

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

New world part 3

As Daisuke saw the note on black rectangular table,he began to approach the table as he pulled out one of the high chairs and set on it.

He then reached for the bottles as he examined each and everyone of them carefully,he placed them to his right side as he glanced at the note.

He grabbed it and began to read.


Dear Charles

If you're reading this,it means that you have entered the Sefirah castle,the castle above the pure land's in the universe your in.

To keep things brief and short we are sorry for not conducting the "interview" with you and granting you,your desired five wishes and also for the inconvenience of sending you to the Naruto universe without you spinning the wheel.

So with this inconvenience being solved at the moment,We at R.O.B reincarnation/isekai services,have given you our premium plus package with includes the castle above the pure land's,the beyonder potion with no side effects hopefully.

We have given you three pathway potions these being the Red priest,the darkness and the fools so you can choose two to drink without dying and also a head up when you drink the potions stay in the castle because of our blunder,we set the potions to be above the sequence meaning you will become a great old one and the will be no side effects.

And yes you will receive all Characteristics from the neighboring pathway that were not selected from the same group of course.

Again sorry for the misunderstanding and we hope this finds you well.

Yours sincerely

The Chaos servants.


As soon as Daisuke finished reading the letter his expression changed,he gained wide smile as he thought.

"Yes baby,fuck you Itachi,danzo and isshiki we'll see,who the fuck you bastard's think you can kill!!!".

Daisuke jumped out the high chair as he began to dance with joy in his step,but after few moments he calmed himself down and began to contemplate on which potions to take.

"Since am basically going to become over powered,do I just solve everyone's problems or have some fun doing my own things and lay low.

Mmmmm...I wonder,wait why should I give a fuck about this now,I can be the most powerful ninja or just use these powers to become rich as Mansa Musa that bastard who destroyed the economy or rewrite the world in my image".

As Daisuke finished his inner monologue,he sat down on the high chair again and used his right hand to take the beyonders potion and drank it.

Daisuke waited for a few moments as his body began to digest the potion instantly.

"Doesn't taste bad,almost taste like dried up blood".

He said as he took a purple potion that was labeled[Fools pathway]and gulped it down without hesitation.

Daisuke body began to transmitate,he began rapidly changing from being normal human being,to his body anatomy changing into a vortex if spirit worms.

He felt something be done,as automatically the sefirah began to fuse with him while accommodating the uniqueness of the door and error pathways.

Daisuke felt his slimey body,receiving information and the his new extraordinary capabilities ranging from soul,mind,law, reality and dream manipulation cement themselves within him.


In an under laboratory filled with flasks,test tubes and books along with a microscope there was a man standing Infront of a wooden desk with a night light to his right side.

The night light was Illuminating the room for the man as he was reading books and scrolls.

The man was white skinned had long black hair and was wearing a green vest with rectangular pouches and underneath he was wearing a blue long sleeved shirt with blue pants and open toed shoes.

The man was going through the stack's of books Infront of as he was taking notes from them.

"Damn it,why can't I figure it out!!!!".

He said as cleared the books Infront of him and toss them to the ground.

"Why was he the only one able to use it!!!".

He grumbled as he removed his village headband that was scratch from the middle making a horizontal line,he began to massage his template with his right palm calming himself down.

"*Sigh*this will be death of me".

The man named Orochimaru was beginning to lose hope as most of his research at this point had brought him nothing but fruitless endeavors.

Orochimaru,one of the legendary sannin of the leaf praised for his genius intelligence and strategic mind was at a lose.

He began to stare at his headband and began to contemplate why was he doing this for,what was this,everyone of his experiments had failed expect for....but he was still working on that.

"Immortality,am so close to unlocking it's secrets yet so far also*sigh*".

He sighed heavily as he tied his head on his forehead and headed out of the room.


Back at the serifah castle.

As daisuke began to flout above the black rectangular table and reached the dome of the serifah castle,he started to see everything in a different light from a higher perspective.

As unknown to himself out of desire to become something unbeknownst to this world,he summoned a pale skin individual wearing a green vest with many pouches and blue shirt underneath it with matching blue pants with wearing open toe shoes.

As Orochimaru who was leaving his underground lab,grabbed the door knob,he for a moment was consumed by grey fog as he was transported to the serifah castle.

As he arrived at dining hall of the castle Orochimaru was flabbergasted,as he expected to be in a dark corridor with wooden burning torches mounted on the same walls,but to his surprise he was in a palace fit for a daimyo.

Orochimaru was taken aback as the magnificent scene he was beholding could only be described,as beautiful.

As Orochimaru surveyed the scene and took step of precaution around the massive hall,above him Daisuke still in his spirit worm form and now,the lord of the mysteries observed the man as he was looking around in his castle.

As he was walking around the room, Orochimaru locked eye's with two bottles glowing with indifference,giving off the allure of power,the two bottles on the black rectangular table they sat on attracted him in a phenomenal manner,as he could not resist.

As Orochimaru egded closet to the bottles and he was about to grabe one of them out of curiosity.

He was instantly grabbed by tentacles pouring down from above by daisuke who for this dustedly act could not bare any longer and acted quickly.

Rapping orochimaru with his tentacles from bottom to top,Daisuke made sure not to accidentally make Orochimaru gaze upon his new form.

Otherwise madness might take him.

As he was grabbed by a tentacles from all side,Orochimaru tried to use the [Substitution Jutsu] to escape but to his sudden realization and horror.

"My Chakra it's,it's being consumed and I can't substitute my self away,why??".

He mattered as he felt tentacle tendrils covering his entire body expect his mouth.

(A/N: sounds like tentacle play is about to happen:)

He was then lifted up into air as he began to hear a voice speaking to him,the voice was carried malice as it reverberated in his ear drums.

"Mmmm...the great white snake,Orochi,why do I have the distain to meet you in my palace".

Daisuke said in a different tone that sounded demonic,as he looked at the snake who was trying to wiggle out of the tentacles.

He squeezed him tightly breaking bone's and rapturing his internal organs.

Orochimaru released an unsettling scream as he felt himself being crushed.


To be continued bye 😘.