

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

New world part 2

A few days passed..

In the Uchiha compound at the south east south side of konohagakure,In the dining room of our protagonists,Daisuke was sitting on the coach.

The dining room was connected to the kitchen,it consisted of an rectangular table with six chairs in a symmetrical order,the were located behind the triple sitter coach where daisuke was sitting on.

The dining also had a recliner chair to the Left side of the triple sitter coach and to the right side of the coach was a double sitter coach and a coffee table with a flower pot on top of it in the middle of the sitting arrangement.

Daisuke at the moment was in thought.

"How the hell am in the NARUVERSE'S!!!, damn it Jonathan if this wasn't real,I would have laughed it off,but it is,I wonder how the hell did he get me in here".

Daisuke sighed heavily as he scratched his head and folded his arms together,he began to make a plan.

"Damnit*huh*can't do anything about it for now,let's think of a plan to save myself from the world event's about to happen".

He came up with a basis for the timeline from what he could recall,he was one year younger than Itachi,and the nine tails attack happened a few months ago,so that means Naruto is a baby right now in the custody of the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi.

And he knew from watching the show that. His"cousin" dies between the age of 15-16 years old and Itachi at that time was 12 year's old when he died,so it gave him seven years to either run away or and I emphasize on the or become a Shinobi.

But that was impossible in his eyes,he didn't want to kill or die at young age,even though he loved Naruto when he was growing and still to this he does,but this universe is fucked up using children for warfare while the adults sit at home not doing anything but fucking and creating another pawn for war.

He thought of using Izanagi to manipulate reality but that required him to unlock the sharigun,but that required trauma.

"Wait???,does this have the sharigun".

He thought as he got off the couch and tried to access it,but to nott prevail at all.

"What was I thinking??I don't know how to mold chakra and this kid too didn't know how to mold it*sigh*".

As he started getting depressed,a woman who was wearing a night gown entered the room and she laid her eye's on him sitting on the couch.

"Hey,Daisuke-kan,how's my favorite nephew doing this morning".

She said with a smile on her face as she was approaching the couch where he stood Infront of.


He was broken out of his thought process and turned his head slightly back to see the women who was calling him.

This was or is the original aunt of the original Daisuke aunt,her name was Kana Uchiha, shisui mother and the in law of the family.

As he saw the woman approach him,he replied to her in kind.

"Obasan,Good morning did you sleep well".

He asked.

"I slept well,thanks for your concern,your super attractive young Obesan is happy to know that you care,daisuke-kan".

She said,she stood Infront of him towering over his small height,this annoyed him a bit, as she was taller than him,she gave him a monstrous bear hug.

Daisuke tried refuse it,but was quickly overpowered and was given it.

Kana also gave him a kiss on his forehead and she left him be,before she headed to the kitchen.

But before she could leave to fix herself breakfast Daisuke called out to her.

"Obesan,wait please can you help me with something".

"Yeah ok,what do you need??".

"Could you help me in molding chakra please".

He said,with puppy dog eye's.

"Mmmm...ok why not,either way you were going learn it".

As he heard the words,he jump in joy as he went behind it the couch,and grabbed her palm and took her to the backyard.

At the backyard the household,the yard of the house was small only having a fifteen meter radius of space.

Daisuke was standing Infront his aunt as she began to teach him the process of molding his chakra.

"Ok daisuke,first lesson what is chakra?".

She asked at her short little nephew who was wearing nothing but black shorts.

"It's the combination of spiritual and physical energy".

"Good,now do you know how to mold your chakra??".

Daisuke looked at her with a deadpan expression as he crossed his arms and thought"Are you being serious right now, because if not shut up and go back to the kitchen".

"Obesan,remember why am here again".

"Oh yeah,sorry in order to mold chakra and use ninju,first you to clear your mind and imagine an empty space with two orbs of different colour,those orbs will represent your physical and spiritual energy a.k.a it being chakra".

"Mmmm...ok should I mediate for it to be more effective in other to awaken my chakra???".

Daisuke asked.

"Yeah,that would bring more results I suppose".

"Ok now,sit in the middle of the yard and concentrate with this lesson ok".

She said as she began to walk into house to make some food.

"And also remember don't over do it ok".

She added before she disappeared into the house.

Daisuke nodded as he began to sit cross legged in the middle of the yard were the sun shined the most while the air blowed gently.

As he started the process,he controlled his breathing,closed his eyes,cleared his mind and began to imagine an empty black space with two different orbs of energy with a different set of colours one being black and one being white.

Symbolizing Yin and yang.

He began the process of slowly merging the two energy together to create ninju.

And after thirty minutes of not wanting to mess up this process,the two energies finally meet and created a new energy,ninju.

The energy began to surge in and outside of his body as he was covered in blue energy.

Daisuke opened his eyes and when he saw blue coloured energy surrounding him.

"Perfect,now chakra control and learning jutsus are the next steps!!".

As Daisuke was about to leave the backyard and enter the house to inform his aunt about his success.

His body suddenly stopped moving as if someone else willed it to and his iris's turned white rather than them being normal black.

He brought into what seemed to be a different plane of existence, this plane of existence was dark and foggy with no one in sight expect for him,who was in the middle of this abyss.

"Damnit where the hell am I now!!??".

He exclaimed as he grumbled,he began to search at the foggy surrounding's to see no one.

"Maybe it was all dream and right now now am in my bed that not in the Naruverse".

He thought as slapped himself to see if he was dreaming,but after a few minutes of doing so,he stopped and grumbled once again.

"You know what I am done,fuck this bullshit how the fuck am I suppose...".

As he was about to finish his sentence,the dimensional plane started to shake and make crackling noise.

As in an instant he saw a number of towering stone pillars emerging from nothingness accompanied by a vast dome that overshadowed him.

The once gloomy and dark foggy plane changed and looked magnificent,grand and lofty just like a palace for royal's.

Directly under the dome where the grey fog gathered,a long,black rectangular table appeared with twenty high chairs on either side in a symmetrical arrangement.the back of each chair was dazzled with gold and had strange detailed patterns on them.

On top the black rectangular table was a note covered with four bottles of different colour substances.

This shocked Daisuke as two word in all of their Majesty left his lips.
