

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

New world


Yawned a young child as he awakened from his sleep.

As he began to open his eyes slowly,upon fully opening them he saw a green and leafly area packed with tree's as green as could be.

He thought this to be strange,where was he??.

His vision was partially blurry,but that didn't matter as he tried to survey the area a little bit,as he turned his head left and right,only to notice a small blurry on his right side,he slightly lifted it up to recognize that he was laying under a large tree.

This was strange to him.

"why does it look like or rather that am smaller than before,is it something to do with the area am in with the tree's being larger than normal???".

He lifted himself as he dusted grass off from his behind,he examined himself,to finally deduce that,yes,he shrunk and is small again.

"Damnit,what drugs did that bastard add to my drink to knock me out again,this better not be another one his simulation games,he put me in again ".

As his vision recovered,Charles turned his head again to the right as the blurry figure, looked to be a boy slightly taller than him,he was throwing strange items in his hands into the nearby tree's.

This boy had fair white skin and charcoal black hair,and was wearing a blue short sleeved shirt that had a strange symbol on his back,he also was wearing Black shorts with a light brown pouch at the back of his rear and black open toe shoes.

This was opposite to Charles,as he had dark skin and black hair with red hue tips,he also wore garments similar to the kid.

This picked his curiosity,as he decided to talk to the boy,to find out where he was,so like the big boy is or was,he began to approach the child carefully.

Maybe he was an npc of this world.

Halfway through reaching the boy,he was captivated by the surrounding he found himself in,this area has an abundance of tree's with the sun shining brightly, illuminating the tree's.

"Hey there fellow,can you help me identify which "world" this is???".

He said to the boy in a nervous tone as he didn't know if he was a friendly npc or not, because as he got closer he discovered the boy was throwing small,sharp,metal objects but he had no choice he stood his ground.

But still he had to cautious,he was dark skinned for a reason.

"Mmmh,What did you say??".

He exclaimed in a curious tone,as he began to rotate his body around to look at him.

"I asked which "fantasy world" am in ".

He said again,this time he lifting both his hands up to physical emphasize his use of quotations.

The boy looked at Charles with a confused expression,as if he was playing some sort of game with him,but he subsequently replied to him with a perplexed tone.

"Daisuke are you okay????".

He asked as he got close to him.

"Daisuke???That sounds like a japanese name,am I in Japanese simulation game again,damn you Jonathan!!!!".

He thought,as he cursed his friend,who was a game enthusiast on a extreme level.

The boy leaned Infront of his face to check if his alright and isn't suffering from something.

"Answer me,Daisuke are you fine or are you suffering from a genjutsu of some sort??".

He said with a Stern look on his face.

"Mmmmh,Gen..Jutsu???that's odd I heard this name before but I can't recall where??".

He said,as he simultaneously thought and spoke,as he was pondering this,something shocking happened to the boy Infront of him,the boy's irises turned red with three tomoe appearing on it.

"Those eye's their....their the sharigun and not only the Sharigun but the three tomoe sharigun".

Daisuke began to have fragments of memories of certain a young boy entering, his head and began to see the boy,entire life so far both good and bad.

Partial memory fragments played in his head,showing many images of a giant orange nine tailed fox,it was destroying a small city(village).

After another fragments played as man who had dark skin and red hair wearing strange clothes,he was wearing clothes akin to minato Hokage cloak with a whirlpool symbol at the back and black Shinobi under garments.

The man was fighting and holding the giant fox back with the assistance of an old man wearing a strange helmet and black garments fighting the furry creature and also this kid Infront of him his..no,this body cousin Shisui Uchiha.

"Kurama,Hiruzen and who was that??is he my...no this body dad?".

He thought as he,his eyes contracted wide to his these belief,but suddenly he felt his mind racing begin to race and his heart beat quickly as if it was ready to jump out of his cheast.

"Wait,what's happening,why is my body reacting like after does memories flashed in my mind????".


He began to hyperventilate and went down on his right knee,he tried to calmed himself down but to no success.

Memories came rushing forward as he saw everything that night of the kyuubis attack, his "father" dying,his "mother" yelling at him to run away and his cousin grabbing him by his hand and running away with him.

His breathes shorter as his vision became blurry again.

Shisui who saw his his cousin hyperventilate and shortness of breath,quickly developed a expression of worry concern.

"Help me!!!".

He expressed as he looked directly at shisui eye's,daisuke began to fall unconscious and was about fall to the ground.

As he was about to hit the ground,shisui caught him with his left arm and lifted him over his shoulders as he gave him a piggy back ride back to their home.

He jumped into the tree's,as he used the tree branches to rushed home.

"Hold on daisuke!!!".

He expression with a concerned tone filled with worry and fear.


Seven minutes later....

Shisui arrived at the front door of his home as his cousin who was still on his back, continued to laid unconscious.

The house was big and looked to accommodate six people.

As he placed his foot on the wooden porch and faced the door to his home,he yelled in a panic.

"Aunt Mia!!!!,come out quick!!!".

As inside the house in the dining room sitting on a sofa looking at a picture of Toka her husband and daisuke father,who was holding a baby daisuke when he was born in his arms with a goofy smile on his face,Mia Uchiha.

An slightly pale women who had an oval face charcoal short black hair that reached her chin,wearing a black sleeve dress that reached her knees,heard noise coming from outside the house.

She slowly got up and went to the front door to see what was the screaming about.

As she arrived at the door and opened it she saw her nephew shisui(who's 9 yrs old and a Chunin or genin)carrying her son(who's 5 year's old) Daisuke on his shoulder.

She saw shisui facial expression filled with concern as tears began to fall.

Mia face quickly grew serious as she quickly grabbed her child from his back and rushed him inside the house,she gently placed him in her bedroom as she began to check his vitals,breathing patterns and heart beating pattern.

Mia sighed heavily as this wasn't the first time this happened,she thought of calling a doctor,but with the current situation if the village,it was either they we're busy with people or in other area's doing surgery.

She laid next to her son as she touched his face reminiscing about the past of her,her son and husband before that nights attack.

"Shisui,tell me what triggered it to happen again,was it does boy's or was it....".

As mia spoke to him with a cold and indifferent tone,staring at his soul,shisui quickly spoke up even though he was scared shitless with a cold sweat pouring down his forehead.

"No Obesan it wasn't anything like that this time,Daisuke was asking me strange questions,and after that he started to hyperventilate as he held his chest and asked me to help him before fell unconscious".

Shisui said as he dropped his gaze down to the floor and explaining everything and how he was disappointed in himself for not doing anything of help.

Mia left her son side as she approached her nephew who was still leaking tears and blaming himself,she quickly embraced him in a tight hug

"Thank you shisui,for being there for him when that happened".

As she said that,she left the embrace and want outside the room to the bathroom to change her clothes,as she came out,she wore black jeans and a white shirt.

She went back into the bedroom as she kissed her son on the forehead before departing outside of the house.

"Shisui look after him,for with you".

She asked,as she was heading out.

"No problem Obesan,I will and also do you think his doing to be alright ".

Shisui asked,she turned her head slightly back as she gave shisui a smile.

"Yeah,he will,because if not the Uchiha responsible for that night event's,better hide in the womb that bore them otherwise if daisuke doesn't recover from this,I'll put their head so far in their ass they'll breath in shit for dinner ".

She said in a menacing tone as her eye's iris's turned crimson red with a strange pattern appearing on them,she started

This left shisui speechless.


Hey guys I temporarily back and I decided to restart this story so yeah please comment your opinion on this chapter