

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

New world part 4

The Uchiha compound.

In his family house at the corridor of the front door,Daisuke was sitting on the wooden floor as he was putting on his flip-flops.

He was wearing a dark shirt with a white undershirt,underneath it and long denim pants.

As he was finished putting on his flip-flops,he got up and opened the door but before he could leave he shouted outloud.

"Everyone,am going to explore the village,be back in a hour or two!!!!".

"Ok,be safe out there!!!!".

Everyone in the house responded those being shisui,kana and mia who were doing their own activities.

As he was about to open the door,he stopped for a moment and released a light sigh.

"Ok,now is the time to test out one of my authorities".

He exclaimed as in a brisk moment of the turning the door knob,he used the [Door] ability to travel to a remote location were he was planning to meet someone.

As Daisuke arrived at the side of a road in a decently populated area filled with tree's.

He surveyed the area for a bit and started to head east to a near small village hoping to meet someone of particular interest.

As he arrived at the village he entered a alley way that was dark and had beggers,leaning on the he wall.

Daisuke ignored them for now as when he reached the end of alley,he gazed upon a bar that seem to be a hot spot for bandit's because of how badly it looked with broken window's,door of it's hinges,graffiti and a weird smell coming from it.

As he entered the "fine"establishment through the half opened door Daisuke looked around and came to a realization.

"This place,is worse then my old highschool bathroom".

He exclaimed with disgust as inside the "fine" establishment there were broken table's,glass bottles and people fighting,with one of them using a knife and still getting his ass beat.


Daisuke approached the counter as he sat in one of those chairs with a round sit and a singular metal leg in the middle of it.

As he sat,people around who were minding their own business suddenly stopped and looked at the child sitting at the counter with interest.

But they soon began to mind their own business again as they went back to their activities.

"Hey,can I get some service here!!!".

He yelled out,as one three meters from his left side the was a red door with a bathroom sign and after a few seconds a bald man came rushing out pulling his pants up.


Said the man,he was wearing a long sleeved white buttoned shirt with a brown unbuttoned vest with black regular pants and opened toe shoes.

As the man arrived at the bar of the server side,he looked at daisuke with a confused expression.

"Ahhh,kid are you the one who called for service".

He said in confusion as he began to point at him.

"First off,rude,and secondly,yes I am looking for service's".

Daisuke exclaimed with a grumble in an annoyed tone.

"No way kid,leave my business right now,kids are not allowed in here".

The bartender said,Daisuke glared at the man for a moment and replied.

"Wow bad,service at it's finest but let me forget about that,am looking for Hikari Sanjin".

He expressed his intentions in a calm manner,as those words left his lips,the entire bar with many individual's halted their gambling,drinking and stared back at the child.

"What did you say little brat,do you who the hell you want to know about".

"Yeah I do,so if you can give me information about him I'll be on my way to find him".

People at the back of him,began to stand up from chairs and hurried away out of the bar but with an expection of five individual's.

Those being three male while the rest being female carrying blade's at the side of their hips.

"Listen kid,I don't know what games your playing,but am giving you a choice leave now or die here".

As the five individual's began two approach the the two,a smile creep on daisuke face as it extended to his ears as his face turned black.

Behind the five individual's surrounding Daisuke a black portal opened as a figure dressed in black hooded cloak and a white suit that covered his body emerged.

As the bartender witnessed the figure emerge from nothingness,with a cold sweat he glanced at the child who had a menacing smile on his face,looking at him.

The figure dressed in a black hooded cloak moved,and in a blick of an eye the three man and two women were dead as they laid on the floor,he then appeared next the bartender on his left side with blood on his hand's.

"Now,where were we,ohh,I remember we where about to have some fun with you".

Daisuke exclaimed to the bartender with an eerie smile on his face.

"Wait please, let's talk about it!!!".

"Hikari's information,I want it,talk or my friend here is going to fuck your ass with a large wooden stick".

He exclaimed as got down from his sit and and horizontally did a chop,that destroyed the counter table.

"Yeesss,I will,please just don't kill me".

"Ok I won't,just be quick about it".

He said with a stoic expression,as the man shacking in his boots while he peed himself, began to sing similar to a song bird.

As he received the information he needed about hikari and his gang with the base locations.

Daisuke smiled at him before two more black holes appeared behind him.

Two figure's stepped out,one being white skinned with a horn circling the upper part of his head,while his eye on right side was yellow with line's in them as he wore a white cloak with black baggy pants with no shoes and had black tattoos on his chest.

And the other figure was wearing black robes with red clouds with orange hair and metal rods embedded in him,also with purple eyes with several circle's on sclera of the eyes wearing black open toed shoes also emerged.

Daisuke slightly looked back at the two as turned his attention to the bartender and then the figure wearing a black hooded cloak.

The figure in a moment of no hesitation went to one of the dead bodies on the floor and picked up a blade and inspected it before turning his head to the bald bartender once again.

"Wait,what's he doing with that blade,we had a deal you said you wouldn't kill me".

"I said,"I"meaning me and only me wouldn't kill you,and you never mentioned anything about him killing you ".

As soon as the words left his mouth,daisuke snapped his finger together as the black cloak figure creeped closer to man.

Daisuke turned around as he was leaving the bar as four door appeared one being Infront of him while the other appearing closer to the three figure.

"Capture anyone,you find in those bases expect for the innocent people who are being held as slave's and send them to Orochimaru".

He exclaimed as he opened the glowing door Infront of him and disappeared into it,the three figure know as Jigen,pain(Yahiko),Unleashed Obito nodded and entered their respective door and disappeared only leaving the place with six dead bodies with one of them,missing a head.

(A/N:the scholar of yore,has a unique abilitie to summon any individual the user of this ability remember from the historical void of history but if the user can remember them in detail.)