
Naruto: Gate Of All Dimensions

My name is Asakura Hao,and I have traversed to the Naruto world without kekkei genkai. But! I didn't expect that I got the Gate Of All Dimensions! Not only did I get the Flame Devil Fruit,but also a bunch of other items from other worlds. Things are starting to get interesting! ..... (Uses [Naruto: the law of the devil] as a foundation,you can check that out if you want, Will gradually change more in the future of the story) Read chapters ahead at www.p@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Admission! Start of Ninja School!

"This is?!"

Looking at the amazing scene in front of him, Hao opened his mouth in amazement.

After standing for a long time, he finally reacted, with a look of surprise on his face, "I see!!"

He figured it out!

What he successfully cultivated was not the Rasengan of Naruto Uzumaki!

It's the Rasengan of Boruto Uzumaki, the son of Naruto Uzumaki!

Readers who have read the Boruto manga all know that the Rasengan of Uzumaki Boruto is different, compared to Naruto's.

Not only can it be thrown out, and be used a long-range attack, but it will become invisible as if it is disappearing halfway, even the Byakugan cannot see it.

"It's really interesting..."

"I didn't expect to cultivate this special Rasengan!"

After figuring it out, Hao sat on the ground due to being tired , but his face had an unconcealable excitement.

It's year 44 of Konoha.

The genius ninja Hatake Kakashi created Chidori when he became a Jounin at the age of twelve.

And the 'Yellow Flash' Minato Namikaze, that has not yet become the Fourth Hokage, has not yet developed the Rasengan.

That is to say, Hao is now the 'creator' of the two protagonists' signature skills, Chidori and Rasengan!

"Rasengan that will disappear..."

"It's too long. I'll just call it Vanishing Rasengan!"

After practice, he lay directly on the grass.

Through the mottled and fine branches in the woods, looking at the blue and clear sky of Konoha , He gave a good name to the Rasengan that he completed.

After all, in the world of Naruto...

There is nothing that can't be solved by the Rasengan, If so, make it a little bigger. (lol)


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Konoha orphanage

Outside the wooden house a crowd of orphans surrounded Hao, cheering him on.

"I really envy you..."



Among the children in the Konoha orphanage..

Urushi, who usually has the best relationship with Hao, cheered Hao on loudly.

"After going to Ninja School, you should work hard!"

"After all, you are the most talented guy in our orphanage!"

Although he usually refuses to accept defeat, it can be seen that Urushi still admires Hao's talent and hard work very deeply in his heart.

"Wow, we can't bear to part with you Hao!''

Needless to say, the little girls in the orphanage, who are Hao's 'loyal fans',because of his handsome face and strong strength, showed their reluctant expressions.

"Don't exaggerate so much, you guys..."

Looking at Urushi and others in front of him who were reluctant to part with him, the corners of Hao's mouth twitched, he said gently, "I'm just going to Ninja School, it's not like I'm disappearing... I'll be back tonight."

"Hao, I'm sorry."

"On such an important day today, I can't accompany you to the entrance ceremony..."

At this time, Yakushi Nono, standing next to him, apologised to him.

Here gentle face is a little haggard. Recently, Konoha often has injured ninjas from the front line gathering outside the village.

As a medical ninja, she has been treating ninjas who came back from front-line's injuries recently and earning money, to fund the orphanage.

"Don't be silly, dean."

Facing the apologetic Yakushi Nono, Hao comforted her like an adult comforting a child.

"It's just an admission. It's not a big deal!"

After saying that, in the sight of Yakushi Nono , Urushi and other orphans..

The small figure of Hao disappeared directly into the woods, with his white cloak covering his small body, fluttering in the wind.


Ninja School.

A few buildings with yellow tiles on with white walls.

It is not far from the Hokage office building.

It says the words "Konoha Ninja School".

A banner has been spread in front of the school - [welcome to the admission ceremony!]

The door was open, and two Chuunin ninjas stood at the door doing reception work. The school playground was full of parents and children who came to sign up for school.

"A lot of people..."

He simply went to the counter of the admission information department, and submitted his own information and application form.

He looked around curiously, the huge playground of the ninja school was crowded with ninja parents and their children.

Occasionally, Hao also saw some familiar faces in his memory from the plot.

"I don't know if that guy has come to school today?"

Looking around, he didn't see Uchiha Sishui's figure. Hao couldn't help mutter to himself.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Hao saw a familiar figure coming in from the door of the Ninja School.


"I knew it! I know you will definitely appear today!"

From the crowd, you can see Hao with his outstanding appearance at a glance.

Uchiha Sishui squeezed directly through the crowd to Hao.

"Are you... also coming to school alone today?"

Seeing Uchiha Shisui appear, Hao smiled.

However, Hao couldn't help but hesitate to see that Sishui in front of him, was not accompanied by his parents.


Shisui's eyes dimmed. "Yes, my grandpa died on the battlefield when my father was very young..."

"And my parents also died when I was very young..."

After explaining it in a relaxed tone, he saw that Shisui's face regained his usual cheerful smile and looked at Hao, "So, I was brought up by my grandmother."

"I'm sorry."

He didn't expect that the always gentle and cheerful Shisui in front of him..

Unexpectedly, has such a miserable experience. Hao was stunned and immediately apologized.

Yeah... How can I forget this?

Shisui is the grandson of Uchiha Kagami... His family has long been ''out'' of this world.

"It's okay."

Seeing Hao apologized, Shisui smiled carelessly, instead looked at Hao, who came alone in front of him, showing a trace of doubt.

"Hao, are you alone too?"

"Well..." Facing Sishui's doubtful eyes, Hao was stunned and immediately smiled.

"Yes, I'm an orphan brought back by the dean from the Konoha Orphanage."

He even was a orphan in his previous life.

"So, that's how it is."

Hearing this, Sishui suddenly realized..

Looking at the talented Hao in front of him, Shisui's eyes couldn't help but cherish him more.

Indeed, both of them are talented kids.

The same tragic life-experience can indeed bring the two closer.


"How handsome! It seems that among the newcomers of this class, there are some handsome guys!!"

And when Hao and Shisui were talking..

In the teaching building of the Ninja School, the windows are already full of people.

Looking at the handsome Hao on the playground and the sunny Shisui, a group of girls have already started to gather.

"That Curly brunette's smile is so cute!!"

There was a girl covering her chest in exaggeration, there were even hearts in here eyes....

"I don't like that guy's nose..."

"Look at the long haired one! He's so handsome!!"

However, several other girls put forward completely different opinions.

One by one, there were blushes on their faces, and it seemed like they would suffocate at anytime..

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Just noticed that I dont have 15k words yet.. thats why no1 seems to be reading my fic yet... grind to 15k continues!

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