
Naruto: Gate Of All Dimensions

My name is Asakura Hao,and I have traversed to the Naruto world without kekkei genkai. But! I didn't expect that I got the Gate Of All Dimensions! Not only did I get the Flame Devil Fruit,but also a bunch of other items from other worlds. Things are starting to get interesting! ..... (Uses [Naruto: the law of the devil] as a foundation,you can check that out if you want, Will gradually change more in the future of the story) Read chapters ahead at www.p@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Vanishing Rasengan!

''I'ts done...this is..."

"Chidori, the signature skill of Sasuke?"

He stared at the highly condensed violent current on his left hand.

Hao only felt that the cells of his whole body were activated by this powerful Lightning Release chakra.


As he spoke, Hao's figure turned into an electric light and disappeared in place in an instant.


In a blink of an eye, a roar sounded in the air, and when Hao's figure appeared again...

The tree about ten meters away in front of him has been blown off by the ''thousand of birds'' that kept singing in his hand!

"What a powerful technique..."

The violent current in his hand gradually dissipated.

Looking at the powerful destructive power caused by Chidori in front of him, Hao couldn't help but marvel.

But as he felt that he consumed about 20% of his chakra in an instant, Hao's face couldn't help but smile in bitterness.

"This consumption of Chakra is not something an ordinary Genin can afford.''

Although he advanced to the level of Genin Chakra..

Moreover, after the transformation of the flame fruit, and the perfect growth potion, Hao's body is no longer an ordinary human body , his chakra amount is more than several times that of an ordinary Genin.

However, Chidori, a super-high level Thunder Release Ninjutsu, still consumes about twenty percent of his chakra at once.

You must know, even Uchiha Sasuke, who fought against Gaara in the Chuunin exams, can only use Chidori twice a day.


"What an extraordinary talent and perseverance..."

After seeing Hao's excellent talent and amazing perseverance, he heard Lilith sigh, "I'm starting to like you a little...''

"Like me? Come on..."

"Aren't you looking forward to it? My soul being swallowed by the Gate Of All Dimensions?''

Hearing the enchanting and charming words of the Lilith his ear, Hao's face smiled bitterly. He would not be stupid enough to take Lilith's words seriously.

"Giggle~... That depends on whether you can survive successfully in this world."

Hearing Hao's words, the Lilith giggled and kept laughing. "As you know, you are not the first person to wake me up."

"It's just that the previous guys were so useless that they were killed ,even if they had got a powerful ability, even stronger than your flame devil fruit...''

"So after their death, I seized their souls and offered them to the Gate Of All Dimensions... In retrospect, it was really pathetic..."

She has an extremely sexy and enchanting voice, but her words were very shocking, and Hao heard Lilith sneer in his mind. "Don't doubt that there is such rubbish in the world, and there are more than one."

"So, keep practicing and live well in this world!"

After saying that.

The voice of Lilith gradually dissipated.

She seems to fall asleep again.

"So that's it..."

"It seems that there were still a few unlucky guys before me..."

After listening to Lilith's words, Hao stood still and muttered to himself.

He couldn't help but have some seconds of silence for the 'brothers' who had been eaten by the Gate before.

"But in this case..."

"I have another reason not to relax!''

He seems to be stimulated by the words of Lilith just now, Hao's eyes became more firm.

"In three days, it will be the admission of Ninja School."

"At least until then, finish another ninjutsu..."

Feeling that his chakra is gradually recovering...

Hao gritted his teeth and mobilized all the Chakras in his body to rotate in the palm of his right hand.

"The first three stages of cultivation have been completed."

''Only the last stage is remaining! Success or failure in one fell swoop!"

Accompanied by the highly concentrated eyes of Hao.

Blue chakra keeps rotating and condensing in the palm of the Hao's right hand.

Countless violent Chakra cyclones came out, and a sphere, bursting with pale blue chakra light gradually appeared in the hand of Hao.

That's right!

What Hao is practicing next...

It is the Rasengan! , the unique ninjutsu of the Fourth Hokage' Yellow Flash' Minato Namikaze!

The cultivation method and principles of Rasengan have been explained very clearly in the plot.

In the past six months...

In addition to the development of flame fruit ability and the cultivation of physical skills, Hao has successfully completed the first three stages of practicing the Rasengan.

So today, Hao not only will cultivate Chidori, but also the Rasengan, and will win the signature ninjutsu of the two protagonists, Sasuke and Naruto in the original works!

First of all, Rasengan is a sealless ninjutsu.

It is very suitable for ninjas like Hao who will fight at high speed in the future.

It is a powerful A-level ninjutsu developed by the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, inspired by the Tailed Beast Ball.

I believe that those who have seen Naruto, have the impression that the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, only knows how to use the Flying Thunder God technique and the Rasengan.

But in fact, Minato doesn't just use the Flying Thunder God technique and the Rasengan..

His Chakra has three attributes: thunder, wind and fire, and can do many mainstream ninjutsu, as well as sage arts of Mount Myōboku.

But Minato's combat style is extremely fast, and handseals are a waste of time for him, so he rarely uses other ninjutsu.

Although Hao does not have time and space ninjutsu, which can be called a bug like the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God....

However, the combat system that Hao envisions for himself in the future: - whether it is high-speed abilities like physical skills and flame fruit, or the abilities he might get in/develop in the future, it is doomed that most mainstream ninjutsu that need to use handseals will not be suitable for him.

Therefore, Hao also wants to try to build on the sealless ninjutsu of Rasengan.

Inject his own Chakra nature change, and create his own powerful ninjutsu!

However, before reaching the Jounin ninja level Chakra, Hao had no way to inject chakra attribute changes into the Rasengan for the time being.

"It worked!"

With the unremitting efforts of Hao.

A group of light that is constantly emitting a blue Chakra cyclone, finally appeared in the palm of Hao's right hand.


"Why do I feel that this Rasengan is different from the protagonist Naruto?"

He didn't have time to feel excited, and looked at the Rasengan that successfully condensed in his hand.

Hao felt that it seemed to be a little different from the Rasengan of Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist in the original works, but he doesn't seem to know what the difference is.

"Just try it and I will naturally know."

With this idea, Hao subconsciously threw out the Rasengan in his hand.

Yes, thrown out.

Hao's eyes stared, after throwing out his Rasengan...

A whirlwind emanated slightly in mid-air, and soon the Rasengan disappeared into the air.


He saw the Rasengan thrown out of his hand disappear halfway in the air.

Hao widened his eyes slightly, he couldn't help feel a little depressed.


But just then...

The whole ground under his feet seemed to shake!

In Hao's amazed eyes..

The Rasengan that had disappeared actually appeared again!

It burst out amazing power and directly broke the whole tree in front of him in the distance!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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