

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Ninja academy

As the sun rose from the east signifying a new day,in his bedroom Daisuke was getting dressed,as he getting ready for the grand opening of the Ninja Academy.

He was wearing a blue short sleeved shirt with a white thin long sleeve shirt underneath it,accompanied by Black shorts with two pants pockets with opened toed shoes.

"Jesus Christ on a motorbike,I hate these shoes,why are they so popular??.

Damnit I wish there were normal shoes like timbs,nikey,vans,adidas or just off brand knock offs,hey would have been better than this".

He grumbled as he finished dressing up and putting on his shoe's.

"You know what!!!,am gonna introduce things I loved from earth to this world starting off with food.

I didn't take consumer studies and business studies for nothing,along with does damn cooking classes".

With affirmation written on his face,he smacked his left palm with his right calm,as he began to look for his bag.

Daisuke looked inside of his room for a moments,as he turned his head slightly to the left to look at the chest of drawers with a black bag on top of it.

He sighed inwardly as he fetched it and went to the dining to grabe his launch for school.

As he arrived at the kitchen,he quickly greeted everyone in his family before taking his launch box and quickly dashed out with great speed,he did not wait for anyone including his mother and cousin who wanted to be there with him.

So the began to eat quickly hoping to catch Daisuke halfway.

But they would be disappointed because he was alreadytraveling through the market district,and passing by Ichiraku ramen shop being rebuilt,as was walking on his lonesome,he began notice the gazes fixated on him by the near by civilizations of konoha.

"What's their problem ".

He wondered,but instead ignored their stares and whispers,as he did not show any care for it.

Five minutes later.

At the entrance gate of the new ninja academy many people we're insight including prominent Clan's that helped in the creation of konoha does being the yamanaka,hyuga,Achamichi and the nara with low unnamed Clan's also.

They all meet his gaze as they quickly distanced themselves from him.

"Poor kid,being outcasted because of his clan's actions and unrelenting pride".

A man exclaimed as went on with his business and paid his attention to his children.

Daisuke didn't care for this as he surveyed the area and just smiled for a moment before it quickly went away as he thought.

"Mother said,she didn't want me to become like these children,who am not gonna lie are going to be trash not really amounting to any expect corpse's while their parents sit at home doing nothing".

Shame such young life's being taken away before they know it.

As he entered the courtyard through the gate,in the middle of the courtyard was a large wooden stage with podium and six chairs behind it,they were arranged in horizontal manner paralleling each other.

And in the background behind the stage, stood the newly built academy it was large and was painted red, and had a large white coloured banner on top of the large red double door's with a green painted wooden frame.

This door's overshadowed him and every man,women,child and elderly individuals in the courtyard.

Back at the Uchiha compound.

As Shisui and Mai finished eating breakfast,they quickly rushed out of the house in hopes of meeting daisuke along the way and but it was mostly to see if he arrived safely at the academy.

They both wore outfits similar outfits with a blue matching colour scheme.

Shisui obviously being a child was not as fast as his aunt,but he remembered Daisuke words.

"Use ninjutsu to benefit you on a daily basis,even when doing choirs it doesn't have to be just missions where ninjutsu is required".

It was genius,how did he not think of this,he quickly sent a surge's of chakra to everyone of his tenketsu points in his body.

As in a moment his body seemed to glitch in and out of reality,as he utilized [Body Flicker technique] to dash past his aunt without hesitation,he rushed inside the market,as be dodged,jumped obstacles in his way to reach the academy first.

Mia noticing that shisui was no longer behind her,sighed in inwardly as mattered.

"So taking your younger cousin advice arleady huh".

A smile creeped of her face as she also used the [Body Flicker technique] to arrive at the academy hoping to arrive before shisui.

But alas reality was often disappointing as when she arrived at the scene she saw her nephew and her child chatting away.

"Hey shisui,you brat why didn't inform me to use [Body Flicker] to arrive early??instead of me using it after I noticed that you were not behind me anymore".

She grumbled in an annoyed tone as she arrived between them.

"Am sorry Oba-san,I only thought of it,in the heat of the moment please forgive me".

He said in a apologetic tone as he clapped both his palms together and bowed,she signed as she smiled and giggled.

"Stop prostrating yourself you dummy".

She exclaimed as she was giving him a pat on the head along with messing it up.

"Aunt!!!!,why did you do that for?".

He mattered as he was fixing his disheveled appearance with red cheeks to signify his moment of embarrassement.

In the background of this trio who were enjoying their time together,ignoring the stares from the from the people.

A figure with black black and eyes,wearing konoha standard Jonin outfit with a rag on his left hip with the Uchiha symbol on it.

Stood behind them with other individual's who were Itachi,mikoto and baby Sasuke in mikoto embrace rapped in a blue blanket,as they observed the area to see people distancing themselves from them.

Mikoto was a little saddened by this but didn't display it.

Fugaku the Uchihas clan leader ignoring the malice filled stares,stood proud to see his son, beginning his journey into becoming a ninja.

"Itachi come here".

He said as he gestured to his eldest son,who wasted no and came to his father command.

"Yes father,do you need something".

He asked in a confused tone,he appeared next to his father,who squatted before him to match his height,his father also began lift his left arms as he pointed at the Daisuke,he placed right hand on his son left shoulder.

"You see him Itachi,that boy over there, that's on shisui left side,he has the same potential as you to become a great ninja,so what I want you to do,is to become friends with him so that he can help us in the future".

He said with a calm yet assertive tone.

"I'll see to it father".

He said in a nervous tone as he could still remember lasts night event's with the boy asking him if he wanted to die,and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Ok then,go and talk to him,it should be easy since you and Shisui are friends".

He gestured his son to approach them as he placed his right hand on his son's back gently pushed him towards them.

As Itachi was as approaching the trio with nervousness and a cold sweat dropping from his forehead.

Daisuke in an accounted moment of unexpected timing slightly turned his head backward as his eye's locked with Itachi's,he placed his hands in his pockets,waiting for him to arrive near him.

Itachi fearing that something similar to that situation might happenened slowly began to turn back,not waiting for something unexpected to happen but nothing expected.

His father raised an eyebrow to this as he crossed his arms together with a puzzled expression written on his face.

"Hey shisui,isn't that your friend approaching us".

He said as he tapped his cousin shoulder gesturing to the retreating Itachi behind him.

"Yeah it is,".

"Hey Itachi,aren't you going to say hello".

Shisui mattered with a tone of joy as he smiled at his friend.