
Naruto: Mihawk Template

Transmigrated into the Naruto world with nothing but Mihawk's Template, follow Ryujiro as he forges his path to power in the world of shinobi. If you want to support me and read advance chapters, please visit: patreon.com/plotplanner

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Chapter 50: Long Time No See, Itachi

The bold posture of Tsunade made Ryujiro involuntarily take a deep breath.

The striking presence caught Ryujiro's eye. 

Despite Tsunade being in her fifties, due to ninjutsu, her appearance remained youthful, even her figure showed no signs of change from her early years, except for that massive…..

"Kid, where are your eyes wandering?" Tsunade noticed Ryujiro's gaze and looked at him with a stern look.

Ryujiro coughed awkwardly. "You're just too bold, Lady Tsunade."

"You little brat!" Tsunade glared at Ryujiro angrily, as if she was about to teach him a lesson.

Shizune, noticing the situation, quickly intervened. "Lady Tsunade, please remember your position. You're the Fifth Hokage."

"And... what Ryujiro said is right. You should also consider your own image."

"Shizune, you!" Tsunade gave Shizune an irritated look but then settled back into her seat.

"I wonder what the Hokage-sama wants to see me for," Ryujiro sat on the sofa, showing no respect towards the Hokage.

Tsunade's lips twitched slightly. This kid really doesn't take her, the Fifth Hokage, seriously.

"Do you remember what I said before?"

"As long as I become the Fifth Hokage, I'll let me join the Anbu. Since the disbandment of Root, I plan to expand the Anbu."

"Ryujiro, join Anbu as a captain."

Anbu captain...

Shizune's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at Ryujiro.

"How about it, kid?" Tsunade looked at Ryujiro meaningfully.

"Okay, I'll take that position as captain," Ryujiro unexpectedly agreed.

Even Tsunade was taken aback. In her opinion, Ryujiro wouldn't agree so easily.

As Tsunade was still processing, she sighed and ran her hand through her hair, looking at Ryujiro with some annoyance. "Kid, you're unpredictable!"



"Forget it, it's nothing."

Tsunade decided not to say anything more.

"Now that you've agreed, you'll join as the captain of a squad."

"You should have some understanding of the Anbu by now, right?"

Ryujiro nodded lightly.

"Once you're in the Anbu, you can't act under your own name. Before that, think of a code name."

A code name, huh?

After pondering for a moment, Ryujiro said, "Hawk."


Tsunade didn't understand the significance of Ryujiro choosing this code name.

"Then you'll be called Hawk. Report to Anbu in three days, and I'll show you your team members."

Ryujiro nodded without any objection.

After Ryujiro left, Tsunade muttered to herself, her chin resting on her hand, "What a strange kid."

Ryujiro agreed to join the Anbu for a simple reason: it's a unique organization under the command of the Hokage.

The tasks performed by the Anbu are mostly covert, either assassination missions, espionage, or protecting the Hokage.

The main responsibility of the Anbu is to protect the Hokage.

Moreover, at this time, the situation in the ninja world is becoming more unstable.

Recently, the Hidden Sand Village seems to have sent an envoy to negotiate with the Konoha Village.

The voices of the villagers naturally oppose negotiation with the Hidden Sand Village, especially those whose families were destroyed by the Sand and Sound ninjas.

They wished that the Konoha village could wipe out the Sand Village.

But such actions would undoubtedly lead to war between the two countries.

Now that Tsunade has succeeded as the Hokage, the village elders were discussing negotiation matters.

Ryujiro hopes to undertake more dangerous missions to help him quickly progress in his role.

Everything that is happening now is happening much earlier than in the original storyline. 

Orochimaru has already died at his own hands, and it's unknown if Sasuke will still defect from the village.


At this moment, Ryujiro suddenly stopped in his tracks. This aura...

He's back.

In an instant, Ryujiro's figure disappeared, leaving only a faint afterimage in place.

"You're not from this village, why are you here?" 

Asuma and Kurenai looked solemnly at the mysterious ninja in front of them, wearing a straw hat and a red cloud cloak.

The pressure and aura emanating from these two individuals were truly intimidating.

"It's been a long time."

"Asuma-san, Kurenai-san."

The moment Itachi removed his hat, Asuma and Kurenai's faces changed instantly.

"It's you!"

"Itachi Uchiha!"

The instant they saw Itachi's red eyes, Asuma and Kurenai broke out in a cold sweat.

As Itachi introduced himself, Kisame also removed his straw hat, his shark-like eyes filled with hostility, adding even more pressure on Asuma and Kurenai.

"You S-rank rogue ninjas appearing in the village, what are you planning?"

Asuma had already taken out his kunai.

"Itachi-san, can I kill this man?"

"Kisame, don't forget our purpose. Don't cause too much trouble."

"Alright, let's see if you're worthy of being taken down."

A battle was about to erupt. Asuma resisted the attacks from Kisame, but Kisame's monstrous strength made Asuma's face pale.

Coupled with the lack of physical strength, a piece of flesh was cut off from Asuma's right arm leaving a large chunk of flesh, blood continuously flowing. 

Asuma covered the wound on his right arm, looking at Kisame with a grim face.

Careless, he didn't expect the opponent's weapon to be so strange.

Kurenai used Genjutsu against Itachi, which was simply futile in front of Itachi. Because when it came to Genjutsu, who could surpass Itachi?

When rebounded by Genjutsu, she managed to break free from it through self-harm, but still got kicked away by Itachi.

Just as Itachi was about to make another move, he suddenly stopped, his actions becoming somewhat solemn as he looked at the figure that had suddenly appeared before him.

Ryujiro looked at Itachi and Kisame with a faint smile.

"Long time no see, Itachi."


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