

typical reincarnation storyline

GrandLegionThorn · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


As the family finished their discussion Kana,Mia and Shisui began to prepare dinner,this left Daisuke and Kai to their own endeavor's,before dinner was ready.

Daisuke for once decided to explore the Uchiha compound,so after informing his family about him wanting to taking a stroll around the compound,they agreed but told him to be safe.

It was evening heading towards night.

As he left the house,he began to explore the area from north to south,noticing some strange gazes for the Uchihas but he ignored them.

"Weird,why are they looking at me like that,Ohh wait,I have an ability that can read emotions".

He said,expressing curiosity and interest as when he passed by few Uchiha adults giving him the same gaze,he quickly activated his ability.

"Hope,interest and curiosity??That strange I didn't expect the prideful Uchiha to have those sort of emotions towards me.

But whatever I have my own plans,they shouldn't expect me to carry they're hopes and dreams".

He monologued in his mind for a few moments,before heading home,the food was probably ready.

As he turned his body around,and began to walk home,only having two to three more house to pass before arriving home.

His curious gaze meet a Long haired woman and a child who was carrying a bang of vegetables.

The woman was wearing a short,long sleeved dress with sandels,while her child who also had black hair,but a bit shorter was wearing a black turtleneck shirt with grey pant along with sandels.

"Is that Itachi???".

He mattered with a curious yet stoic tone,he stopped his movements for a few moments under a brightly light lamp post before meeting Itachi gaze,who also stopped and meet his gaze with interest,his mother noticing Itachi sudden halt.

"Itachi honey is something wrong??".

She asked with a kind and caring tone.

"Mmmm,ohh,nothing mom it's just that,the kid over there is looking at me strangely".

He said as he pointed his index finger,at daisuke which caused his mother to also notice the child.

"Ohh,It's Daisuke,Mia and Toka child,why is he on his own at this time".

She thought as turned her head back to Itachi who was still starring at the boy.

"Mom,do you think his going to be a great Shinobi,similar to that red haired uncle from before".

He asked his mother with curiosity as he turned his head towards her and meet her eye's.

She in kind responding to her child smiled.

"I don't know,but I hope if he decides to become a Shinobi he can become like his father,but for now let's go home,Sasuke and your father are waiting for us".

She said as she was about to walk towards her home,but Itachi having heard those words coming from his mother about another child,asked her a question.

"Mom do you think you I can become the first Uchiha Hokage,if I become strong enough to protect everyone".

He said,his mother hearing this was momentarily stunned but quickly hid it with a smile as she patted his head gently with her left hand.

"I don't know are you willing to do what ever it takes to become Hokage?".


"Then I believe you wouldn't only be strong then,but also be one of the greatest Hokages,surpassing the previous four Hokages then".

"Do you believe so mom?".

"I know so honey,now let's head home,am worried that you're father is being driven crazy by your baby brother ".

She added,with a giggle leaving her mouth once more,he began to walk as Itachi was about to follow her,everything from his body expect his mind,stood still be it his mother,the cold night breeze and and bird's in the dark,star filled sky it all became still.

"What's going on??".

He thought as he inwardly began to wonder/panic about the event's happening,he surveyed the area and he was meet with cold,chilling and indifferent words which left his mind in a panic.

"Mmmm....Itachi Uchiha,should I kill you?".

The boy who was three to two house away under a lamp post was now meeting his gaze closely.

"What,is he the one doing this???".

He wondered,as he thought maybe this was potentially a genjutsu if some sorts.

Daisuke began to walk around Itachi in a circular motion,analyzing and gauging him before he stop Infront of Itachi face.

He didn't matter a word as he remained stoic and emotionless before deciding to make a door appear,he turned his back towards Itachi opening the door.

Itachi was stunned as he saw a white bright glowing door appearing out of thin while the boy Infront of him,opened it and entered halfway.

Daisuke turning his head slightly back to look at Itachi one more time,snapped his thumb and middle finger together as he disappeared into the door and everything went back to normal.

Itachi regaining his sense of movements and touch stood still,frozen out of his own will turned his head to his mother who was walking away as nothing happened.


In the war room in konoha.

Four individual sat on of red comfy chair with a small,four cornered rectangle table separating them.

These individuals were hiruzen Sarutobi the Hokage,Danzo shimura his shadow Hokage Koharu Utatane,and Homura Mitocado the elders if konohagakure and both Danzo and Hiruzen childhood friends.

They all had serious expression as it looked to be a discussion about a serious conversation.

Danzo the bandaged old man spoke.

"Hiruzen,we need new Shinobi to bolster konoha forces,after that nights attack we are at risk of being attacked by other neighboring villages,with the academy being already being completely built,we need Shinobi to protect konoha".

"I agree,the situation is not in our favor but we can not send children to the front line's to protect the village,Our sensei emphasized that children not ready for battle should stay out of it!".

Hiruzen said as in full authority,he voiced his opinion about the matter at hand,the went back and forth with each of until a suggestion was made.

"Let's put this to a vote then".

Koharu added as Homura also added his observation.


They both agreed.

"All in favor of danzo plan,please raise your hand's?".

Koharu uttered as she raid her left hand along with Danzo and Homura.

"Then it's decided then,Danzo we support your idea but we have to make sure that these children are ready for battle first,now on to another matter that needs discussion.

The host of the nine tails,Naruto Uzumaki,only being an infant at the moment needs to be discussed about!!!!".

Homura said as the conversation changed to another serious matter.

"*Piissshh*Danzo,Danzo is the information about you"fighting" fifteen sweaty big black oiled up men true".

Hiruzen asked in a whispered tone as he leaned his face closer to danzo as his abdomen stressed outward.

(A/N:if some of you are wondering how he can do that Daisuke I mean the fools pathway gave him time manipulation abilities along with him being able to have infinity Chakra/spiritual power because of the Scholar of yore,when he access the historical void he can infinitely borrow Charka from his past self which is a lot of chakra considering his half uzumaki and still has potential to grow").