

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Your a child

In the Hokage tower connected to the new ninja academy being built.

In his office.

The third Hokage,Hiruzen Sarutobi,was standing by the window pipe in hand with a desk at his back full of paperwork to be done behind him.

He was wearing white robes with a red undershirt and white pants matching his upper half,he also wore black open toed shoes.

(A/N:I'm introducing other fucking shoe's in this universe).

As he stared through the window and witness many people passing each other on the streets of konoha he released at breath of relief as the village was heading to normality again after the nine tails attack.

"*Sigh*am getting to old for this shit".

He exclaimed in a tired expression,as he turned back to sit oh his chair and looked at the paperwork ahead of him.

"Damnit,paperwork my old enemie,seem like we meet again,only after a short period of time apart".

He exclaimed once again,as he was about to begin this battle a knock was heard from the door five meters Infront of him.




"Come in".

He addressed,the person knocking on his door with anticipation.


The knob of the door turned as the door was pushed inside and a teen with black hair wearing a headband on his forehead while wearing a chunin vest with blue slim-fit pants appeared.


Said teen with a smile on his face,this was Asuma Sarutobi the next heir of the Sarutobi Clan,he was slowly approaching his father.

"Asuma,what do you want???".

He spoke with a firm gaze as he stared at his trouble maker son as he interlocked his fingers together,as Asuma appeared Infront the boy spoke with a air of nonchalant.

"Nothing really,I just wanted to inform you about the juicy news spreading in konoha as of lately".

He said,with a smirk forming on his face as he placed both of his hands in his pants pockets.

"If it's doesn't concern the village safety,then I think we have nothing to talk about".

"Come on,you need to relax once in a while, breath some fresh air and enjoy life,being grumpy most of the time isn't good for your health ".

"Asuma if you don't have anything of worth to discuss about,then I suggest you leave so that I could attend to my old enemie".


He replied with confusion on his face.

"No his my rival you know that,*sigh*,no matter,it's just paperwork".

"Ohh ok,speaking of danzo,there are rumors spreading and him liking men to a certain degree,that he invites fifteen sweaty big black oiled up men to have his way with him".

"The fuck you say Asuma!!".

Hiruzen was dumbstruck as he never expected his old friend was a "free spirit " type of person.

"The old man like your self,likes the taste of dark meat,father".

He replied while holding both of his hands to his mouth trying to hold in his laugh but he was "struggling " too.

As he calmed himself down spoke again.

"Am not going to lie,father,but with his personality I never expected him to be so how do I say a"free spirit" taking his of liking to what he wants.

As he finished speaking he turned around to leave the room as his father was still in a dumpstruck state.

Hiruzen lightly sighed as he leaned him back at his chair.


In serifah castle.

Daisuke was rapping up a discussion with Orochimaru on how Hakiri and his goons can be used for the snake man's experiments.

He returned from to his,bedroom as he went out to the dining room to fix himself something to eat.

As he arrived in the kitchen he saw his mother,cousin,aunt and surprisingly his uncle Kai for the first time they all sat in wooden chairs surrounding a circular table.

Kai was a Jonin Shinobi for konoha as he fought in the third great ninja war with his Platoon of fellow Ninja's,his lost his try right leg in the war because of a paper bomb and has been in the hospital for a long time, going in and out as he had a disease that was also adding to the lose of his leg.

"Hey Oji-san,your back".

He expressed a fake smile on his face.

"Yeah,Daisuke my boy temporarily for now".

"Ohhh,yeah I forgot you still need to go the hospital again".

"Yeah,that right but don't worry your Oji-san will survive with the power of money, because damn this medicine is expensive".

He exclaimed with a light banter,only to smacked besides his head by his sister who got up from her chair just to beat him.

"Ouch!!!,sis why did you do that for??".

"Shut up,you shit it's not a laughing and also Daisuke sit down we need to talk about your future".

She said as she went back to her sit and daisuke followed suit,as he sat down in his chair his mother did not waste time as she asked a simple question.

"Daisuke do you want to become a Shinobi???".

"Yeah,daisuke do you want to become a Shinobi".

Shisui added.


"I said,do you want to become a Shinobi?".

"Yeah,why are you asking me that???".

"It's just we want to see,where your mind is at daisuke-kan".

Kana also added her sentiments.

"Yeah you're aunt is just curious Daisuke".

Kai added as he was supporting his statement.

"Ok that's understandable".

"Hey,am the asking questions here,ok,so why do you want to become a Shinobi".

Mia intruded herself in.

"Ohh,it's because it sounds somewhat fun".

He responded without care,but as this words left his lips,everyone hearing this especially his mother,expression changed drastically.

"What do you mean by fun????".

She said as glared at her son intently, causing him to swallow his saliva.

"Mother am,I becoming a Shinobi or not?".

"Why are you asking me can't you figure it out just by your response Daisuke".

"So it's a No on being a Shinobi then".

"You bet you're ass it a no,you'll only be attending the academy just for education and you will not partake in the ninja training as they do am preventing a young life being lost in the family again".

"Why ask this question of me wanting to become a Shinobi then,what purpose does it serve?".

"Your nothing but a child Daisuke,you wouldn't understand daisuke".

"Why do you mean,I wouldn't understand?".

"Because I'll be damned,if you die,at the age of twelve trying to protect the village,your a child,so is shisui you shouldn't be fighting grown men and women or even think about killing,you should be at home wanting to be something greater than a tool for war".

She said,as she also expressed her disagreement with her childs baffling reason for wanting to becoming a Shinobi while expressing her own concerns.

The table became silent as the atmosphere was becoming dense with intensity.

"Ahhh,sis I think we should let dais...".

As Kai was about to finish his sentence,his sister glared at him with killing intent as her three tomoe sharigun were at display.


She glared at him once again,this time using her three tomoe sharigun to put him under pressure.

Even though Daisuke could easily defeat anyone at this point,he wanted to ask something.

"Mom,when you mentioned me killing and dying at a young age,do you expect me to become a cold heartless killer or something".

"No,I don't expect that from you,honey do you understand Daisuke,all am trying to do is protect you??".

She said,as she deactivated her sharigun and looked at her hands as she imagine her hand's full of blood from hundred of people she killed including but not limited two child Shinobi,back in her past and she couldn't bare the thought of an adult viewing her child life as just as something to be killed of regardless of age,this wasn't the warring state's period.

"Ok,I understand you want to protect..."

"I knew you would understand,give mommy a hug".

She sighed in relief as of now she did her job protecting her child and now it was time for shisui,but before that she gestured to daisuke to give her a hug by lifting both her arms up.

"Wait I may not want to be a Shinobi but I still want to learn ninjutsu to protect myself though".

"Mmmmmmm.....I don't see why not".

Shisui added along with his father and mother,but he also asked.

"Why do you want to learn ninjutsu though, besides the self defense thing".

"Ohh,that is it's because....".

(Yow guys I be offline for three to four days school problems sorry but I get back to soon)