
Naruto: Light of Konoha

What happend in early years of konha? Is Third Hokage really usless and weak? Slice of life type story. Lets immerse in dream world of Fiction. Support me on Pat-reon: patreon .com/FantasyDreamers29

FantasyDreamers · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Hiruzen came home and silently opened the door.

Not seeing anyone in sight he tiptoes towards the washroom.

There he took out the wet underwear from under his t-shirt and hung it up to dry.

And from there he took dry underwear and put it on.


After that, he tiptoe back towards the main gate. This time he purposely closed the door with force.

Kana peaked out of the kitchen and after she saw Hiruzen she called him,

"Come help me in the kitchen"

Hiruzen who has a guilty conscience doesn't deny that and walks toward the kitchen.

"Mom, is Dad at home?"

"Well he is, but you have to help me a bit first"

She didn't tell him about Sato so as not to ruin the surprise for him.

Then she instructed him to chop the vegetables.

"I hate vegetables "

Hiruzen murmured under his breath.

As Kana took out two knives and wanted to sharpen them.

"I will do this", Hiruzen quickly takes knives from his mom and rubs the edges of the knifes towards each other.

After putting down the other knife, he begins to peel off vegetables first and chop them later. One after another cut all the vegetables.

After he was done.

Kana seeing him done smiled and said, "Well, if you hate vegetables, then please help me make juice, dear."

She almost couldn't contain her laughter after seeing his angry face.

Then she picks up a wooden pestle and gave it to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen snatched away the pestle with force.

After that, he puts down the pestle and brings oranges and a bowl.

First, he cuts the orange in half, then squeezes while rubbing, taking the juice out of the bowl.

Then pick up a wooden pestle and stir inside, taking out the remaining juice.

After he was done with the juice, he simply took out a piece of cucumber from the salad plate and swiftly left the kitchen.


Sasuke and Sato came out of the study room and saw Hiruzen walk out of the kitchen.

As Hiruzen saw Sato, he was stunned for a few moments then,

"Ahhh! Kill!!!"

Yelled and rushed out towards Sato.

Seeing him like this, Sato acts like he has gotten frightened and waves his hands in front of his face.

Hiruzen straightened his palm and gave a chop on Sato's waist.

Sato clutched his waist and knelt, asking in a sobbing voice, "Sorry, Please forgive me, lord, What have I done?"

Hiruzen secretly rubbed his palm, but instead of decreasing pain shot up after touching it.

Hiruzen lifted Sato's T-shirt there he saw chainmail armor, and his eyes almost popped out seeing armor.

Then he looked at his red palm, then chainmail armor, and then Sato's miserable face.

Sasuke who was at the side turned his face away. 'He is not my son, yep he is definitely not my son.'

Hiruzen rolls his eyes and said to his father,

"Dad, why is Uncle Sato this weak, he just fell by my chop"

Sasuke acts as if didn't see his previous actions and rubs his smooth chin,

"Hmm, maybe the floor is too smooth"

Sato quickly jumped up and said, "What are you talking about I'm just playing along"

Sasuke said, "Well, I will not talk about this to anyone, but you should increase your diet "

Hiruzen pretended to be serious and also nodded.

Sato seeing Hiruzen acting said loudly,

"You monkey, I'll teach you a lesson "

Hiruzen also pulled out his wooden kunai,

"Bring it on, who is afraid of whom "

Hiruzen thrusts forward his kunai.

Sato just pushed his finger toward Hiruzen's forehead and kept out of his attack range.

"Huh, now jump around "

"Ahh! Stop messing with me"

Hiruzen just flings his arms around but is unable to touch Sato.

Frustrated he backed away.

"Teach me how to fight"

Unable to get any advantage Hiruzen said with conviction.

Sato took a deep look at Hiruzen, then he looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke just shrugs his shoulders, indicating that he has no intentions of participating.

Sato looked at Hiruzen helplessly, then circled around him.

Hiruzen felt uncomfortable all over by his judging eyes and his body reacted involuntarily.

"Look at you, jumping like a monkey, you can't do it."

"No, I wanna learn, I'm serious "

Hiruzen said again with determination.

"Look at yourself, you're smaller than an average like a malnourished child", Sato takes a jab at Sasuke.

"Sword is too heavy, kunai is too short, then..." He looks around, and find nothing suitable. Then his gaze fell on the window.

"Come with me"

Sato strode outside and Hiruzen followed him.


Catch cold and mild headaches

Lost touch with story, haaa...

Long story short, comment, or gimme power stone or something. Give me some motivation.

Well, have fun.