

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Uchiha Patriarch household,night time.

The dining room,fugaku Uchiha,had a serious facial expression,he son Itachi who Sat across from him,only being separated by the table in the middle of them spoke, mikoto who was not present,was handling the task of placing baby Sasuke to sleep in the next room.

"Itachi,you said you wanted to discuss something about with me??".

Fugaku addressed his son, his son had a particular expression shown by his face,it showed nervousness and worry as he struggled to find the correct words to say.

"Yes father,it's about the other boy,shisui's, young cousin the is something I'd like to inform you about him".

He said,he and his father were on their knee's as they spoke,with his father's arms crossed and with his gripping his short's.

"Mmmm, what's it about it only been a few weeks since the academys reopening did you become friends him??".

He asked as he wasn't expecting his son to reply his progress of befriending him,it was to sudden but what could he expect it his son of course.

"No father,so far the has been no progress he dislikes me for a reason I don't know,but that's not what I wanted to say".

"Speak then".

"Ammhem,father his,his strange,the was a event that happened to me,when mother and I were coming home from shopping at night,me and mother saw daisuke but something happened that mother wasn't aware of".

He said with an air of skepticism and nervousness,not knowing if "he" was listen to their conversation.

But what he didn't know was that "He" wasn't listening,"he" was busy with matters that related to a snake and a group of mercenaries and a certain white haired boy.

"Mmmmm,what event are you talking about,your mother is a former Jonin so I doubt she wouldn't notice anything???".

"Am well aware of mother accolades,but this was beyond her or even the Hokage I would presume.

father he did something to the environment I don't know what it was maybe time manipulation,but where we met him,nothing moved from air,mother and the small bug's even my body couldn't move but my mind was left untouched I could process that something happened but I still couldn't move,father he was the only who could ".

"Mmmm,Time manipulation".

Fugaku being confused with his son's explanation,scratched his chin with his index finger as he stood up to stretch and sat down again.

"What are you implying by adding the prefix of time being controlled,and him moving while you and your mother couldn't it's unheard of???".

"Like I said before father I don't know yet, but with what happened it left me to deduce it was something related to time,at that when things stopped moving he could have killed me if he wanted but he didn't he made a door appear out of thin air left,then everything went back as they were".

Fugaku sighed a bit as he messaged his template,he stared at the ceiling of his home for a bit and stared at his son again,door, time is he playing him for a fool but it's his son he could never.

"Itachi are you sure of what happened,he could have placed you under a genjutsu of some sorts???".

"It wasn't a genjutsu father,when he left and I conversed with mother to see if I wasn't hallucinating but to have surprise also he wasn't standing under the night post where she saw him".

This this picked fukaku's curiosity,he thought a child having this much power could benefit them,in terms of obstacles appearing before but he had to confirm it first.

"Itachi,thank you for informing me I will investigate this matter,don't tell anyone keep it a secret".

Itachi nodded in agreement as he sighed in relief that his father believed him,and that his father was going to investigate this "threat",but what approach should he take.

He didn't want to provoke the child's anger,he knew better than that,he had to talk to the boy,somehow but for time being the only thing he could think of was having friendly relations with the family.

That was the start his son arleady is friends with shisui,maybe he can aid him in gaining the boy favour,and he in turn will introduce himself.

"In the next clan meeting I should personally invite them and give them a sit to gesture good fate with".

He thought,he the stood and went to his personal study to gather information,it had been so long that [Mia the bloodred banshee] was active,so he had to study her past and her ninjutsu capabilities.

Itachi who was still sitting on the carpet covered floor,also and stretched his limbs and went to his mother to assist her and placing his baby brother to sleep.



Sitting at the head of the long black rectangular table along with the white snake wearing Black robe's with red clouds imprinted on the robes sitting on his left side.

Daisuke,was wearing black robe with a hoodie covering his face,his robe's were decorated with silver accessories,the robe reached his knee's which were partial transformed into spirit worms with his upper body was also transformed excluding his head and arms.

With silences being prominent,Orochimaru with his pale and silent frame was sweating profusely as he started down at the foggy ground.

"Orochi have you done what I requested".

He asked,he turned his head slightly to the snake,Orochimaru feeling the glares of the great old one,sat up properly calming himself as he started at his master.

"Yes my lord,I have done everything you have requested of me,I also aquired the child you requested".

Replying to the question with a nervousness and worried tone,he conveyed a forced smile on his face,driven by fear.

"Good,now let project fallen star commence".

A smirk filled with malice appear on his face,as he began to laugh madly,he was a god for Christ's sake he could do what he wanted.

"Also I may have forgotten to tell you this but gather files on the one called danzo,and also prepare the boy,one of my apostles will arrive at the base were the boy is in".

As he finished speaking,he left the castle as he teleported back to his bedroom,he quickly detransformed turning back to his normal form,Daisuke sighed lightly as he clenched his hand.


Hearing his name being called from the other side of the door he replied with a tired tone.


He disrobed the black robe from his back as he made it disappear consumed by fog,he then turned his face to the door as he opened it and went through it.