

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


As the dust settled a woman who has black hair and white eyes wearing a green hiori ran to the crater where her son was laying.

She stumbled and fell as she reached for her son hoping that he was alive,but she knew in her heart the chance of that we're zero to nothing,but she had to hope she was his mother of course.

"Ken please be alright!!!!".

She thought as tears began to pour down her eye's to her cheek's.

Mia on the other hand rushed to the sight along with shisui and other to check if the woman child was also alive hoping.

As they arrived at the middle of the sight, ken's mother,Maki Hyuga,witnessed a gruesome scenen as blood and brain matter were on the ground were her son corpse laid.


She bellowed out her heart,as she was in agony when she saw her son body without a head,Mia who was besides her was also in shock as she looked at her child next to the deceased boy.


She exclaimed in a slower manner of speaking as she was horrified at the scene at hand,her child,who was covered in blood as he looked at his fist and thought.

"I done fucked up".

He turned his his gaze to his mother a she looked at him with horror.

"Daisuke,what did you do,ANSWER ME DAMNIT,WHAT DID YOU DO!!!".

She asked in an angry tone as tears also flowed from her eye's,her son was a murderer at a young age.

"I went overboard it seems,whatever".

He exclaimed as he showed no hint of emotion,as she heard these words from her son she wanted..she wanted????.

She couldn't think of anything.

"I can bring him back to life".

He said with a nonchalant tone as the people around looked at him with a confused expression.

"Just watch and see ok,am not a monster".

He said as he slowly lifted his right palm on the neck area,in a few seconds time rewinded as the head began to form from the bits and pieces that were of blood,flesh and brain around the area.

As the boy's head fully reformed,he used [Ice magic] from the [Demoness pathway] to form small ice blocks,that he flew into the boys pants,this eye's blocks were colder than normal ice.

"He has a ice kekkei genkai??".

Thought everyone simultaneously as in the next second,ken jumped up and screamed.

"Cold,my balls are cold,why are they so cold!!!!".

As he was holding his crouch with both of his hands,his mother tackled him into the ground,as tears of joy flowed out.

"Your alive,thank kami your alive".

She exclaimed in tone full of joy and relief,her son who still had the I've block's in his pants,struggled to get out of his mother's embrace.


He yelled out to no avail,his mother continued to hug him,everyone wasn't those two stared at daisuke with interest especially Danzo who followed the crowd.

"How is he alive boy".

Danzo demand to know,as this could great benefits to hi...konoha,yes,konoha. Everyone also wondered how,his head no head.

He sighed as he was asked these questions, and glared at them and began to explain.

"Listen carefully,because am only explaining this once before I reverse time again,am basically the embodiment,personification and literally incarnation of death,destruction and many others concepts that am to lazy to list,so yeah am basically god and one more thing".

He turned his gaze to danzo as he quickly rushed at him and kicked his head off before he could react,this left everyone at a lose again none of them were able to react to his speed.

"*Cough*and also hiruzen your shit,and mother I will sleep with tsunade of the legendary sannin in the future if I can get her,so expect to have grandchildren maybe when am maybe seventeen year's old or something,also harem baby expect a lot of daughters in-laws in the future if I can bag then ok!!!!".

As he quickly spoke leaving everyone puzzled and Hiruzen staring at the body of his childhood friend,he clapped his hands to to rewind time but before he did,he gave Danzo's corpse the middle finger.

But as everyone couldn't register what he said,he rewinded time to when these events began,as time was rewinded.

He walked next to his mother as he informed her about not wanting to participate in this event's.

Mia agreed,not wanting to force her child to do so,this left Itachi,Ken and Anna to battle it out in these events,ken won the one hundred meters race with Itachi being second and the tournament of hand to hand combat heading towards it Itachi but barely.

He and ken fought like Shinobi worthy to be recognized in the future for their skills,and he couldn't care less of it.

Itachi father congratulated him for winning,while ken's mother,praised her son for fighting hand to hand with Itachi,without using the gentle fist technique.

All in all the day ended with him having a little fun,and danzo keeping an eye on Itachi and the new addition ken,on his list of promising talent's for konoha.

Him and his family headed out to get food when the school day ended,and they headed home for the day as they began his training.


I wrote this chapter for fun,the next one will have important information and event's planned so yeah bye.