
Naruto: Reincarnated as Kurama

When our mc just died tragically with a truck kun's crash, his soul suddenly vanished from earth and reappeared in the naruto world. When it just appeared, it saw minato sealing kurama into naruto. After that.........you should read first chapter to know more details.

Im_jealous · Others
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32 Chs

Shadow Imitation Technique

Kisho waited for 15 minutes after that god dharin's presence left from his mind, pondering over the information he got from today's 'discussion'.

After pondering for almost fifteen minutes, all he got was confused thoughts rendering him speechless.

"Even though I am a bit intelligent than my peers, I should have asked that sh.....god to increase my intelligence to the next level."

Thinking up to that point, he suddenly got an interesting idea or he can cover it as doubt. What if he cannot contact that god-like he said. He decided to check it,

"Hello!!! Apprentice god dharin, Are you there?"

He asked, but didn't get a reply from another side. He was about to call again but heard a voice in his mind with impatience.

"What is it brat, I told you to call me, only if there are any important Questions and also how do you know I am an apprentice god?"

Hearing this impatience voice, kisho also started himself to answer in an impatient voice.

"Hmph!! I am just checking, whether you have swindled me or not. As for how I know you are an apprentice god is too easy to say. After all, how can a powerful god make a mistake? After deducing some time, I thought an apprentice god should be the lowest level possible on gods and you belong in this group. If not for the god's divinity, I should have just thought that the lowest level is not an apprenticed level but even the worst possible realms. And I will have placed you on that realms."

After saying all those things that he wants to say, he directly cut off his link with god dharin. As he was cutting his link he heard some furious shouts from another side, but he didn't care.

"That brat!! How dare he insult me huh?" He exploded with anger and was about to connect the link so that he can vent his frustration. But was stopped by his voice.

"Why are getting all flustered over a boy? All you have to do is cooperate with the boy, right?"

His wife tried to convince him and he also finds it reasonable what his wife said.

"Right! Right! Right!.... All I have to do is cooperate with him right, its all will become Okay Right? Right?.....AAARGH. I can't take this anymore, just thinking of him is making me get sooooo angry."

He became unstable for a short period. After some time he recovered and covered his face just thinking about the mistake he had made.

2 Years gone by in a flash and kisho is now 6 years old and started working on his body without causing much damage to his growth. By the time, he turned six and half years old, kisho released his second seal making his chakra reaches to the level of 13 years old kids.

All the members of the Nara family are so happy about his strength growth, as he already has chakra enough for a genin.

Today is the day, their father told them that he is going to a shadow technique from clan to them. Both Kisho and Shikamaru looked at each other, before smiling and moving towards the clan treasury. This is where half of the Nara clan's wealth and techniques placed.

As they reached that place, they saw their father waiting for them.

"Brother, which technique will you select?" Kisho asked Shikamaru with curiosity.

"Brother, we can't select any, they will give us each a copy of the shadow imitation technique and we can only learn that technique until we become genins. Oh! I almost forgot about you, you can take another technique after you completely learn this technique, as you already have the chakra enough for a genin."

Shikamaru explained with patience. He loved his brother as much as he loved his parents.

As they reached the treasury, their father took two manuals that he had already collected and gave them to his two sons.

Taking the manual, they directly went to their rooms to practice.

Shadow Imitating Technique - Makes your opponent caught by your shadow, acts the same as you, completely binding them. While you can also move things freely on their shadows by extending them using external support.

Seeing this, He was disappointed by a bit at first and started practicing the technique, even though it is not much use to him.

Since Kisho received shadow imitation technique, he had been practicing it for 1 and 1/2 year already. Kisho didn't take much time to learn the shadow imitation technique but soon was perplexed by a revelation.

After six months of practice, he found that he has another shadow on him. After again half a year later, he found out that he has one more shadow making them three in total. He can activate or deactivate the other two shadows as he wishes, but the main problem is he can control all three or two shadows at a time. But all three will perform the same action as he did making it harder for him to use it for practical purposes.

He researched this technique for almost 1 year and made a breakthrough in the technique. He is still unable to control three shadows at the same time, but he can bind two enemies using two shadows, while he can control the third one with his prime shadow.

"I will find a way to control three shadows at the same time, no matter what."

He declared with a confident smile that was written all over his face.

"Why am I having three shadows? Should I contact that 'apprentice-level god'?"

He has been thinking of contacting the god but didn't do so. As it will only make his path too much softer.

"He did say something was different with my body, right? Then, I will credit it to that for now. Next, I can't show more than two shadows, unless there is a perilous situation. Two itself will cause me some questions from family members, but I can brush it off by acting 'Innocent'."

Thinking up to that point, he started smiling and also started dreaming of him using two shadows for fighting.

"That will look wonderful, right? If that shi....god were to see he will get jealous of my excellence."

Tomorrow is the day, where he has to attend the academy to learn all ninja ways. He thought of meeting Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba, Sakura, Hinata,.......