

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Twilight strength

As shisui was getting tired of his friend antic's,he proceeded to walk towards him and grabbed him by his right hand,this broke Itachi train of thought as he was hesitant to speak before.

"Hey Itachi, are you ok?need me to call your dad".

Shisui asked with a slightly worried expression,but his friend nodded and finally spoke.

"Yeah,am ok,thanks".

He exclaimed as smile appeared on his face and thought.

"Why am I being afraid off,shisui and his mother are here surely he wouldn't be able to act right???".

As Itachi calmed himself,he started to have a normal conversation with his friend as his father who had suspected something wrong may have occured,brushed it to the side as his son by the look of it seems to be back to normal.

"I wonder what made him stop halfway before reaching shisui family???".

He scratched his chin for a few moments before his wife placed her right palm on his left shoulder.

"Is everything ok?,you seem to be concerned about something?".

She asked with a hint of worry and curiosity while holding her six months old sleeping baby.

"No,everything is fine I was just observing Itachi and shisui that all".

He mattered as a small smile appeared on his face,as he grabbed her hand that was on his shoulder and kissed it all gentleman like mikoto blushed as she kissed him on the forehead.

A few minutes later.

As more and more people began to gather in the school yard,the opening ceremony started as a large crowd gathered at the stage.

With the people gathered,four elderly individuals appeared on the stage with one approaching the podium,these individuals being the reappointed third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi,Danzo Shimura,koharu,Homura the council of elders of konoha .

"Greeting,people of konoha today is a monumental day,our ninja academy has been finally rebuilt and can now guide the next generation to become exceptional Shinobi,this day doesn't only represent a new beginning but also a new start for our children on there journey to become Shinobi".

He said with a smile on his face.


Time skip cause I ain't writing all that bullshit.

As the parents and their children were shown around the new academy with the Hokage and elders accompanying them, they were shown the training ground, classrooms and to the children sensei's for the years to come.

Many parents decided to leave wishing their children good luck,this included mikoto as she had to rush home to change her babies diaper.

She wished her son a great day,as the children attended short classes with their parents that stayed they were introducted to the school's curriculum that consisted of Taijutsu,Kenjutsu,Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, two of this classes interested Daisuke.

Those being Ninjutsu and Genjutsu because as the posser of [The river's of eternal darkness] this serifah fused within him,along with being personification/embodiment of many concepts one being war.

He gained plenty of abilities from [The Twilight Giant pathway] this included [martial arts] of the grandmaster level and instant [Weapon Mastery] so he had no interest in learning the other two.

As they finished the introduction the teacher,the Hokage surprisingly proposed sparring matches to gauge their future Shinobi of the leaf and possibly help them improve in some area's of expertise.

Many parents agreed,but only to certain extent they didn't want their children losing face or being embarrassed,only Mia disagreed but she quickly remembered that her child wanted to learn self defense technique's that could aid him in the future.

In the courtyard behind the the school,was a large area covered by tree's with benches, track field and sparring circles.

"Alright everyone please gather the kids around,first will start with a short hundred meters foot race to get the blood pumping".

One of the male sensei mattered as he walked to the running line's,stretching a hundred meter's.

Parents started to gathered their children around at the starting line,only ten at a time could run,so children that were interested in going first lined up,that including Itachi, Daisuke and a male Hyuga/Sarutobi halfbreed named Ken Sarutobi.

"That's very strange in the show,the was no mention of a Sarutobi and Hyuga couple having a child?".

He thought as he was deep in thought the same child he was discussing about in his mind,approached him from behind and grabbed his by his shoulder.

Daisuke feeling someone's hand on his shoulder,turned his head slightly to meet the gaze of the kid.

"Hey dude,you ok,the race is about to start come on??".

He said in a calm tone as he released his grabbes from his shoulder and headed to the starting line.

He followed his lead and arrived at the starting line with children standing on white square blocks arranged in a horizontal manner,a teacher was on the left side of the first block along with another on the end of the hundred meters run.

As the children stood on the blocks and got in position to run Daisuke was in thought again,he raised his left arm up and used the index finger to scratch his chin.

"Why wasn't he mentioned in the show??".

He thought again as the event was about to begin many parents began to cheer for their children do their best this surprisingly included fugaku.

"You can do it Itachi make proud me son".

Yelled out fugaku.

"You can also do it Daisuke,mommy believes in you".

Mia added.

"Yeah,Itachi and daisuke you two can do it just give it your best".

Shisui said with heart as both his aunt and the patriarch raised a brown to him simultaneously.

"Really,like really shisui".

Mai said in a disappointed tone as her nephew was left disheartened and turned to the patriarch for help only for him to shrugge his shoulder signifying that he doesn't interfere in family affairs,he was left defeated as he sat on the ground in a cradled position and thought.

"I was only been supportive of a friend and family member,how did this back fire I chose no sides".

He weeped as small tears came from his eye's.

Back to the event at hand,as everyone was in their running stance Daisuke was still in thought with the whistle being blown the children started to run as fast as they could hoping to leave the others behind.

Ken was in the lead and Itachi was close behind covering the distance slowly,with them being thirty seventie meters away from the finish line cheers could he heard for the boys especially for Ken.

Daisuke was still at the starting still standing at starting point not moving a muscle still caught in the process of thinking.

"You see shisui,look at him,his probably discourage because you cheered for your friend instead of him hole heartily,my baby boy doesn't have the strength to run".

She said in a gutted tone.

"I'm sorry Oba-san,I didn't try to pick side's I only wanted to support them both".

The air between the two became awkward as people in the area began to feel a little uncomfortable but non the less they continued to cheer.

Shisui slowly began to stand up and fixing his disheveled from laying the ground moments ago and yelled out to his cousin.

"Daisuke don't give up,and run for them hill's boy".

