

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Lie's and Provocation

As Daisuke returned home.

He entered the living room to see,his mother sleeping on the sitter coach and the double shoji door behind the recliner chair opened showing the greeny Leafly tree area they were surrounded by.

He looked at her for a moment,only to shift his gaze on the carpet covered floor to see a upside down photo frame.

He bent his knee's as he picked it up and flip it around to look at a picture of,a baby daisuke rapped in a white blanket while being held by his "father" who was only wearing standard konoha outfit without a shirt and a black tattoo on his right shoulder with the signature Uzumaki red hair,being short and having a small beard.

After gazing at this photo for a few moments he once again shifted his gaze to his "mom",he realized something.

"The praise"Once you go black,you never come back"really resonated with this women,because this dude was huge while packing muscle,damn".

He thought as he stood up and placed the photo on the coffee table,next to the dying flower pot.

"She not taking care of it".

He said as he walked away to his bedroom located on the south west side of the house next to shisui room.

As he entered the corridor nearing his room he stopped at the first door two meter away from the corridor,this door lead inside to shisui room,he peaked inside a little bit,but he found nothing interesting only seeing his cousin meditating.

"Mmmm...I wonder what's it's like to be a Shinobi of his caliber".

He said as he left the door and entered his own bedroom,after entering his room,he locked the door as grey fog gathered under his feet and teleported into the serifah castle.

As he entered the castle's large dinning hall,he arleady knew what he had to do as he appeared near the rectangular long table,he pulled out one high chair and sat on it,as he gazed at the two glowing potions Infront of him.

"One which one should I take or should I even take one at all".

He thought as he decided that today was the day he chose either [The Darkness Pathway] or [The Red priest pathway],each side was tempting with their own abilities and application like [The Red priest] abilities ranging from [Crowd control],[Conspiracy],[Provocation and lie's] which these abilities would benefit him in a long term projects along with the [Demoness Pathway] abilities to make his dreams become reality.

But on the other hand[The darkness] also has [Misfortune],[Darkness manipulation],[Concealment] which also could benefit him along with the [Twilight Giant pathway] and [Death Pathway]but not to the extent of [The Red priest] and [Demoness Pathway], [Provocation and lie's] with [instigator],what kind of damage could he do.

Imagine spreading a lie about Hiruzen being the cause of death for both hashirama and tobirama senju.

While also making one up about Danzo the fucker,likes being gangbanged by fifteen sweaty big black men,ohhh,the shame,the shame it would bring to that old bastard.

He arleady knew the right answer but he couldn't just accept it,he wanted to Sun Drip Woo himself,that cool and handsome bastard that dress like a god,turning head's of both female and male.

But alas he picked up the red potion and began to drink it with a tear running down his right cheek.

As after drinking the potion he placed it on the table with a*Bang*as he cried like a baby,face on the table and all.

But what he didn't realize,when he was crying he obtained being the hidden Fourth Pillar,the potions guaranteed being a great old,even though it's stated that one can not become a hidden pillar without destroying the universe meaning he had to separate them.

But the potions ware not made to do so,he unknownly didn't expect information about the uniqueness of both [The river's of Death] and [The city of calamity] serifah fusing with him automatically.

He expected,reality around him to be destroyed,he closed his eyes waiting for the event to happen,but nothing happened.

He opened his eyes slowly and was dumbstruck as nothing happened,he wonder how the universe didn't get destroyed.

Until he read the letter once again,he paused in one line of the letter as he spoke as he quoted.

"Stay in the castle during the process of drinking the potions".

He was once again dumbstruck.

"Your telling that the serifah castle,was upgraded to the point we're it couldn't be be destroyed by merging those two,doesn't that mean it contained or prevented the destruction of everything".

He smiled as he laughed like a mad men, uncontrollable he hit the table multiple times before breaking the thing,his appearance changed.

As now his eye colour turned red and the tip of red on his hair extended a little bit back on his head.

(A/N:I added that just because I wanted to and his family wouldn't notice it that part am to lazy to write in.)

He got up from his sit and teleported back into his room,he his [Door] ability on his door and teleported into the center of konoha coming into a dark corridor.

He changed his appearance as of using one of [The fools pathway] ability the [Faceless],[Shapeshifting] ability to turn his entire body into a different looking child.

Daisuke new appearance consisted of him still being male but with peach colored skin and blondish,green hair using his new abilities he started to run around the village telling people that danzo likes to be gangbanged by fifteen sweaty big black men all oiled up.

At first they doubted this but after using [Provocation and lie's] with [instigator]ability to reinforce his statement,it spread like wild fire,burning an entire forest down without a care.


A few a hour's later as the news spread in the village,in a secret base inside a mount with a tall building and many smaller ones.

In his office at the top of the large building,danzo shimura was sitting on a chair desk Infront with paper work as an anbu member wearing a lion's mask entered the room and kneel of his two knee's and bowed his head.

"Lord Danzo,I have concerning matters to relay to you my lord".

Said the root member with a nervous tone.

"Speak child,I have no time for game's".

Danzo exclaimed in annoyance as he was reading scrolls.

"My lord,it news concerning,it speaks if you in way unbefitting if you my lord".

"I said speak,do not waste my time further everything I do is of great importance for the village".

He gambled in an annoyed tone as one of his root members was wasting time.

"If you commend it my lord,it news surfacing from an unknown source that the villages perceive you as a man who ind....".

The root member explained as danzo left eye went wide eyed.


"So*Cough*Is it true my lord".

The root member asked.

He loudly yelled out in frastration,he was seeding with anger.