and a munching faced Choji tailed on his back.

Some students neglected their instruction, while others hissed at Kisho's sarcastic words. As kisho saw an entire table is free, he let the other three sit on it and he searched for a seat himself.

He saw a seat with only two people..... and he knows that they are future rivals of themselves. He doesn't care about it much and directly went to the seat beside naruto and kisho.

"Hey! Foxy faced fellow, are you the naruto who creates disturbance in the entire village? And that you expressionless fellow are you the 'Beautiful' person from Uchika."

Hearing those words, naruto looked at kisho with a happy expression on his face, while Sasuke looked at him with a frown on his face.

"It's not Uchika! It's Uchiha. Why is there a dumb person like you can attend the academy?"

Sasuke immediately responded to correct his clan name and interrupted naruto who was about to say something.

" Hey!! I am the naruto you are talking about, at least you know I am cool right?"

Hearing these words Sasuke snorted with disdain, while kisho responded with a smile.

"Naruto!! Let me check, whether you are as brave as I heard or not. If you can do what I said, then I will believe the rumors. Otherwise, just forget about it."

Hearing this naruto is riled up and Sasuke's interest also piqued up.

"Come!! As the future Hokage of Konoha, I will never back down from challenges."

Naruto declared with much confidence on his face.

" Then Let me be clear!! If you can kiss ino Chan on the cheek and took away Choji Kun's chips, I will become your friend from today onwards."

Sasuke who was listening with much interest stumped on the bench, while naruto eyes filled with fire.

"Its easier said than done you know? But, don't forget after I did doing this, you will become my friend okay?"

Kisho simply nodded his head. While naruto moved towards the trio bench.

"You are simply causing trouble for that loser right?"

Sasuke asked with a bit of scorn on his voice.

"Yup, I am really causing trouble for naruto, as there is Shikamaru on that bench, he probably already guessed naruto was up to something, as I sat beside him. But, Even if he was unsuccessful in his attempt, I will accept him as a friend."

Kisho declared with a sincere smile on his face.

"Why!! He is failing the objective right?" Sasuke asked with much doubt on his voice.

"What I need from my friends, not success or failure, they need the guts to take on."

Hearing this Sasuke was surprised by Kisho's claim and his interest also piqued.

After three minutes, naruto came back and sat beside kisho with swollen eyes and face. He looked at kisho and smiled with a face, that not looks like a smile.

"Don't worry about the failure, I will be your friend from now on."

Hearing this naruto cheered with a loud shout, making all the classmates look at their bench weirdly.

"Sasuke kun, can you also become my friend? You don't need any tests you know?"

Kisho asked with a sincere smile on his face. While naruto also looked at him with an expectant look on his face.

"If you can take ten of moves after the academy ends, I will consider your suggestion. I don't want my friends to die on missions in the future or they will be a burden to all of their friends."

He said with a stout expression on his face.

"Don't worry about it, I don't even need 10 moves. I can defeat you in 5 moves."

Hearing this declaration both Sasuke and naruto looked at him with a surprise and weird expressions.