He said as those words where heard the crowd of people,felt strange as the words sounded like the good old days...but they ignored it,ken and Itachi running along with each other.

Only forty meters left to cover and win the race,Daisuke who was still standing still, heard the words emitted by his cousin from a distance and was instantly broken out his deep thought process,he began to laugh and smacking his right knee.

"Run for the hills boy,funny I wonder how he knows that,either way am in a race right".

He said as he stared down running line with Ken and itach neck and neck to the finish line,they we're left with only fifteen meters to cover.

But something inside Daisuke clicked as his whole being vibrated telling to not forget his pride and not lose to children.

As he clenched butt and placed his right foot Infront of his the body,his foot cracked the ground on impact only a small margin.

As in a blick of an eye he was gone and a sonic*bomb* was heard as dust was left behind in his wake.

Daisuke in split of a second crossed the finish line as wind bollowed past him and entered the forest upper rooting four tree's in the process.


Said one of the sensei's as he pointed at daisuke,everyone including the runners and their parents were absolutely stunned and their jaws dropped to the ground as their eyes popped out of their sockets.

"What the hell happened!!!!".

Yelled out one parent.

"Yeah,what the actual fuck happened that kid was dead last,how did he win!!!!".

"This some of that old bullshit,how didn't the Sarutobi kid should have win".

"The fuck is he lord fourth secret child or something ".

Everyone was at an outrage,all expect a few individuals who were amazed at the sight those being Mia,Shisui,Fuguku,Hiruzen and especially Danzo,He was so confused/amazed,he lifted the banges covering his left eye to see if old age was making him hallucinate.

"Ok everyone,now to the last event time is wasting".

Diasuke said as he began to walk off nonchalantly leaving,everyone was speechless and still contemplating what had occured just now.

As everyone else gathered the bearings the headed towards the sparring circles,and the sparring matches began,twenty kids participated.

They made it into a knockout tournament, with many losing,expect for Itachi,ken, daisuke and a girl from a non clan family her was Anna.

With the semi finals occuring and the children getting ready for their matches that decided who will be the MVP of today.

It was revealed the sparring that would be Daisuke vs ken and Itachi vs Anna.

Anna forfeited as soon as she heard of who was her opponent while ken was contemplating to fight,daisuke through this entire tournament hasn't lifted a finger, everyone his faced so far forteited not wanting to fight him.

As one of the teachers acting called out Ken and daisuke for their match,he quickly made a decision to not forfeit the match and went to meet his opponent in the circle.

As he and his opponent arrived in the circle simultaneously,ken glared at daisuke with indifference hoping to spark a reaction but daisuke face remained stoic as his red eyes stared at him with indifference and pity.

"Damn Uzumaki and Uchiha hybrid,do you think you won the genetic lottery,you can look at me with pity in eye's".

He thought as he got ready,by doing the gentle fist stance while his opponent just placed his hands in his pockets still not taking serious.

As the crowd awaited for the match begin, mostly because of the curiosity daisuke provoked curiosity.


The crowd roared in excitement as the match was about to begin,but before ken could move in for an attack,daisuke raised his right arm up and declared.

"I forfeit".


The crowd roared in surprise as everyone was caught off guard,fugaku,hiruzen and danzo were all dumbstruck they wanted to witness what daisuke combat capabilities.

"*Sigh*no problem baby,mommy is arleady proud of you for making it this far,even though we actually hadn't started hand to hand combat training yet!!!!!".

She yelled as the crowd and higher up's looked at her and thought.

"Wait??he doesn't know hand to hand combat,so all does children forfeited for nothing".

Many parents and children faces became blank as they have been bamboozled by that swindling red eyed boy.

Back to sparring circles,ken face had a confused/dumbstruck expression as Daisuke shrugged his shoulder and spoke.

"So,can I forfeit now or.....".

Before he could finish speaking,ken began to laugh madly as he placed his right palm on his face.

"Hahahaha,you've been bluffing this entire time and you dare look at me with pity, your pathetic your parents failed you in installing knowledge on becoming a proper Shinobi".

He began to berate Daisuke,shisui and mia grew irritated as they wanted to teach the child a lesson,but out of know where,the sky began to darken as thunder was heard the wind began to blow heavily as the tree's shaked.

Everyone in the crowd began to wonder what caused the weather to change so suddenly they started looking at each other before looking at the sparring circle were the two boys were.

Daisuke expression which was stoic at first darkened and exuded killing intent,he lowered right arm slightly as he pointed at ken with it.

"You really can't take the win,I gave you out of pity children really morons,fine then I ended it in one move before you could blink,proctor I reverse my decision".

He said but the proctor.

"Hold on now kid,you declared forfeit....".

As he was speaking daisuke shoot him a stare that made him start to sweet and panic the proctor didn't speak further and stayed quiet and let the match begin.


Said Daisuke mimicking Kazuya Mishima voice,ken expression became serious as he went back to his previous stance but this time adding chakra to his palm waiting to use the gentle fist technique.

Before he could movement for an attack daisuke released a few words that confused him.

"On your left".

As the words left his mouth,he disappeared shocking everyone,he then appeared behind ken on his left side as he cocked back his right arms as he shaped his palm into a fist.

He launched his fist aiming for the center of his face.

Ken who couldn't react quickly saw daisuke fist a few inches away from him,his eye's contacted wide as he saw the fist emitte an aura of


In a matter of seconds his life so far,flashed before his eye's as he saw himself as a baby with his mother and father.


The fist connected as it dragged him into ground cracking it,creating a circular crater with a radius of fifty meters.

Dust broke out covering the area as land was destroyed in an instant.

Many were horrified as they thought daisuke killed the boy.


Screamed a women with black hair and white eyes as she stared at the center of the crater as the dust was settling down.