
Naruto: Gate Of All Dimensions

My name is Asakura Hao,and I have traversed to the Naruto world without kekkei genkai. But! I didn't expect that I got the Gate Of All Dimensions! Not only did I get the Flame Devil Fruit,but also a bunch of other items from other worlds. Things are starting to get interesting! ..... (Uses [Naruto: the law of the devil] as a foundation,you can check that out if you want, Will gradually change more in the future of the story) Read chapters ahead at www.p@treon.com/Flame_Spirit

Flame_Spirit · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Cutest girl in the school

"Damn it..."

"What's so great about them? They are just a little bit more handsome than us..."

"If there is a chance later, we should teach them a lesson!"

A group of girls shouted like some fangirls, which immediately caused strong dissatisfaction among a group of boys next to them.

"Shh... keep your voice down!"

"That curly black haired kid is not an ordinary person..."

"I think you should have heard of him, the genius of the Uchiha clan, Shisui."

But soon, another boy next to him lowered his voice to remind him.

"N-Na... Nani!!?

"That kid! He is the genius of the Uchiha clan Shisui?!"

Obviously, this boy has also heard of Uchiha Shisui's name.

Shisui, which has shown his amazing talent since his childhood, has become a well-known prodigy of Konoha's family at such a small age, just like Kakashi in the past.

"Since the genius of the Uchiha clan is not easy to mess with..."

"Then we can 'clean' up that golden eyed kid after school.."

Just then, a malicious voice sounded behind them.

"What do you think of this suggestion?"

"Hayato-senpai, as well as the Kotetsu-senpai and Izumo-senpai..."

A boy with brown hair and looks about eight years old, said to them.

His eyes were a little resentful staring at Hao, who signed up for Ninja School on the playground outside the window.

"That's okay..."

"It happens that we also want to see what's so special about him.."

There are three boys sitting casually on the desk of the ninja classroom.

One has black-haired with bangs covering his right cheek, and one has long black hair like a hedgehog.

He played with two kunai in his hand, looking like a ninja school bully.

Only the boy sitting between them didn't talk, he has a pair of thick dark circles around his eyes, it looked like he was sick.


"They are going to bully that boy.... Aren't you going to stop them?"

It seems that the conversation between those bullies was overheard.

Anko Mitarashi was sitting on the desk carelessly next to the bullies, with a narrow smile on the corners of her mouth, and turned her head and looked at the beautiful girl with dark curly hair next to her.

"Even if they normally act like bad boys..."

"It's too much to bully a newcomer who has just entered school today!"

Hearing the words of the Mitarashi Anko, the girl sitting in a chair in a regular way next to her, replied with a trace of helplessness in her voice, her big ruby eyes flashing in anger.

"Anko, accompany me to stop them after school!"

Long dark curly hair, fair and flawless face, big ruby eyes and bright red lips.

It is the character that got widowed right after getting pregnant in the original work.. - Kurenai Yuhi

Izumo and Kotetsu are famous for harassing beautiful girls and are school bullies in the Ninja School.

"Oh? Do you care about that newcomer so much... Haha!"

"Kurenai, do you like that golden eyed kid, like those fan girls?!"

Seeing Kurenai's reaction, Anko had a cunning smile on her face and opened her mouth to tease her.


Kurenai Yuhi, who was teased by Anko Mitarashi, suddenly became ashamed.

Soon, the two girls laughed and giggled together.

The most beautiful girls of the Ninja School smiled together, which stunned the the boys around them.


Students! Congratulations on your admission!"

"You will all become great ninjas in the future inheriting the Will Of Fire..."

Hao, right now, feels like falling asleep at anytime.

At this moment, he is standing on the playground of the Ninja School with all parents and children.

He looked bored at the old man wearing a red and white Hokage hat and a white Hokage robe in front of him, having a long speech on the stage.

"It's really boring..."

"Is this old man really the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is the longest Hokage in office.."

Looking at the Third Hokage, standing on the high platform presiding over the admission ceremony of Ninja School.

The clear eyes golden eyes of Hao, couldn't help but show a trace of curiosity.

Hao, if not for the plot, would really think that the Third Hokage in front of him is an ordinary old man, not the famous "Proffesor" or "God of Shinobi".

Ninja School was founded by Konoha's Second Hokage Tobirama Senju.

At that time, it was wartime. In order to ensure the stability and efficiency of combat effectiveness and education, a ninja school was specially established for all ninjas to practice the most basic techniques.

After the basic studies in Ninja School, Ninjas will be promoted to Genin.

They would be assigned to different groups to practice with teachers, accepted tasks suitable for their combat-levels, therefore bringing out a lot of talent in the village.

According to Hao's understanding.

Konoha Ninja School is mainly divided into five stages: enrollment-learning the basics-combat-application-graduation.

As long as you pass these five stages, you can successfully become a real ninja and go out to perform tasks and become a Genin.

And in this age, the Third Ninja War is in full swing.

Every ninja student in the ninja school will have their studies as short as possible.

In order to strive to deliver more combat effectiveness(fodder) to the front line of Konoha in the shortest time.

Finally, after more than an hour long speech..

"The following are the students in Class 3: Yamanaka Kazuya, Hyuga Setsuna, Akimichi Ono, Nara Toshihara , Asakura Hao,..."

The Hokage on the stage finally mentioned the class division of this year's Ninja School students.

"I'am not in the same class with Shisui?"

"But among the students in my class, there are many children from large families..."

Hearing that he and Shisui were assigned to two different ninja classes, Hao was a little surprised.

But when he saw so many children of the large families in Konoha in Class 3, Hao couldn't help but have a little more interest.

"It's a pity that I couldn't assign to the same class as you,Hao."

After the admission ceremony, Shisui came to Hao's face and said with some regret.

"Anyway, we are in the same Ninja School. We will see each other a lot more in the future."

"See you tomorrow."

In the face of Shisui in front of him, who looked regretful, Hao did not care so much.

After waving goodbye to Shishui.

Hao embarked on the way back to the Konoha Orphanage.

"Stop right there! Stinky boy!"

"If you don't want to be beaten, hand over everything you have!"

But not far from the ninja school...

The noise from the path next to him attracted Hao's attention.

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Finally 15k words! I can rest today..

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